John Short Should Be Given UK Tickets For Life

Originally posted by GLR5555:

Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

Originally posted by GonzoCat90:

John's endearing, because he's a representative of the normal, every day, simple life, loves the Cats, kind of UK fan that so many of us either are, know, or both.
Sorry to point out to you Johnny is NOT normal
WOW! By this statement he is certainly not the only one NOT normal.
Neither was Einstein or Schweitzer or Hawking or Jesus
Originally posted by Smyrna_Cat:

Love John Short. Great UK fan. And he is much like several thousand other UK fans that feel as strong for UK.

Give him free tickets so he can go to some games. Then allow other great fans to have the same experience. That is the thing about UK fans ... we want others to experience the thrills that we do! I bet John Short would agree.

Go cats.
And let them go to the front of the ice cream line too

Originally posted by ukbear:
No need to feel sorry for John Short. He never misses a game. He is in row A section 12 right behind the rail. He is a great American and I never tire of his enthusiasm. I love to watch him clap. He always has his headset on listening to Tom & Mike.
Thank you ukbear for letting me know John is able to attend the games. That is great news. Like I said I do not know him and didn't know what he looked like until someone posted the photo above.

I did not start this thread to be controversial. I merely wanted to express appreciation for a loyal UK fan who is faithful and always positive. I like to see people like that rewarded in life and thought it would be great if he could get into Rupp. The fact he is there is good to hear and thanks again.

Go Cats and Go John Short, keep the faith.
UK by 30 bigguns tonite! Has he ever predicted a UK loss?

He's harmless and having a good time. Let it be.
I always enjoy hearing John Short comments about UK. He is a true fan. He would never say anything negative about UK.
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

Originally posted by brian.mikeson:

Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

What makes him so special that free tickets are in order?
1. Has a love for UK sports -- not just UKMBB ... Yada, yada, yada
So do about a gazillion other people, short bus or not

Wouldn't have said anything in this thread until you said those belittling remarks. Go uck-fay yourself. Won't be so funny if one day you have to wait for your son or daughter or grandchild to get off the "short bus" as you put it. Act like you have some decency you ass clown. Next

This post was edited on 1/30 12:31 AM by thebluestreak
Guy above me, I'd edit your post ASAP if you want to continue to be a part of this forum. The mods are not going to stand for a few of the uh...colorful...words you put in your post, one in particular. They are cool and laid back, but that is too much.

On this thread, I honestly did not know much about this gentleman before reading this thread. I heard Matt mention him on the post-game show last Saturday (I am beyond sporadic on listening to post-game and pre-game shows, usually prefer to watch other games or have stuff to do for work/working on 2nd bachelor's), but did not know who Mr. Short was. I assumed maybe he was an expert on UK sports, and it sounds like he is an expert with his ability to remember everything so well and such, but I meant like an official journalist or someone covering the team, at least that is how Matt came off to me. Regardless, sounds like a great fan to me. I do not think anyone deserves free tickets though, you should pay for them like everyone else. It sounds like he goes to the games already (not a surprise as he sounds like a super fan) so kind of a pointless premise anyways OP.
- Cane and Jkwo y'all are right regarding my post.

- Something about Sam's post stating John isn't a zoo animal regarding the poster watching him clap has me lmao.

- ^ I think the poster above needs a chill pill.
Originally posted by UKWildcats#8:
Guy above me, I'd edit your post ASAP if you want to continue to be a part of this forum. The mods are not going to stand for a few of the uh...colorful...words you put in your post, one in particular. They are cool and laid back, but that is too much.

On this thread, I honestly did not know much about this gentleman before reading this thread. I heard Matt mention him on the post-game show last Saturday (I am beyond sporadic on listening to post-game and pre-game shows, usually prefer to watch other games or have stuff to do for work/working on 2nd bachelor's), but did not know who Mr. Short was. I assumed maybe he was an expert on UK sports, and it sounds like he is an expert with his ability to remember everything so well and such, but I meant like an official journalist or someone covering the team, at least that is how Matt came off to me. Regardless, sounds like a great fan to me. I do not think anyone deserves free tickets though, you should pay for them like everyone else. It sounds like he goes to the games already (not a surprise as he sounds like a super fan) so kind of a pointless premise anyways OP.
Thank you, I was very happy to learn from a poster that John Short goes to the games. My post was not meant to be controversial, I just wanted to recognize the most famous UK talk show caller of all and by far the most positive. All I knew about him was he was a bag boy at Kroger's and had memory recall that was amazing. John Short seems like a fine person and that is all that needs to be said. So with the knowledge now that John does get to go to the games, my original comments were indeed pointless.
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

Originally posted by rhstoess:
Originally posted by Samwise Ganjee:

What makes him so special that free tickets are in order?

Are we going to do that for every "special" person out there? For every physically disabled....
Did you even read the first post?

Did you?
Im not even going to say i entirely agree with the OP, but you very blatantly twisted his post into something entirely different than it was. Either you did it on purpose for whatever reason, or your reading comprehension is awful