You are all good!I read it again and did not mean to come off that way. It just ticks me off they have ruined college sports for me. Asking the fans to pay players is like my last straw man. My apologies.
If athletes end up becoming employees under the law, the NCAA or whatever successor organization manages college sports could implement salary caps, and even implement revenue sharing (to help with a school’s budget for players’ salaries, along with fans’ donations). A lot of other factors would be involved, but this would be an ideal model for UK (at least in football) imo. I could be in fantasy land though - lol
The Supreme Court opened a huge can of worms in the Board of Regents, Bannon, and Alston cases - so either the NCAA and Universities need to do something to create a model that levels the playing field, or Congress does. (And the latter likely ain’t happening).