Mark Pope "KY 'Til I Die"

I know the feeling very well ... and I never played for UK and do not get paid $5,500,000 to coach. Just a lifelong fan and alum. 😎
They need to have those for sale in Lexington by Big Blue Madness.

I thought 2010-15 John Calipari was the perfect Coach for UK (because he understood it so well) and we could never do better. I was wrong. Pope isn't there as far as National Achievement (yet) but no Coach of his level understands Kentucky better than him. I love everything about Pope.
I would love to have one of those!!! I’d wear it proudly!

If you can't get a bucket on your own and/or not a tremendous athlete, you are not a good fit for Calipari's "system". He wasn’t going to put guys in the best position to score. That's just not him. His defensive "strategy" was never adjusted, so you had to be athletic enough to stay in front of your man. That said, Kentucky kids are typically not fit for the way his roster is built. That is why Calipari didn’t recruit as many Kentucky kids.
Read what you just wrote. I don’t disagree with what you said BUT, read it again. If you took “Kentucky” out the statement and read that about any coach, would you think this is a Hall of Fame Coach that would be highly successful?
No offense strategy…no defense strategy. Just throw the ball out there…would you want a coach like that?
Read what you just wrote. I don’t disagree with what you said BUT, read it again. If you took “Kentucky” out the statement and read that about any coach, would you think this is a Hall of Fame Coach that would be highly successful?
No offense strategy…no defense strategy. Just throw the ball out there…would you want a coach like that?
I'm not saying that is what I want, only what he is. The whole "Cal doesn't like Kentucky kids" is what is annoying to me. If he can't get to the Final Four with the NBA talent that he has had come through Lexington, he's definitely not getting it from guys that go to WKU, EKU, etc (aka most of the top in-state talent).