Brandon Garrison's NIL package

A BMW today is hardly a "luxury" car. Maybe the higher models, but the 300 series can be bought for less than a brand new Subaru.

Disclaimer: I did not read the article so no idea what model was given to his mother.
A fair point that luxury is subjective, but the vehicle appears to be an X Series. I think 99/100 people would consider BMW to be a premium brand, and this particular model would fall into the Luxury Compact/Midsize SUV model rankings.
As someone who spent a lot of time and money driving my 2 daughters around playing soccer when they were growing up(Ga. and Tn.), I am happy for Brandon and his mom. Something I would never in a million years change, regardless of my future financial situation.

His mom made an investment in his life and has at least given Brandon an opportunity to get an education, if nothing else. That alone is worth the price of the car. I am happy he could do something for his mom.

Let's hope he continues to work and uses future money to invest for his future, which will also secure her future.
As someone who spent a lot of time and money driving my 2 daughters around playing soccer when they were growing up(Ga. and Tn.), I am happy for Brandon and his mom. Something I would never in a million years change, regardless of my future financial situation.

His mom made an investment in his life and has at least given Brandon an opportunity to get an education, if nothing else. That alone is worth the price of the car. I am happy he could do something for his mom.

Let's hope he continues to work and uses future money to invest for his future, which will also secure her future.
While I agree totally, fiscally, cars, freaking cars, wreck people who don't respect that they are just a machine with a task to perform. They don't improve you.
God bless him, and her.
While I agree totally, fiscally, cars, freaking cars, wreck people who don't respect that they are just a machine with a task to perform. They don't improve you.
God bless him, and her.

"Alot of people that don't have any money drive nice cards. Most people with money don't drive nice cars".

Fairly true. Buying depriciating assets usually doesn't end well! lol
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Got his mother a BMW, didnt go out and get himself something super expensive, but thought of momma first. I have to respect that . He'll either be here 3 years or leave early to get a good paycheck in the NBA or overseas.. He'll be ok. if he was buying a friend or a girlfriend a new BMW then i'd be a little worried for him.

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