Really thought this was going to be another Clay Travis link.
Really thought this was going to be another Clay Travis link.
Absolutely the worst are the IU fans. Will never forget the NCAA tournament game in Atlanta where their fans were absolutely horrible. Shouting "F" Kentucky at the top of their lungs and harassing a mother and her 7-year old son (UK fans) that were sitting in their area. Finally security at the GeorgiaDome came down a few times and told them to stop the cheer or they would be escorted out of the building.
UofL fans as a whole are terrible, even though I have some good friends who are UofL fans. Had the pleasure of seeing one very trashy UofL fan (female one - definitely NOT a lady) being escorted out of the building at the Final Four in New Orleans.
Most other fans don't bother me so much - but I will avoid the fans of those two schools any time I get the chance to sit far away from them at a neutral venue. And I won't go to a UK vs UofL game at their place any longer. Their fans are so rude and obnoxious (not to mention falling-down drunk) that I can't enjoy the game. I've had beer spilled on me way too many times. There have been objects thrown at us as well. Despise both fan bases. I'm all for good-natured rivalries and a little friendly ribbing - but those two fan bases (in general) don't seem to understand that concept at all.
Don't let the door hit ya in the ass
You just validated my opinion.To be truthful, every UK fan knows more UK fans that fit the OP's poll than they do from any other school. Just visit here after a game and read the whining and berating of the refs or the opponent.
Again, don't let the door hit ya in the ass. We won't miss ya.
Purdue fans don't kiss other men on the mouth, or wear candy stripes like clay aiken and them.
I know it's probably a very personal thing....but how do you know this?
Have you personally conducted extensive research?
Like I said Mr. ArmyWildcat81, I shouldn't pry and I'm fairly confident your experiences are seared into your razor sharp mind; if you don't want to share your intimacies... I understand.
UC and UConn are definitely honorable mentions. UC fans are jealous assholes but what right do they have to talk trash? That program is not a threat to UK in any way.
UConn fans are stuck up pricks, despite beating us recently in 2 different Final Fours. Very poor sportsmanship from that fan base.
UT not Texas.....Tennessee fans are the worst cause they run there mouths and don't even watch there own team play half the time.UF 1st and IU second . UL has alot of decent fans actually but the asses are the loudest.
I am sorry, but you sound like a bitter 70 year old man. Maybe all those years of coaching made you that way.Who is "we"? You're the only one to object........If you haven't met many UK "jerks", you must not get around much.
Or is it "birds of a feather"?
However, I do respect your right to your opinion.
P.S. I am in my mid 70's and coached over a 50 year period. The most demeaning, disrespectfully fans were parents and family of team members........Why? I'm not first maybe?
I am sorry, but you sound like a bitter 70 year old man. Maybe all those years of coaching made you that way.
When I was going through training federal officer training in the 90's, an instructor had a piece of advice for the class, that I still use today. "If most of the people around you seem to a****les, maybe they are not the problem...look at yourself; make sure you are not the a****ole."
Just take another look at what I said and how you replied.
The small number of parents (not all) were the biggest "jerks"
Look at parents of past UK players,I won't name them.
Parent during Tubby years yelling insults when his kid couldn't earn pt
The woman who had her son change teams 3 (?) times.
Based on my years of watching games, I have seen home fans being the
most berating people of all. Again, the number is small, but the number of
"scum bags" referred to is also small.
BTW, thanks for the compliment, The vast number of parent and family
were very supportive and helpful, however, that did not erase the fact that
some other parents were the WORST.
You really have not idea how many parents I have dealt with in 50+ years
of work, sometimes 3-4 teams per year.....(plus being league president for many years)
If you haven't tried umpiring youth leagues (or being a referee), just do it.
You might change your opinion.
Dude, I have coached and reffed...I have worked with federal inmates. I have far seen and worked with more scumbags and "jerks" than you can imagine. But, I try not to let that make me jaded.
You sound like a good person; I am sure you mean well..just saying you seem a little bit like the "get off my lawn, guy"
Don't be that guy.
Blueaz, respect your elders! And while you're at it, GTF off my lawn!!!
The iu fans in Atlanta were complete scum. They would walk down the street cursing old UK fans. I had four behind us at the game. Ran their mouths all game long. Two of them cried(I'm serious) on the way out.
Cincinatti. They think they will beat us, talk trash every time we play, and stil lose. They haven't beaten us since what 193something?
I'm all for good-natured rivalries and a little friendly ribbing