MLB All-Time Draft


Jun 14, 2005
These are a lot of fun. There are 4 spots left.

These are a lot of fun. There are 4 spots left.

How in the world could anyone reasonably compare like Ty Cobb and Nap Lajoie to Pedro Martinez and Hal Morris? Seems kind of pointless, no? The eras are waaay too different. Like comparing top checkers players to top chess players.
How in the world could anyone reasonably compare like Ty Cobb and Nap Lajoie to Pedro Martinez and Hal Morris? Seems kind of pointless, no? The eras are waaay too different. Like comparing top checkers players to top chess players.
Thats part of the fun, the discussions.
How in the world could anyone reasonably compare like Ty Cobb and Nap Lajoie to Pedro Martinez and Hal Morris? Seems kind of pointless, no? The eras are waaay too different. Like comparing top checkers players to top chess players.
You just compare how much better someone was to his contemporary's than someone else to his.
For example say Lajoie hit .350, but the top 10 hitters in the league were all in the .360-.340 range, and Hal Morris hit .310 when the top 10 hitters were in the .320-300 range, then those 2 I would consider comparable. And part of that gap difference it likely because the bottom of the league (the worst 25% of pitchers) weren't as good when Lajoie played as when Morris played.

And there are lots of factors in hitting a baseball beyond the hitter.
- quality of the bats
- hardness/softness of the balls
- stitch height of the seams
- ball park dimensions, including foul territory
- temperature and humidity
- and not even discussed the pitching yet (current pitchers have more pitches to choose from)