I thought Wohlabaugh looked pretty good, technically sound, most of the time. However, it looked like things got away from him when things got sophisticated. He might improve rapidly. Young players, especially smart ones, usually do
I thought Wohlabaugh looked pretty good, technically sound, most of the time. However, it looked like things got away from him when things got sophisticated. He might improve rapidly. Young players, especially smart ones, usually do.
what people don’t realize is it’s the first playing time for several of these O-linemen. Practicing against different techniques and actually playing against them in real time is completely different. You don’t get a feel for the speed of things, for the communication, for the timing until you do it live. No unit with all new guys will play good or gel in the first several games. It will take time to get the feel amd communication with each other down. Anyone who thinks this line ain’t talented don’t understand how football really works.