NBA Thread


Gold Member
Sep 19, 2018
Augusta, GA
Didn’t see one so I wanted to post one for all of the NBA fans. It would be cool if we could get this started and talk everyday. Especially with the NBA bubble about to start.

I’ll go first. I’m a Sixers fan. Have been my whole life. Was born and raised in Kentucky but spent a portion of my childhood in Germantown and just fell in love with Philadelphia and their sports teams. I say it pretty often but as an NBA fan I’ve been through the absolute bottom of what a fandom experience can be like. From the Process to drafting Markelle Fultz and him developing nerve damage and the yips and forgetting how to play basketball to Ben Simmons refusing to shoot because he doesn’t want to. To last year with the only game winning buzzer beater in game 7 of playoffs history. Sixers fans have been through it all lol. I’d like to hear about who you all are fans of and maybe we can politely debate some NBA topics and for the older generation who may not care for the NBA anymore I’d love to hear old stories about former players too!
Didn’t see one so I wanted to post one for all of the NBA fans. It would be cool if we could get this started and talk everyday. Especially with the NBA bubble about to start.

I’ll go first. I’m a Sixers fan. Have been my whole life. Was born and raised in Kentucky but spent a portion of my childhood in Germantown and just fell in love with Philadelphia and their sports teams. I say it pretty often but as an NBA fan I’ve been through the absolute bottom of what a fandom experience can be like. From the Process to drafting Markelle Fultz and him developing nerve damage and the yips and forgetting how to play basketball to Ben Simmons refusing to shoot because he doesn’t want to. To last year with the only game winning buzzer beater in game 7 of playoffs history. Sixers fans have been through it all lol. I’d like to hear about who you all are fans of and maybe we can politely debate some NBA topics and for the older generation who may not care for the NBA anymore I’d love to hear old stories about former players too!
Think the 76ers come out of the East this year?
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As a kid before the age of 10, I was big into playing basketball more than watching but I liked picking up the starting lineup figures so I could mimic a game with them. I Started watching nba in 2001 when my dads friend gave me my first basketball Videogame. I needed a team to play with and I liked the black uniforms so I chose Portland. At the time they also had some players I had starting lineups figures of, Damon Stoudemire most notably so it was an instant fit.

I followed Portland up until the beginning of this season. Went through a lot of bad drafting decisions and some unfortunate injuries with them but I’ve decided to move to Arizona so I’m a Suns fan now. Been planning my move for a while but with the pandemic, it’s been delayed. I’ve also switched allegiances to the Cardinals from the Buccaneers. I’ll never change from the Reds, they mean too much to me
Think the 76ers come out of the East this year?
haha I wish but no
Privately in my head I talk myself into it everyday and some part of me really thinks they are built for the playoffs now with Horford and Embiid. But then reality hits me and I remember you can't win a title paying 2 centers 225 million dollars. I did get excited yesterday when they announced Ben Simmons will officially move to PF and Shake Mitlon will now be the starting PG.
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As a kid before the age of 10, I was big into playing basketball more than watching but I liked picking up the starting lineup figures so I could mimic a game with them. I Started watching nba in 2001 when my dads friend gave me my first basketball Videogame. I needed a team to play with and I liked the black uniforms so I chose Portland. At the time they also had some players I had starting lineups figures of, Damon Stoudemire most notably so it was an instant fit.

