Nothing about the chaos at Louisville mall?

Come on LEK, you're better than that. What you just said is the same as calling someone a racist. It does not refute any point, but uses an extreme to stifle dissent. My conclusion was the final sentence: "The left doesn't want to admit that what we are seeing is a result of their policies." The so-called "War on Poverty", same as the "War on Drugs", and the "War on Terror", has been an abysmal failure. It has turned our inner cities into third world hellholes.
That's fair enough.
Here is another "undocumented" cause to this type of behavior, and it's going to get worse before it gets better. The state of Kentucky just in acted new legislation that severely limits the ability to charge juveniles with low level criminal charges (class D felonies and lower). Plus Jefferson County is heavily involved in limiting the use of detention for juveniles (it's called the JDAI initiative). These two policy driven items have lead to the police (all of Loiusville police departments) to take a very "hands off" mentality to all youth of Jefferson County. So where last year most of these youths who were causing these kinds of issues would have been detained on menacing charges the police are just turning the other cheek. Don't be surprised if this keeps up that you will start to hear Louisville Metro Police start to complain about these two policy changes and state that their hands are tied.