Louisville starter Jalen Johnson pleads guilty to marijuana possession

Super medicinal benefits compared to an expensive cocktail of prescription pills, especially for our veterans. Some can relieve pain well without a noticeable/significant high. Just a matter of time. Veterans deserve a choice regardless of their state IMO.
The law does not allow us to pick and choose what laws we obey and don't obey. Just like federal immigration laws. Obama decided he didn't like immigration laws so he would not enforce them. If the law is on the books we need to enforce it until the law is changed.
We are also allowed to advocate our positions through freedom of political speech. Which is what I was doing. Thanks for keeping up.
The gateway drug argument kills me. Yeah - more coke heads smoke weed than don't. That isn't indicative of a causal relationship between smoking a joint and going stark raving nuts into drugs. It's a lesser included drug in their alcohol. Now, you want to talk about a drug that ruins lives go down to the women's shelter and ask how many of them had husbands or boyfriends that would get high ON WEED and beat them. It's gonna be so close to zero no one will report it. Now ask them about prescription pills and booze. You'll start to notice a trend if your paying attention to anyone other than McGruff the crime dog and Pete sessions.
I like to clown on UL as much as anybody, but an adult choosing to inhale the fumes of burning plant matter doesn't seem worthy of a criminal citation.

And the "but it's the law" shit is for conformists. It also used be legal to own people, legal to marry one's cousin, legal to rape one's wife, illegal to date someone who wasn't the same race as you. Point being, just because it's "the law" doesn't make it right.

I've done pretty much all the drugs (no heroin) and drank a small lake's worth of booze in my time. Marijuana was by far the most harmless of all of them.
The law does not allow us to pick and choose what laws we obey and don't obey. Just like federal immigration laws. Obama decided he didn't like immigration laws so he would not enforce them. If the law is on the books we need to enforce it until the law is changed.

no, our individual consciences allow us to pick and choose which laws to obey. and LEO similarly decide to let off-duty LEO skate for drunk driving, or to beat the crap out of a black kid for jaywalking

obama deported record numbers, while illegal entry into the country declined steeply due to the recession

the AG doesn't see much difference between weed and heroin. i don't see much difference between him and a racist leprechaun
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The gateway drug argument kills me. Yeah - more coke heads smoke weed than don't. That isn't indicative of a causal relationship between smoking a joint and going stark raving nuts into drugs. It's a lesser included drug in their alcohol. Now, you want to talk about a drug that ruins lives go down to the women's shelter and ask how many of them had husbands or boyfriends that would get high ON WEED and beat them. It's gonna be so close to zero no one will report it. Now ask them about prescription pills and booze. You'll start to notice a trend if your paying attention to anyone other than McGruff the crime dog and Pete sessions.

Tobacco at 14 and alcohol at 15 were my gateways. But that ruins the lazy narrative, so .....
Pot is now en vogue, isn't it? I hear from multiple people anytime it's ever mentioned that it's nothing. But it does alter your mind, doesn't it? It does slow your reflexes. And the biggest thing of all is that it often is a gateway to worse drugs. I was just told by a guy who went on a 6 month trip that it started with weed but it ended a long way from there. If you could guarantee me a person wouldn't become an addict of meth, cocain, heroine, or something else, after starting to smoke pot, I'd be all for it. I will admit, it varies from person to person, in regard to whether it's a gateway drug or if they get addicted. Alcohol can be worse than weed, when a person let's it control them.

Bottom line for me is this: anytime a person has to medicate himself to deal with life, there's a deeper problem. And these substances aren't the answer, in my opinion. I have no interest in arguing. Think what you will. That's just my 2 cents.

