Mods: set up a system where new posters have to wait a week before they can start posting.


Dec 7, 2007
It's ridiculous that we have to sift through pirated film threads, gay porn gifs (four years ago), and guys who have been banned (only to create a new account minutes later).

Please do something about this. Rivals is actually putting the whole message board community at risk for gratuitous or even illegal content to be posted.

I don't understand why they don't have a waiting period.
I noticed that today. I haven't been coming around much currently. Not much going on, plus I hate this new Rivals change. Someone should be fired. Anyway, the place seems to be going downhill.

Is that idiot still coming up with a daily new account?
Yes, the sociopathic poster is still here every day.

He gets banned, then immediately shows up with a new account. He's the same guy who posted all the gay porn about 3 or 4 years ago. Rivals is playing a dangerous game. Can you imagine if the 4Chan guys targeted this place?

There's no waiting period. Should be at least a week.
Yes, the sociopathic poster is still here every day.

He gets banned, then immediately shows up with a new account. He's the same guy who posted all the gay porn about 3 or 4 years ago. Rivals is playing a dangerous game. Can you imagine if the 4Chan guys targeted this place?
I can't imagine living a life where that behavior fills a void. I'd have sympathy for that person, but not when they purposely annoy and harrass strangers.

Yeah, don't play with 4Chan!! They are a destroyer of worlds, lol.

I hope they get all this crap sorted before the season starts.
I like the waiting period. I’ll add on to the idea that you could make it a probationary period for the first month where if multiple people who are regular, confirmed users vote down a post it is deleted automatically. Could save the mods a lot of leg work if they’d let us clean up the mess.
I like the waiting period. I’ll add on to the idea that you could make it a probationary period for the first month where if multiple people who are regular, confirmed users vote down a post it is deleted automatically. Could save the mods a lot of leg work if they’d let us clean up the mess.
So, mods could deputize folks? I dig it.
Vote down wouldn't work. People who didn't see things they way you do, would vote a post down. JUST because they do not have the same view, the post shouldn't be deleted because a group of people have opposite opinions. But threads like the touting movie services, the IP should be banned, poster banned, and monitor new threads like them.
I skip over the dumb threads, but could see how it annoys people who may click on them. If they was smart (they aren't), the touts / scammers would disguise the thread title with a sports topic and get more traffic. MOST people are not stupid enough to click on the links, but the few who are, be careful, if it is too good to be true, it probably is.
Agree. The "Despicable Me 4", "Deadpool", and "Wolverine" watch the movie for free threads, all of the posters need to be perma banned. All they are doing is touting their services on a sports message board.

Yep, already deleted some of those today and perma-banned.

Doing what I can to clean up the mess, but we don't have the ability to change the way new users are allowed to post. That is up to the web developers and those calling the shots at Rivals. We are just volunteers trying to keep the boards as clean as we can.
I vote yes as well. And while they are at it, let's start enforcing all OT posts including NBA and recruiting. There are other boards for those.
Nah, recruiting and former players are good for me. As long as it pertains to basketball / UK players, I am fine with. The threads not related to basketball needs deleted or moved to the Paddock.
Yep, already deleted some of those today and perma-banned.

Doing what I can to clean up the mess, but we don't have the ability to change the way new users are allowed to post. That is up to the web developers and those calling the shots at Rivals. We are just volunteers trying to keep the boards as clean as we can.
All you can do is what you have access to do. I know it is a tough gig wading thru the BS, especially on a volunteer basis. If we had paid mods I could see more being done, but with people donating their free time, they can only do so much. Appreciate the good work.

Just don't ban me, LOL. I do express my point a view a little too strong sometimes. I also have a low tolerance for ignorance.
Nah, recruiting and former players are good for me. As long as it pertains to basketball / UK players, I am fine with. The threads not related to basketball needs deleted or moved to the Paddock.
There's already a recruiting board, though. I get it when it's a player on the verge of making a commitment to UK or something, but not some general recruiting thread filled with players who will never come here or won't make a commitment for another year or two.
Nah, recruiting and former players are good for me. As long as it pertains to basketball / UK players, I am fine with. The threads not related to basketball needs deleted or moved to the Paddock.

Yeah, I agree.

Just because the players are gone doesn't mean they should be forgotten. Nothing wrong with talking about them doing well n the pros (NBA or otherwise).
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There's already a recruiting board, though. I get it when it's a player on the verge of making a commitment to UK or something, but not some general recruiting thread filled with players who will never come here or won't make a commitment for another year or two.
Personally, for me, I do not post on the recruiting board. I am sure that is the deal with other posters. I post here and the Paddock. 95% here on RR. It is a basketball board, it doesn't specify current team only. As far as recruiting goes, you do NOT know who we can land or not, that is what makes the discussions part of the board. Maybe YOU feel we have zero chance getting a player, but until he signs elsewhere or marks UK of the list, if he has UK in his teams considering, I have no problem with posters discussing the player. Only problem I have is IF he choses elsewhere, people bashing the player. High school recruit or Portal player, no need to bash the players because they picked a different school.
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I noticed that today. I haven't been coming around much currently. Not much going on, plus I hate this new Rivals change. Someone should be fired. Anyway, the place seems to be going downhill.

Is that idiot still coming up with a daily new account?
Today has been a shit show with the amount of bot created threads. All day long I’ve seen 50 of them at least in the times I’ve checked the site today.
Yep, already deleted some of those today and perma-banned.

Doing what I can to clean up the mess, but we don't have the ability to change the way new users are allowed to post. That is up to the web developers and those calling the shots at Rivals. We are just volunteers trying to keep the boards as clean as we can.
I know this is impossible to tame on your own, just keep checking and deleting when you can, about 10 new ones up now.
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I noticed that today. I haven't been coming around much currently. Not much going on, plus I hate this new Rivals change. Someone should be fired. Anyway, the place seems to be going downhill.

Is that idiot still coming up with a daily new account?

Who is the person who keeps making new accounts?
So I checked other boards, it seems to be a problem on all of rivals.
It's a shit show to be honest. I've reached out to Justin and others to try and make it clear to Rivals that it's ruining the message boards. It hasn't hit the HOB yet but I would not be surprised if that happens too. Maybe that's what it's going to take ;) It's one thing to have the weirdos posting from Moms basement creating multiple user names. Those can be taken care of with two clicks but since the last software update a vulnerability was created and it's a major issue that is going to start driving people away. Hell I'm about to give it up and I've been here for over 20 years. I don't' like spending two hours a day deleting SPAM posts.
I don't' like spending two hours a day deleting SPAM posts.
I'm shocked there's no automated way to do this for mods. Like you think if a certain number of new accounts or threads come in from one IP address they can all go into quarantine somewhere and require manual mod approval to show up. If not they just get deleted.
I'm shocked there's no automated way to do this for mods. Like you think if a certain number of new accounts or threads come in from one IP address they can all go into quarantine somewhere and require manual mod approval to show up. If not they just get deleted.
That would be nice. There used to be a SPAM feature on the Moderator application. With one click every post from a username would be wiped out. But after the latest update that feature was removed. I just sent Jeff Drummond and Justin Rowland another DM to let them know how bad it's getting. There isn't much else I can at this point except delete them as I see them.
Could a system like this be abused? Someone could front load a bunch of accounts and after a week be able to switch between them and troll just like now.
A waiting system would be nice but that's way above the paygrade of anyone here. That would be up to Rivals/Yahoo who manage all the technology, and it might require some major technical work, as this is a "canned" system designed to work a certain way.
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