Jason Kidd on the 1993 UK team.


Dec 7, 2007
Kidd has gone on record saying how if he had left California, he was going to Kentucky.

I've always wondered about what that would have done to the roster construction for that team. Obviously, Kidd would have been enough for UK to beat Michigan and UNC in the Final Four games, but how do you think the roster would have looked? Does Pitino keep Ford at the point guard spot and play Kidd off the ball? Would Ford have come off the bench?
Does Pitino keep Ford at the point guard spot and play Kidd off the ball?
I’d say exactly the opposite …at least offensively. Why take the ball out of the hands of one of the greatest playmaking/passing point guards of all time?

Keep Kidd at the point and have Ford play off the ball where he can focus on what he does best ...finding openings to launch that killer three.
I’d say exactly the opposite …at least offensively. Why take the ball out of the hands of one of the greatest playmaking/passing point guards of all time?

Keep Kidd at the point and have Ford play off the ball where he can focus on what he does best ...finding openings to launch that killer three.
That makes sense.

I've also always wondered why Pitino only played Rodrick Rhodes 3 minutes in that Michigan game. I've rewatched it a number of times and come away wondering what Rod did to piss off Pitino.
Kidd has gone on record saying how if he had left California, he was going to Kentucky.

I've always wondered about what that would have done to the roster construction for that team. Obviously, Kidd would have been enough for UK to beat Michigan and UNC in the Final Four games, but how do you think the roster would have looked? Does Pitino keep Ford at the point guard spot and play Kidd off the ball? Would Ford have come off the bench?
Wouldn’t dirk nowitzki been on one of those teams to if he came to college
That makes sense.

I've also always wondered why Pitino only played Rodrick Rhodes 3 minutes in that Michigan game. I've rewatched it a number of times and come away wondering what Rod did to piss off Pitino.
This right here! He was in Rick’s doghouse for a long time. Rod got some run against Wake and FSU and played very well. IMO, he should’ve gotten more PT against Michigan. I’ll never understand that either.

EDIT: Rick ruined Rod and his confidence. It’s been well documented here.
This right here! He was in Rick’s doghouse for a long time. Rod got some run against Wake and FSU and played very well. IMO, he should’ve gotten more PT against Michigan. I’ll never understand that either.

EDIT: Rick ruined Rod and his confidence. It’s been well documented here.
I talked to RR roommate. I asked him if RP told RR to bak off his aggression. He told me that RP told RR that this team was Mashburns and let him lead the team. RR looked great in NY. RR never got his confidence back up. RP should of let them both shine.
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No. I'd never trade any UK players for any other player no matter how good they would later becomes n the league. I'm speaking mainly of those Pitino teams. I know I sound crazy to most by making that statement, but the chemistry was there most of the time, as was the heart of those players on those teams. Everyone had a role and everyone knew what it was that they should be doing .

It's odd how you can be a good to great college basketball player like an Epps or Ford or even Turner who were all just floor generals that was never gonna play in the NBA but yet in Ford's case he may have been the most important piece of that 93team. Mash was by far the best player but Travis was very important to that run. He was SEC Tournament MVP over Mash that year. Also, Epps ran the point on a team where a number of NBA guys could've brought the ball up the floor. Yet he plays in 2 FF. Kidd was a nice player, Ray Allen was a nice player, but I think we had some teams I rather not tinker with for anyone else.
I talked to RR roommate. I asked him if RP told RR to bak off his aggression. He told me that RP told RR that this team was Mashburns and let him lead the team. RR looked great in NY. RR never got his confidence back up. RP should have let them both shine.
Yep. Rod was the MVP of that early season tournament. I think Rick killing Rod’s confidence that season cost us a national title. It is what it is
What if Germany had won WW2? Lincoln hadn’t been shot by an actor? Pete Best stayed as drummer of the Beatles? The worst Oscar winning move ever made, Shakespeare in love would’ve never been inflected on the world? Sorry, last night’s game really pissed me off

That makes sense.

I've also always wondered why Pitino only played Rodrick Rhodes 3 minutes in that Michigan game. I've rewatched it a number of times and come away wondering what Rod did to piss off Pitino.

I don't think that is accurate. You sure about that SoS? IIRC he played a lot more than that but was in foul trouble. Pretty sure Mash and Prickett fouled out. Was a terribly officiated game. Brown was hurt. I think Rod played closer to 15-20 mins.
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I don't think that is accurate. You sure about that SoS? IIRC he played a lot more than that but was in foul trouble. Pretty sure Mash and Prickett fouled out. Was a terribly officiated game. Brown was hurt. I think Rod played closer to 15-20 mins.
You're right. He played 14 minutes. I was going by an interview where Rhodes said he only played 3 minutes. Thanks for the fact check. Helps me with future reference.
I don't think that is accurate. You sure about that SoS? IIRC he played a lot more than that but was in foul trouble. Pretty sure Mash and Prickett fouled out. Was a terribly officiated game. Brown was hurt. I think Rod played closer to 15-20 mins.
Seemed like he only played 3 minutes lol he should’ve played more than the 14 IMO. Was a good matchup for those Michigan guys.
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Same! Never forget I was a NERVOUS WRECK that whole entire week, leading up to that matchup with Michigan. Ugh! What a letdown! 😑

To make matters worse for me at the time one of my best friends was a Michigan fan. We were only 11-12 years old but we watched game together. What a nightmare. Same guy is now a UK fan!
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Travis Ford may not have created too much, in the modern sense, as well as he managed and took advantage of opportunities. But some of the opportunities he could take advantage of were insane. He wasn't nearly just a sharpshooter. Sometimes it seemed like he could pass a basketball through seven feet of solid concrete.

I would definitely want Kidd on that team. But in my opinion locking either of those guys out of the point position is a poor man's choice. Just let them share it. Exploit matchups and style differences to advantage.
People like to criticize Pitino for the way he handled Rodrick Rhodes, but there was no way Rhodes would have been a First Round pick and gotten a guaranteed contract had Pitino not talking him up to his NBA contacts. Obviously Rhodes was a bust as a first round pick.