I followed Portland up until the beginning of this season. Went through a lot of bad drafting decisions and some unfortunate injuries with them but I’ve decided to move to Arizona so I’m a Suns fan now. Been planning my move for a while but with the pandemic, it’s been delayed. I’ve also switched allegiances to the Cardinals from the Buccaneers. I’ll never change from the Reds, they mean too much to me
Damon Stoudemire huh? What could have been! I like the Trailblazers and Dame but I also like the Suns. I'm a basketball nerd really. I love the NBA and I like watching the game evolve over time. Wasn't too long ago we had a finals matchup against the C's and Lakers where the score of game 7 was 79-83. Offensively basketball has evolved so much. Its almost impossible to defend the majority of these guys anymore. I went to a hawks-warriors game last year and watched Steph Curry drain like 20-25 straight half court shots during pregame. There's nothing you can do with that.
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Not a huge fan now... I was in the late 70s and 80s.
I try to watch most of the Suns, and some teams with former players.
But I can’t stand baseball, so ima huge NBA fan again and will be watching many games.
Not a huge fan now... I was in the late 70s and 80s.
I try to watch most of the Suns, and some teams with former players.
But I can’t stand baseball, so ima huge NBA fan again and will be watching many games.
Who were you a fan of back in the day?
And me too man I am ready for some playoff basketball. Even if the Sixers lose every game I will be happy as ever to just be able to watch something. I am also not a huge baseball fan but I told myself that if they came back I would get into it and watch some Phillies and Reds. I won't take advantage of sports ever again I can promise you that![laughing]
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Never understood how people hate the NBA, especially NBA playoff basketball. It is basketball played at its highest form. I get people can be turned off by the PC culture and that BS, but the actual basketball is great during the playoffs.

But to each his own, I guess.
I agree and I've grown and I get not wanting to deal with the constant politics but thats just part of life anymore. I'm starting to just tune it out really but yea theres nothing like playoff basketball man! Its just so fun to watch and it gets better every year. These guys are just so skilled. I think we will get to see Lebron and AD win the title this year! AD deserves it as much as anyone.
If you jump from the coaches' box but hold the shot button until you pass the backboard, you will never miss.
I find Embiid to be a childish jerk.
I don't blame you he's also a fat lazy slob but hes my fat lazy slob jerk! I think its just part of his bit. He's meant to be a villain. He thrives in those situations. When hes playing nice with everyone he doesnt play well.
Never understood how people hate the NBA, especially NBA playoff basketball. It is basketball played at its highest form. I get people can be turned off by the PC culture and that BS, but the actual basketball is great during the playoffs.

But to each his own, I guess.
I'll take a stab at explaining it, because I hear this all the time.

To me, basketball is more than the skill set of the players, and athletic dunks and remarkable shooting skills. Basketball - and all sports - have to be about the drama of a team -- and individual players - you care about putting everything on the line to win or lose. There has to be an emotional stake in it. That emotional stake can be rooted in deep childhood memories - as is mine with Kentucky. Or it can be rooted in other things, like the admiration for the character and style and dignity of individual players or teams. But without it, the games are tedious.

I have felt that emotional connection with different NBA teams during my life - the Celtics back to Dave Cowens, the Lakers with Magic, the Bulls with Jordan. And I have felt that way about specific players -- Bird, Magic, Jordan, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, several others.

Today's players - even the ones who are immensely talented - don't engage me on an emotional level. I don't care about the culture, the preoccupation with politics, the selfishness inherent in guys choosing up 3-4 player all-star teams, then moving on to the next city in search of a fake "legacy." I don't see the same character and respect for the game and certainly not for the fans in today's players.

So, I've opted out. And I haven't missed anything about the NBA. I didn't care when the playoffs were canceled. I don't care that the players are now imprisoned in horrible conditions at DisneyWorld. I'm not curious about what "social justice" causes will be on whose jersey. I'll be happy for AD if he gets a ring. But I won't be watching it.
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I'll take a stab at explaining it, because I hear this all the time.

To me, basketball is more than the skill set of the players, and athletic dunks and remarkable shooting skills. Basketball - and all sports - have to be about the drama of a team -- and individual players - you care about putting everything on the line to win or lose. There has to be an emotional stake in it. That emotional stake can be rooted in deep childhood memories - as is mine with Kentucky. Or it can be rooted in other things, like the admiration for the character and style and dignity of individual players or teams. But without it, the games are tedious.

I have felt that emotional connection with different NBA teams during my life - the Celtics back to Dave Cowens, the Lakers with Magic, the Bulls with Jordan. And I have felt that way about specific players -- Bird, Magic, Jordan, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, several others.