If you could buy weed at a store then no you wouldn't. The fact it is illegal makes access to those drugs a reality.
Pot is now en vogue, isn't it? I hear from multiple people anytime it's ever mentioned that it's nothing. But it does alter your mind, doesn't it? It does slow your reflexes. And the biggest thing of all is that it often is a gateway to worse drugs. I was just told by a guy who went on a 6 month trip that it started with weed but it ended a long way from there. If you could guarantee me a person wouldn't become an addict of meth, cocain, heroine, or something else, after starting to smoke pot, I'd be all for it. I will admit, it varies from person to person, in regard to whether it's a gateway drug or if they get addicted. Alcohol can be worse than weed, when a person let's it control them.

Bottom line for me is this: anytime a person has to medicate himself to deal with life, there's a deeper problem. And these substances aren't the answer, in my opinion. I have no interest in arguing. Think what you will. That's just my 2 cents.

People try alcohol before they try weed. So does that mean alcohol is the real gateway drug?
Bottom line for me is this: anytime a person has to medicate himself to deal with life, there's a deeper problem. And these substances aren't the answer, in my opinion.

I definitely understand a person having no desire for mind altering substances like alcohol or weed. And dependency and addiction are clearly problems. But I can't see any reason why there's a problem with a person who is productive and well adjusted in their life and relationships enjoying recreational use of these substances.
Marijuana is legal in the largest state in the United States.... California.
If your putting people in jail over weed possession your doing it to MAKE MONEY off of them ...nothing more. Its a damn racket.
Illegal marijuana makes Kentucky alot of money apparently and they aint having legal weed in this RED controlled state.

If your a weed smoker or a democrat your supposed to move out of this state and head west. That's a fact. Your people live on the west coast.

Texas is larger than California. Jesus, your school system failed you.
People get addicted to sex as well. Should we stop having sexual encounters because some people could get addicted, which could lead to raping and assaulting? People can become addicted to anything. You just have to be responsible with it and use your best judgement. They are using medical marijuana to treat a lot of medical issues today, so it can't be all bad.
Addicted O I thought you said UL fans was dickheads my bad carry on
I don't smoke pot but I know a lot of people that do. I'm fine with it unless someone gets higher than hell and gets behind the wheel (same as alcohol). I'm no pot expert but I thought medicinal marijuana was a little different than other types of pot but again I don't know. I do know that a friend of mine was killed in a car accident where the driver of the other vehicle was higher than hell. I may be missing something but that pretty much made me think pot could be a big issue just as alcohol is when you get drunk and drive. Both of those scenarios make me sick. Am I missing something here ?
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Hey guys. I don't condemn anyone for their choices. I just don't think it's wise. I have 5 children and a grandson and, if you ask me if I would recommend pot smoking, I would say no. Of course, I wouldn't recommend drinking, smoking, or any other kind of substance use, either. I see zero benefit for recreational use. I do see benefit for medicinal use. That's where I would draw the line, according to my faith.
I have nothing against weed, I smoked plenty back in the day but it's illegal at the moment in this state and UL is scum so to hell with them and their lack of institutional control.
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Id never do it, but I'm actually pro-pot, but very anti-pot when it comes to driving. People can say what they want, but I have tons of friends that do and i never want to see them driving when on it.
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Marijuana is legal in the largest state in the United States.... California.

If your a weed smoker or a democrat your supposed to move out of this state and head west. That's a fact. Your people live on the west coast.
Weed is legal in Alaska?
Or were referencing the lower 48? I wasn't aware that the earthquakes made California get bigger.
You lost all creditably in your first sentence.
Marijuana is legal in the largest state in the United States.... California.
If your putting people in jail over weed possession your doing it to MAKE MONEY off of them ...nothing more. Its a damn racket.
Illegal marijuana makes Kentucky alot of money apparently and they aint having legal weed in this RED controlled state.

If your a weed smoker or a democrat your supposed to move out of this state and head west. That's a fact. Your people live on the west coast.

