Kentucky ferries

There used to be ferry across the Ohio River at Uniontown to the Indiana until about 1976-77 or thereabouts. We used to take it about once a month to visit my mom’s family between Mt Vernon and Evansville.

Took the Cave-in Rock ferry with my younger son about two years ago.
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It overlooks the Cumberland river. You turn off the ‘main’ road onto a path that cuts through a farm about 1/4 mile. It’s rough. 4-wheel drive only rough.

The path ends at a bluff. There’s a 10x10 foot circular rock that stands just off the end of the path. It’s about a 4 foot jump out onto it. The Cumberland is beneath you and the backdrop is all beautiful KY farmland. I think there may be one house visible.

I did a quick google search that led me to this old random video. WARNING: It’s a terrible video and way too long, but it gives you an idea if you watch it for a minute (they leave around the 7 minute mark and film their way out). At the very beginning they pan over the rock you jump out on (they don’t do it because they are pussies......or because it’s snowy).

This has to be in the Salt Lick Bend area, or Amandaville area. I am guessing Salt Lick Bend, because 953 turns off of 61 south.
If you go on up 953 a little way past salt lick rd, there is a road called Zeketown Rd which is my all time favorote backroad.

Otherwise known as Coe Ridge.

Fun fact: In the series ‘Justified’, Nobles Holler was loosely based on the story of Coe Ridge.

Hard to believe there is one person on this forum that would know this area somewhat well.....yet alone 2 people. Love it.
Cat chaser- can’t get the video to load completely ( internet service is terrible), but it’s a view you could take from many places along the river. What I could see of it, it looks like a place we called the Narrows. May not be. The Narrows you could see the river on both the west and east side of the bluff. Some people built a platform to hang- glide from it out over the river. That was probably 45-50 years ago. Like I said, could be almost anywhere along the river bluffs.
People have used pinnacle point to hang glide off of. But it’s a 100% all natural rock formation. No need to build or add a thing to it. Very well could be what you’re thinking of.
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If you go on up 953 a little way past salt lick rd, there is a road called Zeketown Rd which is my all time favorote backroad.

Otherwise known as Coe Ridge.

Fun fact: In the series ‘Justified’, Nobles Holler was loosely based on the story of Coe Ridge.

Hard to believe there is one person on this forum that would know this area somewhat well.....yet alone 2 people. Love it.
Me and my cousin went thru Zeketown aka Coe Ridge once , I really enjoyed it, this was back in the late 70’s some of the old cabins were still standing, old grave yard. If anybody wants to know “the middle of nowhere” is like. This is it. Now there are many places out west in the Rockies that are the middle of nowhere.

We also came upon a corn patch out in the middle of this ridge. Now what do you think this corn was used for? You got three guesses, the first two don’t count. LOL
Some of you will enjoy these scenes from a fun film.

But the first clip is just a funny clip you will probably enjoy.

These guys play con men. I LOVE the line:

They find their "mark." "A belt full of tobacco money and a belly full of beer."

“Some posters on here think I’m a fake UK fan”- That’s a tribute to growing up where we ( and catchaser) did. You tell it like it is, popular or not. I would get my ass blistered if I wasn’t straight and honest about everything when I was growing up, and I would bet it was the same for you. Some people these days think if you’re critical of anyone over one thing, then you have to hate everything about them. I’ll take my raising and take my chances, let the pompous snoots fire away. Some on here shouldn’t ask questions if they can’t handle the answers.
This is a very unique area and diverse topography. Lots of backroads to get lost on.
Back in the sixties some of us boys had motorcycles. Joe Bryant, Linville Piercey, Calvin Shaw, myself, we rode up Casey Fork, up thru what is now called Green Valley, up to Subtle ridge, and turned down an old logging road, we came out on Ferris Fork, at the head of Houston Hurts place. Is was after dark and we got down to Houstons house he was outside with his shotgun. Told us he didn’t know what was coming down that holler. We laughed our butts off.

So yea, many roads in them parts.
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“Casey Fork”- In the mid-late seventies some friends and I used to take that trip on bicycles. Go up Bombshell Creek up to Subtle and back down the hill to Casey Fork. Damned near killed my self coming down the hill trying not to use brakes on my bicycle lol. You should be careful associating yourself with JB. lol. Just kidding. Sorta. Love these threads. Know him well.
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“Many roads in them parts”- After re-reading your last post about motorcycles, I realized I used to play softball with Calvin Shaw. Big guy, could hit a softball a mile. Lefty I believe. Met Linville once, but never really knew him. But have known Joe and remember Calvin quite well.
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“Many roads in them parts”- After re-reading your last post about motorcycles, I realized I used to play softball with Calvin Shaw. Big guy, could hit a softball a mile. Lefty I believe. Met Linville once, but never really knew him. But have known Joe and remember Calvin quite well.
Yep. Calvin was a lefty. We were best friends growing up. Well you probably played with me too on the old Marrowbone team. I played left field, Calvin played 1st base.
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Yes I remember Calvin playing first base. I think we played together on a couple all star teams in tournaments but could be wrong. I started playing on the first J’s Discount team when I was 13. My older brother was playing and I went along on a tournament with him to Columbia, they wound up a player short so I got drafted lol. They would come pick me up at my house for games after my brother went off to college. I played for another ten-12 years before giving it up. Pitcher mostly.
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