Memo to NCAA officials: clearing out space or sealing while moving is an illegal moving screen

That was illegal and technically a moving screen/interference forever

This must be changed, it’s against the rules and not called

Also 3 seconds need to be called again

Especially sealing off while a teammate is driving to the rim.

Duke started it (like flopping and basically every other thing that plays to the refs) now many teams use it. Florida is especially good at it.
Refs are flailing with the rules. Game to game, you don't know how its going to be called.
3 on the court, and so many questionable calls.
The only time a game is called correctly is when the refs aren't even noticed.
Watching BYU/Wisconsin was a game that needs complete analysis from the ref perspective.
So many times, guys pushing dribbles away with one or 2 hands, and nothing.
I'm not going to even get started on SEC officials. They compile to overall worst satisfaction rate in the country.

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