Last year's Power Ball was $476 million post tax. If you won, how much would you contribute to the next NIL class?


Dec 7, 2007
$476 million (post-tax). You invest that, even at conservative interest rates, and you could contribute to NIL and charities just based off interest.

Bottom of the barrel interest rates right now are 5.26% interest. Let's say you diversified and took in an average of 6.5% (post tax, and also post agent fees). You take $300 million at 6.5% and you're making $19.5 million off interest alone (without touching that initial $176 million that you could give to missionaries, churches, charities, etc.).

I think I'd give $10 million annually to NIL, if I also played a role in which high school phenoms the staff is chasing.

Dybantsa would get an offer for $5 to 6 million alone. He's worth it.
Johnson would be worth $2 million.
Maleek Thomas would get an offer for around $1.5 million.

What about you? If you won the Power Ball at such a heightened return, would you dig deep and contribute to the NIL?
Facilities for sure. And then outbid almost everyone in NIL.. BUT, it will be incentive laden. 30% of that pay is going to come from tournament success. If you lose 1st round, the NIL money will still be good, probably a little less than what you'd have gotten at Ohio St or LSU. But if you win a few games, it will wind up being higher NIL than what almost any other school would have given you.

I'd also set up some sort of camp for recruits to come to, or take part in. The emphasis would be for evaluation and to determine fit. Top100 recruits wouldn't have to pay to enter. Make it worth while for the recruits (maybe have past UK players there, some NBA personnel, etc), Have some good food, get a performer. Ultimately though, it would be to figure out which of these guys are interested and which of those do we actually want (Assuming Pope and future coaches still have interest in adding top100 guys going forward).

Then use that money, in whatever way you can, to fix the relationship with Nike, to the point that Nike thinks twice about funneling players to programs like Oregon and Duke.

Then.. if there's still available funds.. a giant Waterslide park and lazy river.
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Facilities for sure. And then outbid almost everyone in NIL.. BUT, it will be incentive laden. 30% of that pay is going to come from tournament success. If you lose 1st round, the NIL money will still be good, probably a little less than what you'd have gotten at Ohio St or LSU. But if you win a few games, it will wind up being higher NIL than what almost any other school would have given you.

I'd also set up some sort of camp for recruits to come to, or take part in. The emphasis would be for evaluation and to determine fit. Top100 recruits wouldn't have to pay to enter. Make it worth while for the recruits (maybe have past UK players there, some NBA personnel, etc), Have some good food, get a performer. Ultimately though, it would be to figure out which of these guys are interested and which of those do we actually want (Assuming Pope and future coaches still have interest in adding top100 guys going forward).

Then use that money, in whatever way you can, to fix the relationship with Nike, to the point that Nike thinks twice about funneling players to programs like Oregon and Duke.

Then.. if there's still available funds.. a giant Waterslide park and lazy river.
1. I'm giving back to God. $100 million dollar fund set up for urban ministries, recovery houses, urban churches that do a ton of "trench warfare" level ministry. I'm also setting up a mentorship charity for the young people I work with. I'm hiring a fulltime professional (probably two of them) to research these ministries around the world. I'm investing the money and creating the fund to use interest gains to pay out annual donations. Instead of reinventing the wheel, I'm soaking ministries that are already in operation. My students and former students would be prioritized in the short term, microlevel element; and the additional ministries would be prioritized in the long term, macrolevel element of the donation base.

2. I'm setting up all my family for life. That would include the next two or three generations. That's going to be about $25-30 million.

3. I'm buying a house in Scotland to chill. Doesn't have to be big. A nice cottage by the ocean will do, where I can write stories, songs, and take morning hikes. Less than a million and with lifetime upkeep (taxes), maybe $3 million total.

4. I'm taking a three year long trip around the US and hiking across the country (John Muir trail, the AP, and the American Discovery Trail) followed by some RVing.

5. I'm producing an independent film based on a short story I wrote. $5 million or less.
* I'm also spending some cash on producing some songs I've written about lost-loved ones who have passed away, and current friends who matter a lot to me.

