Lexington shootings

Well this thread definitely did NOT stay on track. What once was a "shooting in Lexington" thread has turned into a political pissing contest. Not surprise though, happens way too often. Some people just have to get their views of the world across, subject matter be damned.
We foster- parented for a while, and learned how much I disliked biological parents. Then I got to thinking about who to blame? They were probably brought up the same way, and their birth parents before them. It’s a horrible cycle and a culture inherited—but at what point do we as a society say “’re now accountable and in charge of ending this generational madness”?
Our daughter and her husband aren't able to have kids, but fostered three before they were able to go back to a parent or relative. Then one day they received a call about fostering sisters who were one month and 5 years old. The oldest had been in three previous homes, and the youngest, of course, had just been taken from the home. They fostered them for 3 years, then were able to adopt them, giving us two beautiful granddaughters. The oldest turns 11 next month, and for a kid who had a lot of mental baggage to overcome, she's doing incredibly well in school, is very creative, and will be in the middle school band next year. All the youngest has ever known is how much she and her sissy are loved by all of us, and without the baggage her sister had to endure, she is fearless in life. On a sadder note, their biological mom now has another newborn, and I wonder what kind of future that kid will have.
What's your solution then? Let's hear it. I guess we just need to love on the criminals and hope they come around?

All the Hall Monitor knows is when there is a political discussion he does not like, he swoops in to criticize those having the discussion. He has no answers and doesn’t want to admit there is a problem. He just wants you to bury your head in the sand, if you don’t agree politically with him.
Louisville's main problem is shitty cops. Some in life and on the Paddock defended police running in guns blazing, firing at will in a dark home which killed one person who was asleep in her bed. I mean, how do you actually defend that? But some did. Just like they defended Chauvin, posting little anger emojis and the like after he was found guilty. George Floyd "murdered himself" I read by a few on this lovely site. We just saw another shitty cop and his story about a pair of "damaged" $80 pants. Real heros some of these guys are.

People need a solid foundation and that begins at home. We need responsible politicians to do well at their jobs. It's mentally unhealthy to actually despise various politicians. If "all politicians suck", then maybe we suck for electing them. Making excuses for rioting of any kind is inexcusable, that includes in our cities and yes, at the US Capitol. Backing the Blue to the point of making excuses for any dumbass cop or spinning a murder seen on video as "he murdered himself" is inexcusable. And just blaming "the libs" is lazy. Let's stop pretending when Republicans get a bit of control, the world is suddenly butterfly kisses and little puppy burps. It doesn't help to prop up your side while pushing all blame of everything wrong in society on the side you dislike. That's childish imo.

How many Louisville cops do you know, Hall Monitor?

Talk about the know-it-all on the internet. It’s you!! 😆
Louisville never defunded police. Nor did almost any other city. And I was quite obviously referring to Louisville in relation to other cities across the country. Since, you know, I explicitly said so.

Louisville lost good cops because idiots rioted in the streets and screamed ugly nonsense into their faces and threatened them with harm. Good cops left to do other things because they could not justify risking their lives when the idiot masses attacked them. And, I don’t blame the cops. Who wants to serve and protect when the public hypergeneralizes and treats you like shit?
Louisville had a gun fight at a bar before a hip hop artist was supposed to go on. Shot 7 and i think killed a couple. Got a tweet and nothing else. Just another weekend.

Its all under control!
That's a crime in itself that one can stay on there so long.
I agree. The last Kentucky execution was in 2008. I'm quite sure that our current governor won't be restarting that any time soon.

For the record, I do not believe the death penalty has much, if any deterrence effect but I also believe that it should be more fully pursued and, if sentenced, actually imposed.
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This town has gone crazy. Always heard a lot of gangs in Lexington and in the middle and high schools here. From what I understand Lexington is prime location for drugs to flow thru from Detroit, Chicago.