Justified last night


Gold Member
Feb 4, 2004

Won't spoil it for those who haven't watched their DVR yet, but I didn't see that least not this soon, anyway.
It was awesome, I just tune in each week but do not follow how many shows are planned at all, and I have been telling the wife that each week feels like it's setting up for the season finale.

I really thought they were setting up for uncle joesira to get it and Ava bail out with him.
Pretty shocking episode. I just want Ava to make up her freakin mind.
Why should Ava make up her mind? I'd say if this show has shown anything it's that they all have a hustling mentality to get over best regardless of who gets f'ed.

She is playing her cards just like everyone else.

I'm pulling for Raylan to finally have reason to go play dad like he should, but in the end I don't know who will be left standing. Maybe Loretta and that weirdo hook up and Hazard is safe in their hands!
I think you mean Harlan not Hazard.

And that weirdo Boone is not long for this world. I think Raylan guns him down sooner rather than later
They are setting up Boone as the young gun, fast on the draw, like an old western. They will have a confrontation soon. However, I hope they don't kill Raylen in the end. If they do, Boone will be the shooter in a standard Raylen type shoutout. Someone else might kill Boone after that but might be too late for ole Raylen.

Or...could be Ava, who knows. The end of the series is shaping up nicely.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I love Boon's character. I wish he'd been on it the entire season. Sam Elliott is terrible as Avery Marcum. And you-know-who got shot, but he's not dead. People are assuming he is, but I seriously doubt it. They didn't show anything to suggest he is.
If your talking about the main character, the clips for next week show him and Raylan talking so of course he isn't dead, yet!
Are there 2 more episodes, or 3 more?
This post was edited on 3/25 3:51 PM by chitown87
Somehow the series ends with Wynn sipping drinks on the beach, his RV parked in the background, and sharks eating Mikey.
I agree about Sam Elliot. I've always liked him, but not in this role.
I wish the writers would work in an offhand UK basketball reference for local flavor. Especially with the season we are having. They do a good job of that with other things like specific bourbon brands , ale8 bottles, kentucky ale, references to real towns and roads, mark ham reading the real Harlan newspaper, etc.
Originally posted by gollumcat:
I wish the writers would work in an offhand UK basketball reference for local flavor. Especially with the season we are having. They do a good job of that with other things like specific bourbon brands , ale8 bottles, kentucky ale, references to real towns and roads, mark ham reading the real Harlan newspaper, etc.
They dropped a "Blesoe" in the last one.
Boyd is better at robbing banks than he is Marcum at this point. Plus no one was supposed to know where that money was, Marcum had bought a bunch of land already and it took some figuring to narrow it down to the safe in that pizza parlor. I think one of march a guys also helped with that or Dewey crow, I can't remember
I mean, we need a UK game on in Boyd' s bar and then Raylan or Boyd to just casually say something like:

"Earl , how much are the Cats up now? They still kicking arse?"
Originally posted by themaysvillemaniac:
Is it just me or is there a big hole in the plot? Why doesnt Marcum put his money in a bank? Even if Boyd takes it, it is insured right?
He could have put it in 50 different accounts and had it all insured. Can't believe the writers didn't think of a killer storyline like that.
Originally posted by themaysvillemaniac:
Is it just me or is there a big hole in the plot? Why doesnt Marcum put his money in a bank? Even if Boyd takes it, it is insured right?
Big hole to me is why would Marcum have to pay big money to buy up dope friendly land in E Ky, can be had for way less than $1000 acre in many counties. I just don't buy all the cloak and dagger stuff this season, and the need to kill people who won't sell, it is just a BS premise.
Do you live in a small town? If not it wouldn't make any sense, but most small town people really own their land to have it to leave and their kids typically sale it. Also Marcum is an out of towner and actually this dilemma is really going on right now about land purchasing for when marijuana is legalized. So it's weird that the storyline is being used.
Originally posted by ymmot31:

Originally posted by themaysvillemaniac:
Is it just me or is there a big hole in the plot? Why doesnt Marcum put his money in a bank? Even if Boyd takes it, it is insured right?
He could have put it in 50 different accounts and had it all insured. Can't believe the writers didn't think of a killer storyline like that.
Dude you literally made me laugh out loud with that one....excellent
Trying to keep my mind off this game.......

Any thoughts to Boyd/Ava conjuring up this scheme to get the money past Raylan? I mean she shot Boyd, but in the shoulder where he clearly wasn't going to be hurt long or killed. And clearly having Ava run from Boyd was going to have to happen at some point for those 2 to get away with this. So Ava and the money get out of town, Boyd is clean and left behind to catch up when he see's fit.

Perfect plan.
Originally posted by krazykats:
Trying to keep my mind off this game.......

Any thoughts to Boyd/Ava conjuring up this scheme to get the money past Raylan? I mean she shot Boyd, but in the shoulder where he clearly wasn't going to be hurt long or killed. And clearly having Ava run from Boyd was going to have to happen at some point for those 2 to get away with this. So Ava and the money get out of town, Boyd is clean and left behind to catch up when he see's fit.

Perfect plan.
Yeah, except Raylan could arrest Boyd for the kidnapping of Katherine and the money he stole from Markum.
Not how it works. Raylan could arrest Boyd on lots of "little" stuff, but he wants the big one that puts Boyd away. Also he didn't steal Marcum's money, and I don't think Raylan knows about Katherine either.

He knew Ava was meeting him at a spot, and that is it right now. Ava took off with the money so it's hard to charge Boyd with it.
Originally posted by John Barleycorn:
They are setting up Boone as the young gun, fast on the draw, like an old western. They will have a confrontation soon. However, I hope they don't kill Raylen in the end. If they do, Boone will be the shooter in a standard Raylen type shoutout. Someone else might kill Boone after that but might be too late for ole Raylen.

Or...could be Ava, who knows. The end of the series is shaping up nicely.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I am thinking Boone is a plant, a federal marshall.
Don't see that being the case, pretty sure he has already got enough to get Marcum pinched.

What I can't wait to see is how Duffy is dealt with after Katherine is gone. Marcum can't be too thrilled even though I'm sure he had thoughts of killing her himself after watching his 10M grow legs.
Originally posted by krazykats:
Don't see that being the case, pretty sure he has already got enough to get Marcum pinched.

What I can't wait to see is how Duffy is dealt with after Katherine is gone. Marcum can't be too thrilled even though I'm sure he had thoughts of killing her himself after watching his 10M grow legs.
That was a pretty good scene there with Katherine, Mikey, and Duffy. Glad she was done away with. Very irritating character.
Yea Mikey should could handle some hot led. The oh sh*t look on Duffy's face was telling. Best scene of the year so far.
Originally posted by krazykats:
Yea Mikey should could handle some hot led. The oh sh*t look on Duffy's face was telling. Best scene of the year so far.
That was a great scene. Got to think Duffy gets it to.

Liked how Boyd used Carl to get away.
Sam Elliot is the creepiest dude ever and this show has way too much witty dialogue for Eastern Kentucky.
Great episode, in the previews, they said one more episode before the finale.
Terrible ending for poor ole Mikey.
Agree with the other poster, wish Boone had been on the whole season, also I'm big Sam Elliott fan, but his role on this show is awful. I believe its the white shirts!!!
One thing that was funny, when Ava and whats his name was taking the money to the cabin, there was snow on the ground, when Raylan went looking for them, no snow any where.LOL

Hope Raylan and Boyd both make it.