6. UK gets about $50 million. New facility improvements, and a constant stream of NIL cash.

7. Nothing goes to politics, mansions, or yachts (the typical "blow it quick" stuff).
None. I can think of about a million other things with more importance then UK basketball to donate funds that actually have a positive, meaningful impact on the world.

UK basketball (or sports in general) don't come close to making the cut for me in this hypothetical situation.
$476 million (post-tax). You invest that, even at conservative interest rates, and you could contribute to NIL and charities just based off interest.

Bottom of the barrel interest rates right now are 5.26% interest. Let's say you diversified and took in an average of 6.5% (post tax, and also post agent fees). You take $300 million at 6.5% and you're making $19.5 million off interest alone (without touching that initial $176 million that you could give to missionaries, churches, charities, etc.).

I think I'd give $10 million annually to NIL, if I also played a role in which high school phenoms the staff is chasing.

Dybantsa would get an offer for $5 to 6 million alone. He's worth it.
Johnson would be worth $2 million.
Maleek Thomas would get an offer for around $1.5 million.

What about you? If you won the Power Ball at such a heightened return, would you dig deep and contribute to the NIL?
None. Zero. Zilch. Money would be put to much better use going to actual charities, not buying players
None. Zero. Zilch. Money would be put to much better use going to actual charities, not buying players
You could still give half to charities and provide a revenue stream for generations to urban mentorship, foreign missionaries, and penny for penny charities that are doing good works.
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I’d set up a trust with $20 million in it to be dedicated to NIL for UK Basketball players in exchange for $476 million. Wouldn’t think twice about it.
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Tithing 10%, so we’ll say $48, then putting half of the total net sum in an index fund with with a 50/50 dividend payout-reinvestment scheme.

So now I’m sitting on $190 million liquid. Probably put 40 of that into an endowment where the dividends are the spendable NIL funds, which would yield about $2,000,000 a year for basketball only. So that’s about $150,000 per player per year in perpetuity.

Get others to invest in the endowment and that’ll grow over time. I’d call up the Crafts and see if they could chip-in annually.
I’d set up a trust with $20 million in it to be dedicated to NIL for UK Basketball players in exchange for $476 million. Wouldn’t think twice about it.

Tithing 10%, so we’ll say $48, then putting half of the total net sum in an index fund with with a 50/50 dividend payout-reinvestment scheme.

So now I’m sitting on $190 million liquid. Probably put 40 of that into an endowment where the dividends are the spendable NIL funds, which would yield about $2,000,000 a year for basketball only. So that’s about $150,000 per player per year in perpetuity.

Get others to invest in the endowment and that’ll grow over time. I’d call up the Crafts and see if they could chip-in annually.
I was wondering how many of these guys in this thread would outright reject giving back to the university that they love so much. You guys saved the thread and restored my momentary hope in this message board's collective humanity.

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It doesn't have anything to do with how much I love UK, though. I just am not a fan of NIL. And, while I love UK Football and Basketball and enjoy rooting for the teams, I'm not a fan of universities as a whole these days. I'm not really interested in helping out UK the college. I think colleges have become huge scams.
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IF I had the notion to put money to NIL, I would do so on an individual player basis. IF that is even possible (probably not). I would donate a certain amount to a player (s) per year that I really think would help UK win a championship. Basicly I would try to buy a elite HS recruit and / or portal player to come to UK. I would NOT give a set amount yearly to be used at the coaches (whom ever it may be) discretion. The kind of money we are talking, I would want to feel like part of the team, you know like the boosters back in the old days. Have some input where my $ goes and to whom. It would never work, but I am not giving big money to see us spread it out or over spend on a player that would not move the needle. As an example, I would say "I will give "X" number of dollars to Boozer if he would sign with UK.
I was wondering how many of these guys in this thread would outright reject giving back to the university that they love so much. You guys saved the thread and restored my momentary hope in this message board's collective humanity.


