Ole Roy's, got it made...or hush money...

This is not normal. UNC will eat millions. I can't believe Roy will stay when the Infractions Committee hands down the punishment...but I was wrong about Syracuse and their stupidity level... They really need to put a show cause tag on him or apologize to Kelvin Sampson and Bruce Pearl.
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Only Roy could fall into a pile of dog doo and come out smelling like a rose. smh o_O

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Eventually you would think the NCAA would say to themselves, "why are we trying to save this dungpile of a school?"
Business as usual, nothing to see here folks, pay no attention to those folks on Rupps Rafters or all the other screaming fans from other college programs who have been over punished for less:uzi:
Here's another link that breaks down his contract a little more:


"Williams could receive additional compensation if UNC's men's basketball team achieves the following:
  • $75,000 for the men’s basketball team posting an annual Academic Progress Rate of 975 (out of 100) or higher"
So does Roy closely follow the academic progress of his players or not?
So is Roy responsible for the academics of his players or not? Un-friggin-real.
Roy admitted he knows nothing about his player's grades.

Sounds like Bubba is the fool here for promoting this....
I got this off Pack Pride. Apparently Roy told a 2016 recruit that "there was very little likelihood that any punishment would be handed down to the team specifically".

DurtyD wrote: Taken from IC:

"Coach Williams told him (Sacha) that there will be no significant impediments to his eligibility to play at UNC, in the post season, or anything else coming from the NCAA case," Ley Killeya-Jones told Inside Carolina.

"Reggie and I asked more specific questions about the accreditation issue and the NCAA and NOA and how these might affect the men's basketball team," she said. "We were assured as far as possible that there was very little likelihood that any punishment would be handed down to the team specifically."
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There is no shame at Carolina. They have essentially said we will do as we please however we please, and, if you don't like it, you can kiss it.
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Williams deserves criticism but this scandal's origin lies in the graves of Dean Smith, Bill Guthridge and a host of administrators who either helped create the idea or made it SOP.
Williams deserves criticism but this scandal's origin lies in the graves of Dean Smith, Bill Guthridge and a host of administrators who either helped create the idea or made it SOP.

Let's be fair and clear. This has an awful lot to do with the racism of low expectation, as expressed by MLK himself, but on the part of the elitist, pandering, voter block herding intellectuals. It was a two way street. The academics didn't care, because they don't honestly believe those kids can do the work to begin with, and they want them to have a degree that they probably feel the players deserved without the work anyway. For anyone to believe that mass academic fraud can happen in an academic institution for DECADES and it not be part of the academic culture itself is hilarious. While is shouldn't excuse the athletic side of it, it should be said. All of those players should lose their scholarships if this can be proven.

Create a fake classes and mask them under the disguise of " African American Studies" where everyone will be terrified to touch it. Just look at how long it worked. It's all the proof you need.
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UNC has not learned a single lesson in this sordid mess except to cheat better next time . They have zero intentions of changing their cheating ways , if the NCAA gives it a pass then UNC will be equivalent to a lifetime criminal . They will cheat unabated and become emboldened by escaping with no harm done to their precious . UNC needs rehabilitation , there is an unhealthy environment in North Carolina that is encouraging them to run amok of the rules . Those people are using their legal system and abusing public offices to protect a basketball team , they need a timeout .
Let's be fair and clear. This has an awful lot to do with the racism of low expectation, as expressed by MLK himself, but on the part of the elitist, pandering, voter block herding intellectuals. It was a two way street.
It was? A widespread conspiracy by the intellectuals huh? lmao
It was? A widespread conspiracy by the intellectuals huh? lmao

What? You don't think UNC academics helped to create this issue, as well as look the other way from it for their own idiotic agenda?

And for the record, I have no idea why it can't be both an academic AND athletic issue. It's like you have to believe in one or the other if you believe in punishment. It's ridiculous.
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UNC has not learned a single lesson in this sordid mess except to cheat better next time . They have zero intentions of changing their cheating ways , if the NCAA gives it a pass then UNC will be equivalent to a lifetime criminal . They will cheat unabated and become emboldened by escaping with no harm done to their precious . UNC needs rehabilitation , there is an unhealthy environment in North Carolina that is encouraging them to run amok of the rules . Those people are using their legal system and abusing public offices to protect a basketball team , they need a timeout .

