Louisville fan coordinating grass roots campaign to sue the NCAA

"Tark the shark sued the NCAA and won." [eyeroll]

From Wiki:
"Throughout his career, he battled accusations of rules violations from the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), with each of his three universities suffering penalties. Tarkanian responded by challenging the organization to also investigate larger and more powerful universities.[1][2] The NCAA ordered UNLV to suspend him in 1977, but he sued the NCAA and continued coaching while the case was pending. The Supreme Court ruled against him in 1988, but he remained UNLV's coach after a settlement with the NCAA. Tarkanian sued them again in 1992, and the case was settled when he received $2.5 million in 1998."

He sued the NCAA because they ordered UNLV to suspend him by over-reaching their bounds. NOTHING similar to getting caught with hookers in dorms.

What a joke. Do these idiots have any idea the cost to sue an organization like the NCAA. And what is their cause of action? The entertainment value of that fan base is priceless. They keep us in stitches
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All they have to say is that they non student athletes there with the hookers- that’s what the NCAA said about decades of cheating with UNC
No matter how many times it’s explained, they don’t listen. Louisville isn’t going to sue the NCAA because they have no case. The member schools give the NCAA its power, as long as it follows its own procedures faithfully there’s nothing to sue over. Yet internet Card world is convinced the only reason they’re not suing is that the President and Board Chair are secretly UK plants determined to bring down Louisville athletics. Which Louisville did on it’s on very well....
I’ll donate $10 just so I can have more things to laugh at them
Reminds of what IUsedtobe fan and a lawyer, Gojko, did after they fired Bobby Knight.
I'm more than willing to collect all of their money and coordinate this lawsuit campaign... I promise to write up the lawsuit in crayon on a somewhat crinkled piece of paper and submit it to the state.

And I promise this will work UL fans.......... I mean mailing it to the state... its gonna get thrown out immediately after opening but at least I'd have their money

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