Sorry, but many in this fanbase are a bunch of babies. You did not get what you wanted so you are staying home this time? Really? I bet many of you are the younger bunch who does not remember when KY used to get murdered by UF on a yearly basis. So KY lost, yeah it sucks but KY is at least now competing with UF. I have been to many KY a$$ beating by UF, but I enjoyed the game, the stadium, music, atmosphere, etc and was excited when it came down to the last drive. Your not going to win at everything in life and most certainly not every football game. So when KY loses a basketball game are you going to stay home next time? Highly doubt it.
This is a big time game KY needs to win and the fans need to show up. Yes, there are things the team needs to do to get better but if you want a legit SEC program then start acting like a legit SEC football fanbase and show up to a critical SEC game on the schedule. Most would have taken a 3-1 start to begin with. This season is far from over but so many people act like its over now. Crazy...