I don’t have many bad habits. I’d need something to blow it on. Why not a banner or two?
Ha,, i have no family besides 2 uncles.. Id hire lawyers to make 100% sure my ex sister and rest of her family never seen a penny of it.. I don't do charities.. I don't do churches.. Im not married.. Id def blow lots of it though.. Id pretty much take care of me and my woman and that be it.. May may not with UK..
$476 million (post-tax). You invest that, even at conservative interest rates, and you could contribute to NIL and charities just based off interest.

Bottom of the barrel interest rates right now are 5.26% interest. Let's say you diversified and took in an average of 6.5% (post tax, and also post agent fees). You take $300 million at 6.5% and you're making $19.5 million off interest alone (without touching that initial $176 million that you could give to missionaries, churches, charities, etc.).

I think I'd give $10 million annually to NIL, if I also played a role in which high school phenoms the staff is chasing.

Dybantsa would get an offer for $5 to 6 million alone. He's worth it.
Johnson would be worth $2 million.
Maleek Thomas would get an offer for around $1.5 million.

What about you? If you won the Power Ball at such a heightened return, would you dig deep and contribute to the NIL?
I’d probably give a million a year just for the access to the program and travel and things it would entail. Anything after that isn’t my problem and the other millions I chose would go to other more pressing issues I care about.
I would create various shell companies named things along the lines of "Louisville NIL Fund", "Duke NIL Fund" for all the teams we hate. I'd guarantee tons of NIL money for all the best recruits and transfers in the country to go to those schools. At the last minute I'd renege the NIL offer, sullying the reputation of those schools and making it so no star player would ever want to go there. Then they'd come to UK by default and I wouldn't have to spend a dime.
Facilities for sure. And then outbid almost everyone in NIL.. BUT, it will be incentive laden. 30% of that pay is going to come from tournament success. If you lose 1st round, the NIL money will still be good, probably a little less than what you'd have gotten at Ohio St or LSU. But if you win a few games, it will wind up being higher NIL than what almost any other school would have given you.

I'd also set up some sort of camp for recruits to come to, or take part in. The emphasis would be for evaluation and to determine fit. Top100 recruits wouldn't have to pay to enter. Make it worth while for the recruits (maybe have past UK players there, some NBA personnel, etc), Have some good food, get a performer. Ultimately though, it would be to figure out which of these guys are interested and which of those do we actually want (Assuming Pope and future coaches still have interest in adding top100 guys going forward).

Then use that money, in whatever way you can, to fix the relationship with Nike, to the point that Nike thinks twice about funneling players to programs like Oregon and Duke.

Then.. if there's still available funds.. a giant Waterslide park and lazy river.
I wouldn’t have a fee for anyone to come, a lot of kids especially early may not have the funds from their family to travel or get noticed. Maybe they could get exposure at the camp. A lot of kids don’t even reach the top 100 until junior year or even seniors in some cases.

No way. Love the program too much I’d be a fool.

I’d donate at least 1 million per year. I’d set up businesses and with 1 of them all profits from it go to the fund. I’d if brings in more than 1 million in profits they’d get it all annually.
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For me, I’m giving in this order:

1. God- donating to Church ministry around the world.

2. Family- taking care of my immediate relatives.

3. Community- my community needs a lot of things. We have four gyms for the entire school district. Our Junior Pro basketball teams are constantly having trouble finding court time because of all the other programs that take precedence over them. When you can’t practice basketball on one of your four basketball courts because the archery team needs the gym, you have an issue. So I’m building a couple of auxiliary gyms. We need Soccer and Baseball fields as well. Also, I am building a theatre for the Fine Arts. Rural counties like mine just don’t have the money for things like plays and ballets. I would change that.

I would take care of those things before I thought about UK basketball.
Zero, I’d donate it to something useful a charity, building affordable homes, clean water in 3rd world countries.
First off, I would give half to my daughter, so she never has to work again. Next, I would give family and friends a little piece., build me a lake house, take one of those Matt Jones 10-week vacations. Once all that is done, I guess, lots of hookers and blow.