Jaxson Robinson Bad Takes

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There were some hilariously bad takes by old order legion of doomers, trolls both new and old. And of course the portion of the fanbase that need anxiety meds stat.

Robinson to UK made a heck of a lot of sense then, and makes sense now that it is confirmed.

He's going to be a critical part of what Pope is putting together. His signing probably completes the roster short of a Riley reclass or developmental big.
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I haven't seen anything. Robinson obviously one of the kind of guys that would do anything to not go back to school. Strange to me from the standpoint that he could have worked on his rebounding and passing at the college level one more time.
I say pass on the kid. If he's that reluctant to come back to school, he'll be a problem at UK.

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Every post on this board starting last night at 11:55 pm est until now

Every. One.
Yeah, it was an agonizing wait, I will admit. I wouldn't blame anyone for losing hope that he'd be coming to UK. I would, however, caution anyone about making a post when you're angry or upset calling out a particular player, and especially one who may still be joining our team and hasn't announced anything to make his decision known. It's just not a wise move and it can end up causing yourself some embarrassment. This is also why I rarely ever post here during live games.

I'm so glad Robinson decided to come to UK. He gives the Cats that guy who can get his own if and when the offense hasn't produced a quality shot. Could we have made it without him? Yes, I'm sure there was a plan B. But this is a guy who not only is an NBA level talent (he will get there), he also knows Coach Pope and knows the system inside and out. He's a huge piece of the puzzle.
This was the one that got me. A college kid about to make possibly the most important decision of his life, up to now, isn't moving fast enough for one of our countless RR blowhards. So it's a hard pass.
We’ve got way too many fans that freak out way too soon. Annoying as hell. At least they care, but it’s the very least in my book.

I sometimes wonder if some of these folks have a full blown toddler meltdown at the slightest hint of adversity in their lives. We had posters writing off the season last night and nothing official about Robinson had been reported.
Copium is a special element just outside of the periodic table that allows the user to calm themselves before making a foolish, often explosive reply. I don't believe there's any quantity allocated to most on this board.
I’m hoarding it
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This was the one that got me. A college kid about to make possibly the most important decision of his life, up to now, isn't moving fast enough for one of our countless RR blowhards. So it's a hard pass.
Imagine these people having so little hope and going negative so quickly over a game, how they react when something that is actually important in their lives is not looking so rosy. No wonder so many people in this world are depressed, low self esteem, etc.
I've checked about 5-6 threads in last few hours and the usual negative nancies, I'm being polite, seem to have scurried back into the dark. Methinks they are having a bad day.
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Imagine these people having so little hope and going negative so quickly over a game, how they react when something that is actually important in their lives is not looking so rosy. No wonder so many people in this world are depressed, low self esteem, etc.
Social Media, anonymous posting temper tantrum syndrome! When all you do all day is set in front of a phone screen talking to people you don’t know, it is your only reality.

Speaking of which, I need to hide my phone from myself!! Seriously, since Pope was hired, I have spent way to much time on this board!!!
Yeah, it was an agonizing wait, I will admit. I wouldn't blame anyone for losing hope that he'd be coming to UK. I would, however, caution anyone about making a post when you're angry or upset calling out a particular player, and especially one who may still be joining our team and hasn't announced anything to make his decision known. It's just not a wise move and it can end up causing yourself some embarrassment. This is also why I rarely ever post here during live games.

I'm so glad Robinson decided to come to UK. He gives the Cats that guy who can get his own if and when the offense hasn't produced a quality shot. Could we have made it without him? Yes, I'm sure there was a plan B. But this is a guy who not only is an NBA level talent (he will get there), he also knows Coach Pope and knows the system inside and out. He's a huge piece of the puzzle.
Games threads don’t count. We set that rule years ago I thought.

I was more frustrated that it looked like he was gonna stay pro when he had no real shot at being drafted. That would’ve given me eye twitches. UK has money. And had he just said “Nah. I’ll go G League” that would’ve just been mind blowingly frustrating.