Longtime ESPN anchor Linda Cohn says politics to blame for network problems...

Sports Center was their flagship. I used to watch it a couple of times a day. For various reason I never watch it now. I bet there are a lot of people like me out there. Televised sports generally is better when muted. I don't think that helps. When you tune out the announcers it's easier to eventually lose interest in most events unless you have a team or sport you really love being televised. As I grow older I find it harder to feel that way about teams except UK. My generation is becoming disenchanted with the whole pro sports dynamic of over paid prima donnas while the younger people seem more interested in computer games than playing or watching the real thing. Changing world+over paying for TV rights=big trouble ahead.
Conservative = redneck!? They are a sports channel which is a fairly tame venue if you focus on the athletic aspect. If you chose to blend politics and social issues then you need to be objective and unbiased or you will lose viewers. I am from Kentucky and consider myself an educated man who leans between moderate and conservative. But to meet your slanted views I'll give you a "kiss my redneck ass" shout out.
No, it's primarily what you stated...but you're wrong if you don't think their insistence on telling people how to think and what to believe hasn't contributed. I've read many on here say they left because of their liberal BS. And I'm one of them... cost savings alone wasn't enough to get me to cut the cord... their arrogance and political BS was...
The cross section of sports fans and people that care that much about politics is much smaller than you think
The cross section of sports fans and people that care that much about politics is much smaller than you think
We live in interesting times. The country is divided and the issues dividing us are mostly cultural, and only secondarily political. They play out in front of us daily. We're not talking about SportsCenter anchors speaking on monetary policy, and so it's not just politics nerds that have an interest here. Should a man who identifies as a woman be allowed to use a women's restroom, with other women and girls? Just about everyone - including many who are typically apolitical - has an instinctive and visceral reaction to that question. These are the kind of issues that espn has embraced. It's kind of easy to see, even if you're not looking for it.....
Or maybe people need to grow up and stop this ignorant "well you don't agree with my views, so you're obviously dumb and I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum".

Not everyone is going to agree on everything but some people act like the world should cater to them.
they have been catered to the last 8 years
Cord cutters are mainly under the age of 30.

You'd be surprised. The guy at work who turned me on to streaming with Sling was well into his 30's. Pretty much all the under 30 hires were streaming, but there were several of us old coots who got into it too. It isn't rocket science. When I retired last year there were a lot of other old timers interested, and last month a buddy of mine who is still working went the Kodi route. He also said that others in the process of doing it. A friend of mine who is 73 wants me to at least set him up with Sling and an HD antenna. Just like most people, he's tired of paying through the nose for cable and channels that he never watches. My son in-law set his parents up with Kodi, and they're older than me. Earlier today my wife said that one of my former coworkers posted on Facebook that she told Comcast to eat a big one today and cut the cord. She's 51......people are just sick to death of cable/satellite prices.
They already booted her from the prime time NBA show in favor of loudmouth liberal Michelle Beadle.

I'm with you...can't believe they kicked Linda to the curb...not fair.


Their hero worshiping of Katlyn Jenner~ Courage Award? Woman of the Year. really?, support of Black Lives Matter anti cop agenda, comparing Kaepernick to Rosa parks, the constant race baiting of Smith, Jemele Hill, Wilbon...

so yes...its about black people on tv.
hilarious really...i watch espn a lot. you would think its 24/7 politics based on what people describe here. in between nfl draft, nba, nhl playoffs, and do they find the time to fit in all these political shows.
It doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be a combination of both. You can want to cut costs down and maybe the fact that ESPN's heavy political garbage is why you make the decision especially if sports were the only thing keeping you from getting rid of cable (that's what took me so long to get rid of it).
so yes...its about black people on tv.

Hmm, then why aren't people complaining about Jay Williams or NBA Tonight's crew if it's about "black people?" I'd say it's the ones who play the race card and inject their bigotry into everything that people have an issue with.

Can someone read Jemele Hill and not come away with a constant theme of hers after a decade worth of content about race?
hilarious really...i watch espn a lot. you would think its 24/7 politics based on what people describe here. in between nfl draft, nba, nhl playoffs, and do they find the time to fit in all these political shows.

So you don't read the website content? I get it. This is your shtick to be the jerk on here but you're off base as usual.
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I'm with you...can't believe they kicked Linda to the curb...not fair.



Funny, I've never seen Beadle on the air in a bikini. Right now she is on looking like she just rolled out of bed. She's a hot mess who looks like crap most of the time and talks too fast. And BTW she didn't replace Linda Cohn, she replaced the young and very attractive Shawn Steele after the ABC brass decided she was too conservative. Beadle is also a nasty b*tch on Twitter.
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Politics has no place in sports.

Lebron James is the perfect example. He thinks he's so smart that he can tell us how great Obama and Hilary are. And that we should bow down and vote for them.

James, you're not very intelligent. You don't have a college degree. Please just stick to basketball.