Washington is raking in money hand over fist from marijuana sales. There's more to be made from selling it to people who are gonna buy it anyway than from these stupid arrests.
Hey guys. I don't condemn anyone for their choices. I just don't think it's wise. I have 5 children and a grandson and, if you ask me if I would recommend pot smoking, I would say no. Of course, I wouldn't recommend drinking, smoking, or any other kind of substance use, either. I see zero benefit for recreational use. I do see benefit for medicinal use. That's where I would draw the line, according to my faith.
Dad let me smoke pot at 14.. I started at 10 and was going to do it regardless anyway.. He just said if you're gonna smoke it,, do it at the house.. Been a stoner 32/42 years going strong..
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Dad let me smoke pot at 14.. I started at 10 and was going to do it regardless anyway.. He just said if you're gonna smoke it,, do it at the house.. Been a stoner 32/42 years going strong..

I no longer partake, but when I was young I smoked every day for probably 6 years. Had a friend's mom in high school who was like your dad. On the weekends, she let us get super high at their house with access to all kinds of top-notch munchies, video games and VHS tapes. But, she confiscated our keys and locked them in a safe until morning. Her point was "I'd rather you boys do that here where I know you're safe than being out getting high in your cars" (which, regrettably, was Plan B when you lived in an anti- household like I did.)
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I no longer partake, but when I was young I smoked every day for probably 6 years. Had a friend's mom in high school who was like your dad. On the weekends, she let us get super high at their house with access to all kinds of top-notch munchies, video games and VHS tapes. But, she confiscated our keys and locked them in a safe until morning. Her point was "I'd rather you boys do that here where I know you're safe than being out getting high in your cars" (which, regrettably, was Plan B when you lived in an anti- household like I did.)
If you never hit it.. gtfo.
Agree that the gateway argument is absurd. Like, if marijuana didn't exist, the same people smoking crack, snorting blow, shooting smack, popping pills, and any other alliterative descriptions of drug use, would be clean and sober.


As for Jalen Johnson, this shouldn't even be a story.
I hate UofL but this is a non issue. It's been socially acceptable to use cigarettes and alcohol but those are far more dangerous than weed. We're moving into a time where that's no longer the case. The internet changed everything because now for the first time in history there's legit information about marijuana out there instead of propaganda and people can see "reefer madness" for what it really is. Federal legalization is just a matter of when at this point
It keeps me from killing people..
I've known a couple people shot and killed because they got too close to some pot growers patch in your neck of the woods,a friend was paddling the Kentucky river in Breathitt County back in the 70's and was murdered near a pot patch,another guy I knew was killed while ginseng hunting for intruding on an illegal pot patch,and I found myself with guns pointed at me while ginseng hunting in Harlan County because I got too close to a booby trapped pot patch,luckily they let me go when I said "I don't know nothing and don't want to know" and headed the other way.
Let's not act like pot doesn't have any bad sides,I smoked it in High School and College but it was never my favorite thing,but I saw people that smoked a lot that had memory loss,were burned out,and were stoned so much they couldn't function normally and people chasing that first big thrill high can lead to harder and other drugs,I've seen it all as a recovered alcoholicand drug addict that's been sober for 26 years next month and made a huge turn around in my life.
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Jaylen " Pot Head" Johnson pleaded guilty in Woodford District Court to Marijuana possesion and driving without a license plate
How stupid do you need to be to drive without a license plate :chairshot: and then do dope Really good way to get noticed..But Lil Brother players are not known for being mental giants..:confused::confused:

He now probably qualifies to be team captain, next year.
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Slick Rick Pitineer runs a clean program is what you will see on the louisville rivals site. They hate fans like me that tell the truth. It is sooooooooooooo much more that doesnt make the news its sad. I have UK fan friends that tell me to spend the travel money I do to follow the Cats. I told them I will catch more than the usual 3-5 games we see together each year.
Cal recruits the best kids, cares for them and pushes them to excellence, I respect that.

Pitino breaks his guys down mentally and makes them doubt themselves. I really cant blame a player for smoking under Pitino because of the mind games and the mental anguish of having a coach who wants to hold you back instead of see you excell like Cal makes his players do.