Again, I preface this by saying I despise the environment we're in. But it just isn't the same. Saban gets paid either way, waiting or not waiting. These players are making decisions, in their mind, gambling on the future vs right now and whether it matters or not to their future. I think it's silly for 5th rounders and such to skip, but I also get it. My greatest frustration with it all is that the schools, coaches, power brokers etc.. could've made all of this much more manageable years ago if they just hadn't gone with 'let's dig in and go with them being amateurs and getting 0 and they also can't transfer at all without us blessing every little thing they do. There was a path to doing some reasonable things that were more fair to everyone, but because they decided to not move off the power structures that were we ended up with utter chaos. They had it good being kingmakers but now everyone is a beggar and people are struggling with that flip. And that’s not even addressing that at a college a coach recruited these kids as though they’ll be there for their tenure and then they aren’t. No reason why that should be viewed as ok but not a kid doing it.