FedEx is the worst. I will intentionally avoid any type of online purchases if FedEx is the shipper, unless there is absolutely no other way to avoid it, and yes I will pay more for something as long as FedEx isn't involved.
I purchased something that was supposed to be overnighted through FedEx from Memphis, the items location started in Memphis. It was a time sensitive item I needed quick, an automobile part, hence paying extra fro overnight shipping. Came from a car dealership located in Memphis and let me say, I live in Western Kentucky and not to far from Memphis by car ride. Anyways, it gets shipped out that day and for the next week the package gets shipped from New Mexico to Oklahoma 3 or 4 times before ending up in Puerto Rico the next week and lost. Car dealership shipped another one through USPS and takes 2 days to arrive and ends up having to file a claim with FedEx, just one of many examples from me.