Most Valuable Thing You've Ever Found

Whenever anybody talks about God I always think about this scene from Caddyshack. It's like a trigger... lol. And I believe in God. Ha.

that's okay... God has a great sense of humor. just look where he put your nose.
Found $10 bill next to a pile of junk in front of Sterling Apartments on North Lamar about an hour ago. Two days ago, I found a set of golf clubs and bag in the same junk pile. Plan on selling golf clubs on Craigslist in about a month.

Found $1 bill in Wells Fargo parking lot on North Lamar about 30 minutes later.

Life is good.
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I find this thread fascinating. I also can't decide if @AustinTXCat is an ace scavenger or just a vagrant who walks the streets.

Really lucky. Thanks.

Seriously, when I served as a senior NCO in the Army, my peers and superiors called me "Scavenger 7". If something wasn't tied down, it was mine. Traded beans and bullets (legally) all the time. Wheeled and dealed quite a bit. Also picked up tracking skills. I'm always scanning and searching the ground while out walking.
$100 bill, PX parking lot near military bank in Giessen, Germany, 1988.
$40 (2 - $20 bills) about 6:30 am one morning near a bar while walking to the bus stop last year.
$20 bill in a ditch down the street from our house last year.
$20 bill near the Virginia-Tennessee state line on Bristol Rd, Shawanee, TN about 3 years ago. Next day, I found a $5 bill in the same area. Both times while hiking to the beer store. Somebody probably had their window rolled down and the $ blew out.

How about y'all?

Tossed some random rocks into a 4th grade exhibit assignment and my principal (who was a former archeologist) -- noted that one rock was an extremely old fossil of a snail

Damn-Nation, man

I just said that an old dead snail -- was THE most valuable thing Ive ever found

gotta get out more often 🎼🎠
Iraq currency & arrow heads. Best time and place to find arrow heads are on creek beds on old farm land after it rains, never know what will wash up. You stand better luck in remote places and zero luck in a creek bed off a road where people play or some place like a stream in the Smokies.

As a young Airman on base, found plenty of money lurking around the parking lots in the quarters waking up early in the morning while everyone else was passed out drunk from the night before partying.

I hail thee, Air Force veteran

Where were you stationed then?
for real 20 years ago when I worked in the food court at the Student Center at UK, I found like $600 in the middle of the floor. I put it in my pocket and said to myself "If anyone says anything I'll be honest, but otherwise it is mine". A few hours later I saw one of my coworkers bawling her eyes out in the break room. Got a heavy heart. Then my boss came up to me and said "So and so (don't remember her name) lost $600, you know anything about that?"

So damn it I was rich for a few hours :(
Boom Boom
Biloxi baby
I was there for tech school in the early 90s

UK came into the final four against michigan when i was there - AND we had
a blizzard

Are you a comm-troop ?
I was a 3C3

Just realized I am sounding stalker-ish
Nice! A bit younger than you, was there during UK's Title run in 2012. I was a 3D153 RF Transmission and loved the warm weather and definitely didn't have any blizzards while I was there. Could take a day's drive to New Orleans, Mobile or Pensacola. The same US 90 right there along the beach could take it all the way into SA and drive by Lackland too.

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Nice! A bit younger than you, was there during UK's Title run in 2012. I was a 3D153 RF Transmission and loved the warm weather and definitely didn't have any blizzards while I was there. Could take a day's drive to New Orleans, Mobile or Pensacola. The same US 90 right there along the beach could take it all the way into SA and drive by Lackland too.

Funny how desilva the gap in time -

UK basketball was kicking ass during our respective tours 🕺

I like to think that generations fm now - after the aliens land and mankind turns itself into cyborg hive minded automoons ---

UK will still take the court and kick some Borg-Romulan-Louisville ASS
Was leaving the dentist the other day and thought I saw a folded up bill in the parking lot. Pulled over to it and opened the door and saw that it was a smashed cigarette pack. No @AustinTXCat luck there.
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Found $100 twice over the years. The Wife found a Hundo a few years back while weeding the vegetable garden buried in the dirt. That was a "How in the hell did that get there" moment for sure.
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Friend of mine found a World Series ring from 1967 at the Waldorf Astoria resort in Naples Fl. It didn’t belong to a player but a front office guy and he tracked down the owner thru the Dodgers organization historian. He returned the ring to the son since it was his dads and he had passed some years ago but he called a collector in NY that handles those type things and sent him pics as directed by the collector and he offered him $5,800 cash for it. The son he sent it to sent him a $100 Amazon gift card, go figure 🏆
I found a Blackberry on the beach once back when they were the big thing. I contacted Verizon who had the owner to reach out to me to arrange for me to send it back to him. Turns out he was with the department of defense and it was his govt issued phone. Needless to say he was very grateful that I returned it to him. It buzzed like crazy until the battery finally died. I assume there were probably a lot of high security text's and emails received on that phone until it went dead.
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One time when I was about 8 years old I was walking down an old dirt road and I found a wallet on the side of the road. It had $50 in it and no ID of any kind. I asked my pa what I should do and he said if nobody claimed it in a week then I could keep the money.

Well, a week went by and nobody claimed the wallet so I was good to go to keep the $50. Oh Boy! What a treat that was! Fifty whole dollars to an 8 year old! Might as well have been a million dollars.

But then a couple of days later my pa's coworker showed him a newspaper "lost and found" ad where someone had lost a wallet on the side of the very same dirt road and it guessed had $50 in it.

What to do? I mean pa said that if nobody claimed it in a week that the money was mine. Right? That's what he said...Right? Wrong! My mean ol' pa guilted me into giving the money back to the owner of that wallet. Rightful owner? I say no! Finders keepers and the one week rule should have ruled the day!
Didn’t I see this on an episode of Andy Griffith?
Illegal.. I found a large bag of weed in a parking lot at the Toy Tiger back in the day... Probably 1.5 ounce... maybe $200. Legal... I found a lighter that was from ww2 era. It had a dent in it and was worth about $500. I still have it and don't know what it would have actually sold for but it was in such good shape outside the dent that it still works.
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