**** Official Kentucky @ Vandy Game Thread ****

Normally we have to battle the other team and a ref or two. Tonight we get good refs and we have to battle the other team and Cal. Cal was probably a 20-25 positive for Vandy. Just makes you want to get in his face and ask if he is stupid or something. Forget Collins and Hopkins. Let them get better in practice so when they do come in they can at least hold their own and not join in with Cal blowing most of a 30 point lead. We go two deep off the bench right now. Every year Cal says he wants to play seven. So play seven till it's mop up time! And I hope Wheeler comes off the bench Saturday so our rythem doesn't get messed up.
Good refs? Did you see that crap call on Oscar on that clean block? And the last theee minutes where it was hack a Uk player?

I wasn’t the worst whistle ever but it wasn’t great.
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It was literally right after the game wa over. Did you just turn the Tv off?
I turned to another game. I can be criticized, ridiculed, I don’t care. I’ve heard all he has to say and most of its BS. I love my Cats and watch them but I don’t need to hear him anymore.
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Hope we have Shows Saturday. Use to hate him but last two or three years he has developed into one of the best.
I enjoyed when Keion got that offensive reb.ound and the Vandy guy was standing out of bounds and touched the ball. Shows called it out and held out his hand for the ball and Keion gave him a high five and then handed him the ball
Honestly maybe Vandy shouldn't have waited to the end to be that agressive. The scoreline might have been closer.
And what do you think Rick Barnes and UT will take from watching those last 6 minutes.

Get ready for a football game Saturday. We have shown we can't play when the other team gets physical with us.

Vandy got physical and we quit playing. Bad combo, bad results. We'll see that again.
And what do you think Rick Barnes and UT will take from watching those last 6 minutes.

Get ready for a football game Saturday. We have shown we can't play when the other team gets physical with us.

Vandy got physical and we quit playing. Bad combo, bad results. We'll see that again.

We took out our starters and it ruined the flow of the last few mins. That's not going to happen vs UT.
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You don't think that maybe a tiny bit of that lead going away was just us taking the foot off the pedal?

If it was a closer game the starters wouldn't have gone out and we wouldn't have had that stretch. Least not vs Vandy.

This place is unreal. You just knew we'd find something to gripe about lol.

It's all Cals fault, the players fault.. couldn't be that we literally checked out with 5 min left? Not even a little bit? Lol.
Win an easy one and people still bitch. We couldn't buy a basket and stopped trying.
Buying them good till he benched some of them. That last five minutes didn't bother you? Made me furious. Our best players play a great game for a blow out and Cal manages to put a bad taste in everyones mouth. No point in it.
And what do you think Rick Barnes and UT will take from watching those last 6 minutes.

Get ready for a football game Saturday. We have shown we can't play when the other team gets physical with us.

Vandy got physical and we quit playing. Bad combo, bad results. We'll see that again.
Saw hat against Mizzou. We just have to respond.
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Huh? How old is your account?
This old
Buying them good till he benched some of them. That last five minutes didn't bother you? Made me furious. Our best players play a great game for a blow out and Cal manages to put a bad taste in everyones mouth. No point in it.
Because some of the fans have griped that he’s not giving guys enough PT in blowouts. Can’t have it both ways.

I didn’t like the last 5 minutes. But I also realize even our best shooters weren’t trying. They will get an earful.
Good refs? Did you see that crap call on Oscar on that clean block? And the last theee minutes where it was hack a Uk player?

I wasn’t the worst whistle ever but it wasn’t great.
Yeah, they gave the guy that call. But I will take a couple calls against us a game compared to what we normally get. I saw us get a couple of calls so to me the reffing was about as good as it possibly could have been.
You know hey will. And if it’s like tonight. Refs will swallow the whistle.
Worse than that. Fulky will shoot 15-20 free throws and have Big O on the bench with two fouls by flopping like a chicken every time Big O touches the ball in the first 4 minutes of the game.

When Big O goes out, we are less than mediocre.
Because some of the fans have griped that he’s not giving guys enough PT in blowouts. Can’t have it both ways.

I didn’t like the last 5 minutes. But I also realize even our best shooters weren’t trying. They will get an earful.
Well, if Collins and Hopkins could at least make a few plays, not expected to be perfect. But they go out there like they are in high school, not playing hard, taking a stupid shot, throw the ball away. It's like they can't do much of anything. Don't feel bad for them on the bench if they can't at least hold the line. Our guards are about half as good playing with those guys.
Nobody said he was ready. That’s why he doesn’t get meaningful minutes. You’re hating on a freshman who isn’t even a part of our regular rotation. Seriously dude, get an effin life.
No I’m just saying he’s not ready. Literally that’s all I have said. Your last statement is just remedial.