It's one thing to have a bunch of 4 and 5 stars across your roster, and another thing to have a sprinkling of them among a roster of 3 stars, even if the 3 stars are better and have a higher upside than their rating indicates.
Having a superiority complex is easy in the latter case. In the former, you're all at the same level. There's more mutual respect that comes naturally. It doesn't have to be coached, and there is where you strive to be, because parents and handlers, money, all make the job of coaching much harder, especially with a talent gap.
Bridging that gap gets you to 10 wins. To do that you have to have the right character of personnel, and that's tough to manage, but that's why coaches make the big bucks.
Getting to the top of the SEC a coach has to be a motivator and disciplined. He has to exude confidence and courage. Having a chip on your shoulder only gets you so far. Then you build.
You grow and you prune, getting rid of the diseased wood before it kills growth. If YOU DON'T continually prune, you could wind up cutting ALL the way back to a stump and starting over. Most trees won't survive this process without really strong root stock. Teams that have won titles have that root stock.
UK doesn't.
It doesn't come with a name brand coach.
It doesn't come without massive cost for a team that wants it.
It requires more than you've ever given before and maybe more than you can.
If just anyone could do it, than everyone would have done it.