Kentucky is a STRONG title contender with Diallo


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
I absolutely cannot imagine an athletic kid with his motor & a 7ft skilled player like Skal on the same team. Throwing in Ullis, Briscoe, Matthews, Poythress, Lee, Mulder, Willis, Hawkins & that's a very talented team. If Brown came (long-shot) it would be the cherry on top.

But to me....Diallo is the difference maker that makes us a very strong title contender. I'll take his energy & motor over a shooting Zimmerman anyday.
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I agree, I want Diallo more than anyone left. Even if Newman and Ingram were out there.
We're offering Kirk, but we still have room for Diallo and Brown.
Nothing wrong with strengthening the bench while we wait on 2 guys to solidify their choices IMO.

We went after Trevor Lacey at one point, but he didn't want to come here to play off the bench.
I don't think the story changes much when Cal offers someone, no matter who it is.