Kroger Field ???

Honestly it’s probably right or there abouts. We are with a few schools ahead of Vandy (Miss St, Ole Miss, Mizzou, Arkansas). I’d probably rank Commonwealth above 3 of those but it also just depends when you come. KSR took shots at Florida which is down but it’s still the Swamp and a more intimidating environment than Commonwealth.

The times I went to Mizzou it was an awful environment but I also know they’ve invested to change some things since then. Miss St and Ole Miss are dependent on the opponent much like UK. Arkansas can rock it when they have a good team. All the other SEC schools have a better home field advantage imo.
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Typical Summer click bait.

But the simple truth(s) are:

(1) Stadium Quality can be measured in a dozen ways. If only size matters, it’s pretty easy to rank them. If convenience, sight lines, amenities and appearance matter, subjectivity rules.

(2) European/English acquaintances have found Kroger Field amazing. And these same folk would be blown away by almost all SEC stadiums and atmospheres.

(3) At some point, “d!ck measuring” becomes pretty stupid. Each SEC stadium has its own traditions and strong points.. All are impressive, save Vandy on most occasions.
Typical Summer click bait.

But the simple truth(s) are:

(1) Stadium Quality can be measured in a dozen ways. If only size matters, it’s pretty easy to rank them. If convenience, sight lines, amenities and appearance matter, subjectivity rules.

(2) European/English acquaintances have found Kroger Field amazing. And these same folk would be blown away by almost all SEC stadiums and atmospheres.

(3) At some point, “d!ck measuring” becomes pretty stupid. Each SEC stadium has its own traditions and strong points.. All are impressive, save Vandy on most occasions.

When all things settle, athletes become employees I suspect that there will be less fluff spent on stadiums than has been spent by just about everyone in the conference, even Vandy is doing a big upgrade. And a good portion of those monies will be spent luring top athletes. Those stadiums are much good if they are half full.
When all things settle, athletes become employees I suspect that there will be less fluff spent on stadiums than has been spent by just about everyone in the conference, even Vandy is doing a big upgrade. And a good portion of those monies will be spent luring top athletes. Those stadiums are much good if they are half full.
I could be wrong, but I suspect that overall interest in collegiate sports will erode and confirm your points.
I suspect that there will be less fluff spent on stadiums

I’ve said the same in other posts.

If our fan base dollars/boosters dollars/advertising dollars are spent on the athletes, there will be no more gold-plating of facilities.

I doubt interest lessons, though.
I could be wrong, but I suspect that overall interest in collegiate sports will erode and confirm your points.
Maybe the fair weather fans or the old fogeys, but people who attended will not likely lose interest just because things are evolving. Similarly, with basketball under Cal, I lost interest in recruiting and to some extent the individual players because most were gone so quickly, but my love of the team and commitment to watching and attending games never wavered. My fandom evolves as the sport evolves and I suspect this is not unusual.
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