My UNCheat friend at it again


Nov 18, 2012
So I was talking to my friend about UK possibly going undefeated and his response?
"I'd rather win the ship than go undefeated"
Ummm, excuse me but if you go undefeated don't you win the championship or do they take that away from you for kicking everyone's ass unmercifully throughout the season?"
What do you expect from a moron with a 3rd grade education and a UNC Cheat college diploma?
Kwilt......decent poster....lousy judge of friends.
I've learned it's best to just not even talk about it with fans from any other team. They don't want to hear about UK's accomplishments and they usually just fire back with the usual "Cal is a cheater" comments.
I live amongst Michigan state fans and they refuse to even talk basketball with me. They are only fans when sparty is winning though. But they apparently know more about UK and college ball in general than everyone else so…..
My UNC friends have laryngitis lately when they're around me. So I just smile and ask "Still love Ole Roy?"