Today's players - even the ones who are immensely talented - don't engage me on an emotional level. I don't care about the culture, the preoccupation with politics, the selfishness inherent in guys choosing up 3-4 player all-star teams, then moving on to the next city in search of a fake "legacy." I don't see the same character and respect for the game and certainly not for the fans in today's players.

So, I've opted out. And I haven't missed anything about the NBA. I didn't care when the playoffs were canceled. I don't care that the players are now imprisoned in horrible conditions at DisneyWorld. I'll be happy for AD if he gets a ring. But I won't be watching it.
I don't blame you he's also a fat lazy slob but hes my fat lazy slob jerk! I think its just part of his bit. He's meant to be a villain. He thrives in those situations. When hes playing nice with everyone he doesnt play well.
He should let he play do his talking.
I'll take a stab at explaining it, because I hear this all the time.

To me, basketball is more than the skill set of the players, and athletic dunks and remarkable shooting skills. Basketball - and all sports - have to be about the drama of a team -- and individual players - you care about putting everything on the line to win or lose. There has to be an emotional stake in it. That emotional stake can be rooted in deep childhood memories - as is mine with Kentucky. Or it can be rooted in other things, like the admiration for the character and style and dignity of individual players or teams. But without it, the games are tedious.

I have felt that emotional connection with different NBA teams during my life - the Celtics back to Dave Cowens, the Lakers with Magic, the Bulls with Jordan. And I have felt that way about specific players -- Bird, Magic, Jordan, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, several others.

Today's players - even the ones who are immensely talented - don't engage me on an emotional level. I don't care about the culture, the preoccupation with politics, the selfishness inherent in guys choosing up 3-4 player all-star teams, then moving on to the next city in search of a fake "legacy." I don't see the same character and respect for the game and certainly not for the fans in today's players.

So, I've opted out. And I haven't missed anything about the NBA. I didn't care when the playoffs were canceled. I don't care that the players are now imprisoned in horrible conditions at DisneyWorld. I'll be happy for AD if he gets a ring. But I won't be watching it.
Well there are guys who have great stories. Guys you can connect with on an emotional level if you look for it. Kevin Love and Demar Derozan recently came out and spoke up about mental health and the things they're struggling with even as successful athletes. Lou Williams who was held at gun point in Philadelphia ended up talking to the guy and inviting him into his car. He ended up taking the guy out to eat. He was a broke dude who was going through some tough times in life and Lou took care of him. Guys like Embiid and Siakam who experienced death and tragedy in their families in Africa and were only discovered simply because of the basketball without borders camp. Victor Oladipo fighting through injury struggles. Kawhi and PG trying to build something with the clippers.

Selfishness has always been a thing with basketball players. Malone was a terrible person. Same with Jordan. Magic nearly figured out a way to ruin a Lakers team with Lebron on it due to his own opinions on how an organization should be run. Selfishness and jerks are just apart of what basketball is and will always be. the difference with today and then is the players have more power. The owners don't control really anything anymore. The players control the narrative and the spotlight.
He should let he play do his talking.
He does I mean hes the best Center in basketball but he's just a villain. Its who he is. If he wasn't on my team I wouldn't like him either but outside of basketball he is a good dude. He embraced the city of Philadelphia and does some great things there. He is almost like Philly's son. But I can see where you are coming from!
and here I had you pegged as a smart person
I'm sorry to disappoint...we just hardly ever played as kids (in my neighborhood) it was basketball and football.
I played one season (i think it was called peanut league)...I got hit by pitches multiple right thumb stayed purple and swollen the whole season (from hitting the ball with thumb, instead of bat) coach was no fun...the passion never developed
I'll take a stab at explaining it, because I hear this all the time.

To me, basketball is more than the skill set of the players, and athletic dunks and remarkable shooting skills. Basketball - and all sports - have to be about the drama of a team -- and individual players - you care about putting everything on the line to win or lose. There has to be an emotional stake in it. That emotional stake can be rooted in deep childhood memories - as is mine with Kentucky. Or it can be rooted in other things, like the admiration for the character and style and dignity of individual players or teams. But without it, the games are tedious.

