Pot is now en vogue, isn't it? I hear from multiple people anytime it's ever mentioned that it's nothing. But it does alter your mind, doesn't it? It does slow your reflexes. And the biggest thing of all is that it often is a gateway to worse drugs. I was just told by a guy who went on a 6 month trip that it started with weed but it ended a long way from there. If you could guarantee me a person wouldn't become an addict of meth, cocain, heroine, or something else, after starting to smoke pot, I'd be all for it. I will admit, it varies from person to person, in regard to whether it's a gateway drug or if they get addicted. Alcohol can be worse than weed, when a person let's it control them.
Bottom line for me is this: anytime a person has to medicate himself to deal with life, there's a deeper problem. And these substances aren't the answer, in my opinion. I have no interest in arguing. Think what you will. That's just my 2 cents.