NCAA and its NIL fears


May 1, 2017

NIL isn't getting regulated. College athletes are in the free market now, and it isn't going back.
I find it laughable that the NCAA touts they push to regain control based primarily on kids getting taken advantage of... but I have yet to hear anywhere else that it has been an issue. And... even if it was... that is what the 'free market' is all about... getting the best deal for yourself... buyer beware.
As for the new insurance benefit for college athletes... it's amazing it has taken all this to get there finally. It has been a travesty that injuries where on these kids (for the most part) for so long.

NIL isn't getting regulated. College athletes are in the free market now, and it isn't going back.
I find it laughable that the NCAA touts they push to regain control based primarily on kids getting taken advantage of... but I have yet to hear anywhere else that it has been an issue. And... even if it was... that is what the 'free market' is all about... getting the best deal for yourself... buyer beware.
As for the new insurance benefit for college athletes... it's amazing it has taken all this to get there finally. It has been a travesty that injuries were on these kids (for the most part) for so long.
The vast majority of college athletes are most likely covered under their parents insurance as all kids are until their 25th birthday. Eligible to be that is. Good nonetheless but doubtful that many just have zero coverage.
So to summarize....

Hi, remember us, we're the NCAA! Yes, we ignored & mistreated "student-athletes" and withheld money from them for the better part of 70 years to line our own pockets. But we CARE!

These "student-athetes" have stumbled on a lot of our money, err, they are struggling with how to collect our money, no wait.... They, well somebody, thinks maybe we should control how they get their piece of our pie, so the fox is volunteering to watch the henhouse like we always have! Its just best for everyone. Especially us!

Now that is not to say that we are suggesting standardized contracts for coaches, athletic directors, administrators, or God-forbid NCAA Executives. Just the "student-athletes" between 17 and say 24 years of age. You know, kids.

And since we are really good at transparency and consistency, I'll point to how well we handled the FBI probe and the resulting invest........ what's that? Oh, apparently we're still looking into those very complicated issues and I'll be back with a strong-ass statement about penalties for rogue schools involved in those infractions. We plan to nail the SW Colo St Women's Soccer Team with multi-year penalties and forfeiture of games as a result.

Thats all for today. No questions as we're very busy, they're calling my foresome to the tee momentarily.
And since we are really good at transparency and consistency, I'll point to how well we handled the FBI probe and the resulting invest........ what's that?

We only took 7 years to settle strippergate and 48 hours to clear Cam Newton.
Zion's house was all good, completely unlike Reggie Bush's house.
Fake classes? Well, first tell us which school.
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I hate to bring race into it but reality is you must to intellectually discuss what the universities have done . 90 percent of male basketball players are blacks. 60 per cent of football players are blacks .
Black males are the most discriminated against class of people in America .
football and basketball to a lesser extent support all other sports and ridiculous coaches and administrators salaries.

When grants in aide were started everything was fair because athletics were run on a shoestring budget.
then came TV and humongous tv contracts. Skyboxes for the elite , royalties from apparel etc. incredible amounts of revenue produced off of the labor of a discriminated against minority .
In most labor contracts in sports the athletes get about fifty per cent of the pie . Sometimes a little more .

But not in colleges . The Presidents of the university stold most of the share of the revenue produced because you and I enjoy watching highly talented athletes play their sport .
Oddly they used it to support middle class white kids playing non revenue sports while they bragged about what champions they were of Title 9 and diversity .
When they got caught by being criticised by media, fans and athletes they didn’t want to give their ill gotten gain back. They liked feeling good about themselves by being champions of title 9 and diversity even tough in reality they were hypocrites doing it with money they wrongfully screwed minority men out of .
What the University presidents who all pride themselves on diversity have done is take advantage of these men by robbing them of their fair share of the gains they produced .
so NIL was born with the objective to maintain the status quo and find another way to squeeze more money out of the fans to solve this delicate problem of how to placate student athletes who produced the revenue.
That is exactly what has happened . It stinks . The whole system needs to be changed with the students athletes getting at least half of the revenue they produced AND lifetime insurance for injuries they sustain playing to entertain us and provide revenue for the schools .