Lewis or Brown?

I hope you’re correct and that the player sticks around until he graduates or is ready for NBA. (Whichever comes first.)

I think experienced guard play is important. Experience with the coach and system is even better than bringing in a portal player for one year.

I’m fine with a couple of the top end recruits mixed in with some very good 3-4 year recruits.
I wouldn’t go placing bets on that info but it’s what i was told. Of course 5 minutes after I was told it could be outdated, who knows.
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Do we know who this someone smart is?
I don’t know, who do you know?

I’m not selling it as I have a connection, I don’t. I just asked someone smart on this stuff. I was more interested in Mullins after the the IU guy came spreading news Mullins was not going UK. I’ve been around RR something like 15-20yrs. I’ve never said anything of value in recruiting because I don’t have connections.
I think that will change some now; players without much chance of making the NBA can now leave college as millionaires(Okafor for example). Perry and Noah are two that might not have an NBA future but could make big bucks as a junior and senior in college so you can make an argument for redshirting any that aren't in the regular rotation.
I agree, there are tons of fringe level Pros, or European type pros who can definitely make bank on college now and it wouldn’t be a bad idea to hone their game and extend their careers in college to make the most $ they can. Wait their turn and truly be ready when they step on the floor.
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