Naughty teacher alert!


May 29, 2001
In the shadow of Bowman Field
'Beauty advisor' teacher arrested for having sex with a student at high school 'where this has happened before'

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"The age of sexual consent in Spain is 16 years old. This means that it is illegal to have sexual activity with someone under 16 years old. "


According to Mexican law, the federal age of consent is 15, meaning that sexual activity with someone under 15 is considered illegal; however, state laws may vary with some setting the age of consent as low as 12, and the age at which there are no restrictions for consensual sexual activity is generally considered to be 18.

Key points about Mexico's age of consent:
  • Federal law: Sets the age of consent at 15.

  • State variations: Some states may have a lower age of consent, with some as low as 12.

  • Interpretation complexity: Laws regarding sexual activity with minors between 15 and 18 can be complex and subject to interpretation depending on the circumstances.

Not saying it is right but when you bring in people from other cultures they probably do not have Anglo laws memorized.

And 2, 1.
Didn't CA recently pass a law that, as long as the two participants' ages were less than 10 years apart, no harm, no foul? So, under this new law, as long as the teacher was 27, it'd be all right? What a completely effed up state CA has been and continues to careen even further into insanity.
Didn't CA recently pass a law that, as long as the two participants' ages were less than 10 years apart, no harm, no foul? So, under this new law, as long as the teacher was 27, it'd be all right? What a completely effed up state CA has been and continues to careen even further into insanity.

Not saying it is right but when you bring in people from other cultures they probably do not have Anglo laws memorized.

That may well be, but it is prudent, nay INCUMBENT upon them to be familiar with them. And if you're pursuing sex with a younger person it would seem to be self-evident to "brush up" on those laws IN PARTICULAR before you go for it.
I’m convinced that no one sought the teaching profession for like 30 years because not one time in my life from kindergarten to college did I get anyone that wasn’t old and/or ugly. Up until college, I never had anyone who wasn’t at least 45-50.

Now you got 25 year olds teaching 17 year olds and giving them White Claws and getting fingered by students 😂
That may well be, but it is prudent, nay INCUMBENT upon them to be familiar with them. And if you're pursuing sex with a younger person it would seem to be self-evident to "brush up" on those laws IN PARTICULAR before you go for it.
I doubt that laws ever crossed her mind......that is what a rational person would do.........
Didn't CA recently pass a law that, as long as the two participants' ages were less than 10 years apart, no harm, no foul? So, under this new law, as long as the teacher was 27, it'd be all right? What a completely effed up state CA has been and continues to careen even further into insanity.

You actually have no problem with it. Don't try to absolve yourself by pointing fingers at someone else.
Does anyone have a cite to this alleged law? And when it was "recently" passed? Or are we going to simply take turns posting what we have heard on our preferred Information silos which may or may not have any factual content whatsoever?
Looks like KRS 510.020(3) has the same limit posted above - age of consent in Kentucky is 16 or 17 unless the partner is more than 10 years older. So yes, a 27-year-old in Kentucky can have sex with a 17-year-old same as the example above. I suppose we are an Effed up state as well.

(Found the cite on Russ Baldani's website, Well known Lexington criminal attorney, So I am going to assume it is accurate)
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