Not to just protect the basketball team, but to protect the institution of cheating itself. UNC is probably handing out fake degrees in way more department than one.
The Civil Rights movement was won in the 60's. The farthest this chapter goes back is the 90's. Blacks had thousands upon thousands of legitimate degrees in colleges all over the country by then. Intellectuals didn't have a war to fight. The jocks in the athletic department were the ones with a need and with a compliant administrator or two, got what they needed.

Next conspiracy theory please.
The Civil Rights movement was won in the 60's. The farthest this chapter goes back is the 90's. Blacks had thousands upon thousands of legitimate degrees in colleges all over the country by then. Intellectuals didn't have a war to fight. The jocks in the athletic department were the ones with a need and with a compliant administrator or two, got what they needed.

Next conspiracy theory please.

You think the academia in the 60's are equivalent to the academia of the 21st century? These quacks in universities today are a completely different breed than that of the times you are referencing.

Massive academic fraud of this magnitude for DECADES does not happen without the university being completely in loop with the activities. I have two undergraduate diplomas from Memphis and am contemplating graduate school next season. I lived through the current academic climate. Lots of intellectuals believe there should be different rules for different people, and this kind of crap is an offshoot of the mindset. I wasn't surprised at all when all of this started to be uncovered.

Again,what part of believing UNC academia helped to create this means its NOT an athletic issue as well? I personally think the scholarships should be yanked and the school should have serious repercussions.(athletically as well as academically) My degrees were not obtained easily, and this kind of crap makes me want to jump out of a window.
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You think the academia in the 60's are equivalent to the academia of the 21st century? These quacks in universities today are a completely different breed than that of the times you are referencing.

Massive academic fraud of this magnitude for DECADES does not happen without the university being completely in loop with the activities. I have two undergraduate diplomas from Memphis and am contemplating graduate school next season. I lived through the current academic climate. Lots of intellectuals believe there should be different rules for different people, and this kind of crap is an offshoot of the mindset. I wasn't surprised at all when all of this started to be uncovered.

Again,what part of believing UNC academia helped to create this means its NOT an athletic issue as well? I personally think the scholarships should be yanked and the school should have serious repercussions.(athletically as well as academically) My degrees were not obtained easily, and this kind of crap makes me want to jump out of a window.

Certainly Bradley Bethel agrees with much of what you said except he thinks this was purely academic but he never does explain why. It is obvious that at the heart of his argument is that many at UNC felt that black students needed free credit hours to graduate.

The motive that Crowder gave and Bethel swallows...hook, line and that Crowder wanted to help struggling students. Since black students often come from disadvantaged backgrounds, it would stand to reason that they would struggle more than many of the white students from more affluent backgrounds.

The problem with that thinking is that Crowder didn't do the AFAM majors any favors by eliminating classes and only requiring a paper. How does it benefit a student to not attend class and to not learn a single word of Swahili?

We know that Crowder was an avid bball fan who would call in sick when UNC lost. We know she had ties to Dean's secretary, the bball academic counselors and received free stuff. She and Dr J had great seats for the games and free tickets. It is far more believable to me that this was motivated by athletics and some of the academic students went along for the ride.
Certainly Bradley Bethel agrees with much of what you said except he thinks this was purely academic but he never does explain why. It is obvious that at the heart of his argument is that many at UNC felt that black students needed free credit hours to graduate.

The motive that Crowder gave and Bethel swallows...hook, line and that Crowder wanted to help struggling students. Since black students often come from disadvantaged backgrounds, it would stand to reason that they would struggle more than many of the white students from more affluent backgrounds.

The problem with that thinking is that Crowder didn't do the AFAM majors any favors by eliminating classes and only requiring a paper. How does it benefit a student to not attend class and to not learn a single word of Swahili?

We know that Crowder was an avid bball fan who would call in sick when UNC lost. We know she had ties to Dean's secretary, the bball academic counselors and received free stuff. She and Dr J had great seats for the games and free tickets. It is far more believable to me that this was motivated by athletics and some of the academic students went along for the ride.

You hit on some interesting points.