I have felt that emotional connection with different NBA teams during my life - the Celtics back to Dave Cowens, the Lakers with Magic, the Bulls with Jordan. And I have felt that way about specific players -- Bird, Magic, Jordan, Karl Malone, Charles Barkley, several others.

Today's players - even the ones who are immensely talented - don't engage me on an emotional level. I don't care about the culture, the preoccupation with politics, the selfishness inherent in guys choosing up 3-4 player all-star teams, then moving on to the next city in search of a fake "legacy." I don't see the same character and respect for the game and certainly not for the fans in today's players.

So, I've opted out. And I haven't missed anything about the NBA. I didn't care when the playoffs were canceled. I don't care that the players are now imprisoned in horrible conditions at DisneyWorld. I'm not curious about what "social justice" causes will be on whose jersey. I'll be happy for AD if he gets a ring. But I won't be watching it.
well said, and a whole lot of truth.
but for me...AZ heat, kids going to be home schooled, batshit crazy exwife...
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Count me out . I've had enough of their social warrior nonsense.
All good! I understand how you feel and I respect that. Just wanting to talk some NBA and noticed there wasn't just an NBA thread. Hopefully it can become a bigger thread like the wrestling one on the Paddock.
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I'm sorry to disappoint...we just hardly ever played as kids (in my neighborhood) it was basketball and football.
I played one season (i think it was called peanut league)...I got hit by pitches multiple right thumb stayed purple and swollen the whole season (from hitting the ball with thumb, instead of bat) coach was no fun...the passion never developed

what’s funny is I never liked baseball as a kid. I also played just one year, tee ball, and didn’t enjoy it. Was always a big basketball player but when I reached High school, I stumbled upon a Reds game and just got hooked on the numbers and the history. I’ve rarely missed a Reds game since, that’s been 15 years lol.

I’ve played softball and have zero baseball skills but I love it. Still a decent basketball player but it isn’t worth the ankle pain so I retired
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As a former player I appreciate their talents , but the me me me generation has killed many things I enjoy , NBA and the NFL . Now we have college football players mandating what kind of tee shirts a coach can wear .. its a $hitty time to be a member of society .
As a former player I appreciate their talents , but the me me me generation has killed many things I enjoy , NBA and the NFL . Now we have college football players mandating what kind of tee shirts a coach can wear .. its a $hitty time to be a member of society .
Just gotta ignore it. Things change over time its just how it is and its hard for people to accept. You just have to remember these players are humans too and they have feelings and care about things. For decades athletes kept quiet and respected the viewers wishes even if it bothered them. Now they're asking for the same in return. If you disagree its an easy thing to ignore. Selective hearing as my wife likes to call it. I spend the majority of my day nodding at her and half listening. If you don't agree with something its easy to do that.
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I usually don’t watch the nba until the second rd of the playoffs. I probably won’t watch any of it this summer though. I’ll watch UK basketball and football, but my overall interest in sports has just been nose diving over the years, the last few months I haven’t even thought of sports. I can usually tune politics out, but its reached peaked levels lately. Also, don’t have much interest in watching an empty arena for playoffs.
I usually don’t watch the nba until the second rd of the playoffs. I probably won’t watch any of it this summer though. I’ll watch UK basketball and football, but my overall interest in sports has just been nose diving over the years, the last few months I haven’t even thought of sports. I can usually tune politics out, but its reached peaked levels lately. Also, don’t have much interest in watching an empty arena for playoffs.
Idk why but the empty arena is almost more interesting to me. Like are guys who are known to choke in big moments (Harden being the major one) going to just completely shift that and become some bubble legend because there isnt any actual pressure. From what I've been told though is that there will be some sort of crowd. Whether its a crowd that will make any noise (because maybe its mostly media) is something im interested in.
I hate the politics, but my love for basketball — and sports for that matter — will have me watching this thing. I’ll feel gross for the first few days, but will get over it. I just miss sports! So frustrated by the Covid-19 overreaction and the daily clownish acts of our governor (seriously Andy, all my cheap string masks broke, will you buy me a new one?). I just need a distraction.

BTW, I like the Lakers in 6 over the Bucks. AD gets his ring.