Originally posted by EastKYWildcat:
Originally posted by LineSkiCat:
Originally posted by EastKYWildcat:
Can someone tell me a good, substantiated reason they are against adding some competition for the monopolistic ISP's? Not getting a straight answer from anyone.
Plenty of people gave you a straight answer.
1. Dems and others whined about big coorporations getting their hands on this, and then had Google, a big bad corporation, change language in the document. It was a hypocritical move.
2. Not only do we not know what that language was, we don't even know what was in the document. That's scary. Everyone here should be at least a little uneasy about that.
I don't think anyone is against keeping these ISP's in some what of a "check".. but we essentially just handed power from one group to another. And while I'm no network engineer (Heh, almost there), I'm pretty sure the ISPs understand the internet better than the government/FCC does...
1. Google has been expanding fiber optic service into areas, and even the mention of this has caused ISP's to magically provide faster rates and cheaper prices in those cities. Google's business model benefits from fast, unobstructed internet access to all citizens. Their interests happen to line up with ours.
2. The document will be available in a few weeks after final edits are made. This is because
"two Republican commissioners, Ajit Pai and Mike O'Rielly-who oppose net neutrality of any sort-have refused to submit basic edits on the order.[/URL]" A typical process.
If you believe in the free market, I have no idea how you oppose this. This allows start ups to enter regions where they have been previously barred by state laws. All this does is dramatically lower the cost of entry that has given the ISP's local monopolistic status and ensures that no website's data may be impeded by the ISP's. ISP's own competing interests in television and internet service and have used this to their advantage by slowing traffic from Netflix.
Further, they stole $200 billion from taxpayers that was supposed to go towards infrastructure development.
These are my options today. THEY HAVE STAYED THE EXACT SAME SPEED AND INCREASED IN PRICE. In what other area of technology have we seen this complete lack of progress in over a decade? It follows absolutely no trends in the price or improvement of technology in virtually every other private sector over the same time frame.
This post was edited on 2/27 9:53 PM by EastKYWildcat