I Fully believe this was influenced by athletics. I want to make that clear. But there's a huge segment of American academia that believe different strokes for different folks, and are willing to not only let it slide, but to help create institutionailzed racism as a way of creating a utopia of fairness as "they" see fair. This is part of that. These weren't JUST "athletes" to them, these were oppressed blacks. It's why they used the AASD. Of course, like you rightly were able to spot, thats the excuse. At the heart of this kind of nonsense is always greed or its made political. Of course her kick backs are part of this entire pie. Basketball has benefited from this more than anything, and imo they are the ones that probably got this entire mess started. But I think the current academic state in the country helped to contribute after the fact for long after the fact.

Of course fair minded individuals such as yourself can clearly see they did themselves no favors by creating the sham department, But thats not how these people think. These people think they are progressing a lesser people forward. They live in the theoretical. Never mind the issues that are caused from it.

It is a combination of things, and unfortunately because sports are involved, it's going to be this or that. If you want UNC crushed because of the sport, you want to overlook the academia side of it because of how the rules are written. If you want to continue to cover for UNC, you want it to purely be academic. It's both, and both should be hit harshly.
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This part I can agree with once the system was in place.

I'll definitely agree the sports angle more most surely got this started. I should've worded that differently. But once the current ways of these colleges got rolling, this thing was aided, funded, supplied, and ignored for the sake of their agenda as well. Both theoretically, and inventively.
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Seems to me they're pretty confident that nothing's going to happen to them. Why else risk such a potential PR Bomb?
Seems to me they're pretty confident that nothing's going to happen to them. Why else risk such a potential PR Bomb?

They are making it clear that they are going to defend bball no matter what happens. Bball is running UNC just as football ran PSU. Nothing else matters.

Bradley Bethel even hired the woman who helped do the PSU documentary to help do the one for UNC. How sick is that? From defending those who ignored child abuse to defending those who committed academic fraud to win games.
They are making it clear that they are going to defend bball no matter what happens. Bball is running UNC just as football ran PSU. Nothing else matters.

Bradley Bethel even hired the woman who helped do the PSU documentary to help do the one for UNC. How sick is that? From defending those who ignored child abuse to defending those who committed academic fraud to win games.
Didn't know that but isn't surprising.
They are making it clear that they are going to defend bball no matter what happens. Bball is running UNC just as football ran PSU. Nothing else matters.

Bradley Bethel even hired the woman who helped do the PSU documentary to help do the one for UNC. How sick is that? From defending those who ignored child abuse to defending those who committed academic fraud to win games.
That is really sick. Who on earth would want to associate themselves with that? Bethel must have subconsciously recognized the parallels.
That is really sick. Who on earth would want to associate themselves with that? Bethel must have subconsciously recognized the parallels.

You can't make this crap up!

"Connie Lo Ferrara, producer of the documentary, has previously worked on “365 Days: A Year in Happy Valley,” a documentary focused on challenging the media’s perspective of the Jerry Sandusky scandal at Penn State University. She said she was contacted by Bethel to work on the film.
“I think there are a lot of parallels between the situation at Penn State and the one at the University of North Carolina,” she said."
You have to respect Penn State for seeking an independent investigation , accepting penalties for an act one individual committed and a few others tried to cover up .

North Carolina conducted many failed probes with a scope so narrow that it couldn't possibly reveal anything meaningful and obstructed attempts of discovery . Finally seeking an independent investigation as a last resort because their probes were a farce and didn't answer or stop the questions .

Many people at UNC knew what was going on and none of them blew the whistle . I fail to see where UNC should be respected for any action during this raping of fair play and education of their players . It's a con artist school with the ultimate goal of stuffing their coffers while giving nothing in return . UNC is a snake oil salesman who wants to make his money and run .
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As someone who worked hard in college, I would be furious if guys that could barely read were given degrees. I don't care if you play for my favorite team. To be given something like that while others had to legitimately earn it is a slap in the face.

I direct this at all schools including our own. If this happened to us, I would be on board with getting the comeuppance but UNC seems to be a different breed.
They are making it clear that they are going to defend bball no matter what happens. Bball is running UNC just as football ran PSU. Nothing else matters.

Bradley Bethel even hired the woman who helped do the PSU documentary to help do the one for UNC. How sick is that? From defending those who ignored child abuse to defending those who committed academic fraud to win games.
Bradley Bethel has about as much integrity as Crowder and N'yangoro. He's only worried about what happens to the athletic programs and doesn't seem to care about the academic reputation of the school.
