No commercials on YouTubeTv

Glenn's take

May 20, 2012
Does anyone know why I'm seeing very few commercials and the breaks are just their "enjoy this moment of Zen" stuff?
I have a 125g aquarium under my tv, so it works for me. I watch my fish more than the TV most nights, lol.
I used to have 7 tanks late 2000s, mostly African cichlids. Lost em all in that ice storm when we were out of power for 11 days. Didn’t have the heart to replace them. I like the sound, but I’m also a musician and into sound engineering. The volume of the zen commercials have an average volume louder than the that of the program you’re watching. The treble could be turned down a bit too it’s pretty shrill.
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I used to have 7 tanks late 2000s, mostly African cichlids. Lost em all in that ice storm when we were out of power for 11 days. Didn’t have the heart to replace them. I like the sound, but I’m also a musician and into sound engineering. The volume of the zen commercials have an average volume louder than the that of the program you’re watching. The treble could be turned down a bit too it’s pretty shrill.
Right on. I've downsized all my tanks. Just kept the 125g mbuna. All males. Fun fish.
Those were some of my favorites, had 2 tanks of those. The dwarf rams were my prized fish though, so beautiful. I was planning a discus tank before the storm, had just gotten into the South American cichlids.
Lol, I just got out of new worlds. This mbuna tank is my first African, other than some jewels. No way my water would work for rams and discus. Love them though.