FYI: First Some background then these are supposedly quotes from Kash himself. Taken from an interview with a courier journal staff member.
UK offered him on April 27 and Klenakis and UofL offered him on April 28 after combine
* "It is unreal. Everybody around here is a really big Wilcat fan, and they bleed blue. Just random people that I have never heard of are tweeting me and telling me to go to UK, putting up links to UK videos. It is just unreal how bad this state wants me to play for UK."
* Daniel says he has been to several UK games with family but that he is not personally a fan of UK, or any team, the way Paintsville fans are, and he dismissed the fact that he would just go to UK because that is the in-state school that everyone around there wanted him to go.
* UofL is getting a very strong look. Daniel enjoyed the personal attention he received from UofL's staff at a February junior day. "You could tell it is a family atmosphere up there and that everybody cares about one another, and they're in the business of winning and not looking back."
* "I get a lot of people who tell me not to go to Louisville because they don't want to have to cheer for the Cards." But, Daniel pays that little mind, "My whole life, I knew there were going to be critics, so I've learned not to care what other people say or think. If they tell me not to go to Louisville, well, I don't care because they are not the one making the decision. If I feel at home at Louisville, then I will go to Louisville. If I feel at UK or some other school, I will go there."
Sounds like the negative recruiting on twitter is having a negative impact on Kash. Fans should leave it up to the coaches to recruit players. Sure give him a follow, even congratulate them on the offer. After that leave it for the various staffs to battle it out. What people do to these kids is crazy. That's not just UK fans (that is the crazy fans from any school.
I don't know a thing about this kid or his recruitment... But here's what seems odd about his recruitment from what little I have read...
KD had been playing ball for three years... Goes to a camp and is that diamond in the rough/a find!... His size and speed and ability to cover open eyes...
Apparently his Camp performance gets him an offer form home State UK... After review of tape (perhaps) others offer and that includes some of the BIGS....
It certainly was the first many of us had heard about him... I don't remember hearing about him via any of the social media type outlets... But I'm not exactly a guy that follows that stuff all that much... Until I hear from someone that knows, that UK had been on this guy for a while, then far as I'm concerned he's up for grabs... Why didn't UK know about him? Why didn't his coach send UK some tape make a phone call? Why wasn't someone interested at the State school long before he Camped??? I don't know but as they say about the NFL... If you can run, cover, catch, tackle and are real big, they will find you, even if you play for the all Eskimo team at Alaska St. U....... I don't know how he feels about UK but my guess is that he'd feel a lot better had they been a player in his recruitment for a period of time longer than what it appears they were??? But I don't know any more than the rest of you... I'm just schmuck that reads this stuff.
My Nephew is 6' 3" about 300 lbs. He runs about a 5.1 as an offensive lineman. He had a terrible coach, I mean terrible. I took him to the GSU camp in which he was a top performer. The coach asked me to get him some film on him. Well his school is in a backwoods no where that is half impossible to get to. I got there asked his coach if I could get the relevant film, or have access to get it assembled. First he said no to access, then it took him 4 months to the tape to us. My nephew ended up starting school on an academic scholarship at a small christian college and kept himself in shape. We then got the film which he and I edited. His dad didn't want him to go far so we just sent it to a few schools GSU, Georgia Southern, Valdosta, ect. Anyway next year he will be playing for Georgia Southern. Kentucky kids are lucky that they have two major camps to attend in UK and Louisville. Some parents and coaches don't market their kids very well and those camps make it accessible.