Thanks, and have a good night.
I have to confess...I liked it when Kraft and Belichick showed support for Trump (who was my candidate by default). So Lebron didn't bug me too much.
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As is usually the case, there are probably numerous factors. I'll throw out one more. I believe that forty or fifty years from now when historians look back they'll see that, in 2017, we are past the peak of the golden age of spectator sports in America. There's a younger generation that, as a whole, simply isn't into it as much and I believe that we're just tiring of it as a civilization.

Soccer fans say "hello."
SO in a nutshell, many on here hate ESPN because of it injecting liberal bias into sports, but most have yet to fully cut the cord because they still watch UK games on ESPN or some other sports, which in turns only further supports ESPN and their liberal bias.

Solid job guys...
Funny, I've never seen Beadle on the air in a bikini. Right now she is on looking like she just rolled out of bed. She's a hot mess who looks like crap most of the time and talks too fast. And BTW she didn't replace Linda Cohn, she replaced the young and very attractive Shawn Steele after the ABC brass decided she was too conservative. Beadle is also a nasty b*tch on Twitter.

Honestly, smoking hot liberal crazy women is way more important that old ass conservative twelve-toed hag. Anything else is just noise.

KSR should learn from ESPN's mistake but Jones is probably too arrogant to think it would happen to him.

I don't want my sports and politics mixed!!! Sports is a refreshing break from the news and politics for me!!
SO in a nutshell, many on here hate ESPN because of it injecting liberal bias into sports, but most have yet to fully cut the cord because they still watch UK games on ESPN or some other sports, which in turns only further supports ESPN and their liberal bias.

Solid job guys...

And many are expressing that they have cut the cord, or have reduced their intake to just UK athletics. (Even if you are a still a subscriber, ratings are a portion of the revenue impact, not just subscriptions).

While others are even expressing that they are looking for different ways to access the product.

So, I sense a change by some, a desire to change from others, and a frustration from others from what the product is turning into; which, over time, will lead to more walking away.
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I don't want my sports and politics mixed!!! Sports is a refreshing break from the news and politics for me!!

your life sounds so very terrible to be constantly swamped with politics. so much so that the only shelter away from it is sports.
And many are expressing that they have cut the cord, or have reduced their intake to just UK athletics. (Even if you are a still a subscriber, ratings are a portion of the revenue impact, not just subscriptions).

While others are even expressing that they are looking for different ways to access the product.

So, I sense a change by some, a desire to change from others, and a frustration from others from what the product is turning into; which, over time, will lead to more walking away.

Clearly ESPN has doubled down on their liberal slant with the personalties they have chosen to move forward. SC6, Beadle, SAS...

ESPN clearly doesn't care what you think...they are the platform that runs the SEC network and they know you will continue to watch regardless.
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Yeah, gawd forbid the colored folks should have an opinion...the nerve of them.
Wow. Wtf?. You play the race card on that? YOU are the problem.
I was going to respond the same about Hollywood acting so piously, especially the crackers... feel better?

Is that that you, wilbon? I think only you saw color in that comment.
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She used to be really, really good. But for the last several years on the rare occasion she's an anchor, it almost seems like she doesn't know the player names or team situations or something. It's odd. It's not like she's "old" or anything. Maybe too busy with over ventures.

Anyway, her stance is too vanilla to really be accurate or wrong. I mean, if she's talking about .00001% of a factor, that's still a factor. So it's not much of a claim.

I'm sure there are lots of people who tuned out due to the political stuff, but similar to firing these people, it's such an insignificant drop in the bucket when you have billion dollar contracts with sports leagues and more channels than anyone could ever need or want, that it's just become this way for those who lean right to celebrate that their choice not to watch is somehow crumbling a media empire.

Again, ESPN gets paid whether we watch or not as long as we keep our cable subscription. I doubt anyone hates ESPN enough to cancel their entire cable package over it.
I do
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Politics has no place in sports.

Lebron James is the perfect example. He thinks he's so smart that he can tell us how great Obama and Hilary are. And that we should bow down and vote for them.

James, you're not very intelligent. You don't have a college degree. Please just stick to basketball.

Thanks, and have a good night.

Don't forget that James never had a single job his entire life. He went from high school to playing basketball for millions. He has no education & no regular job experience but hey, he's "deep."
As is usually the case, there are probably numerous factors. I'll throw out one more. I believe that forty or fifty years from now when historians look back they'll see that, in 2017, we are past the peak of the golden age of spectator sports in America. There's a younger generation that, as a whole, simply isn't into it as much and I believe that we're just tiring of it as a civilization.
That's how I feel
Maybe I'll just start my shows back up...

Of course at BBN outside of our national writers and former players, we only hired website posters - you guys on this site would make for an interesting staff....

Sandy contacting JRow to have me banned again in 3, 2, 1....
Le do it
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Can one of you who says that ESPNs issue is 90 percent cord cutters show me which cord is the one of the 200+ channels I get is the "ESPN only" cord that you guys are cutting to cause ESPNs major issues? If I cut my cord then 200+ channels get cut and not just ESPN. I do not hear a lot of other networks like Food Network or AE or Fox News or the others having to slash like ESPN. So clearly to any dispassionate observer it is clearly much MORE than that.
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