James Bond Revamped

Bond was/is a mans man. Today's millennial's are being told that their masculinity is bad. They no longer need to be men but, gender neutral (See Ed, Plat, James,420, and a host of other lefty posters) on this site. Trudeau's butt buddy is in a league of his own as he has to want men (New Canadian law).

Don't worry guys/gays/gals, even though us toxic masculine men are getting older, we are not dead and are still fully functional so, the ladies of your time (unless they are feminist) are in good hands. Your welcome.
I actually liked Judy Dench, I thought she played a tough character as M but, I did not really care for Craig as Bond. Not liking the direction they are taking it now. I will not watch. Did not watch Captain Marvel and will not watch this.
Wow how will studio survive without your $5
I'll admit that Hollywood doesn't give a damn about a baby boomer like me. It's a business model. Yeah I get that but it's so in our face. A giant F-you.
Cause you sit on your ass and wait for the VHS tape to come out
Jihad is all over England, but I am sure the new villain will be a European industrialist as usual
I remember when Sum of All Fears came out (around 911 nonetheless)....the main bad guys changed from Palestinians to Aryans and “right wingers” (actual words used in the movie) departed from the book.

Their attempt at social shaping is nothing new but getting worse.
Slightly off topic, but try finding a Netflix series that doesn't predominantly feature gays.

Their blatant attempts at social shaping is ridiculous.
You are not allowed to have view today that does not accept the homosexual lifestyle. If you do, you are immediately labeled a bigot and full of hate.
They demand you accept them. They will try to ruin your life and make sure you lose your livelihood if they can if you dare not accept their lifestyle.
They talk of tolerance and acceptance, but they have zero of either if you oppose them.
Slightly off topic, but try finding a Netflix series that doesn't predominantly feature gays.

Their blatant attempts at social shaping is ridiculous.
Netflix has become garbage. Try Amazon and try the series Bosch.

The language is a little too much for me personally, but the show is very well done. It doesn't give you every detail. You have to think a little for yourself. It's in no hurry either. Very good show. No pushing of agendas.
You are not allowed to have view today that does not accept the homosexual lifestyle. If you do, you are immediately labeled a bigot and full of hate.
They demand you accept them. They will try to ruin your life and make sure you lose your livelihood if they can if you dare not accept their lifestyle.
They talk of tolerance and acceptance, but they have zero of either if you oppose them.
You are correct, but I'm too old to care lol.
You are not allowed to have view today that does not accept the homosexual lifestyle. If you do, you are immediately labeled a bigot and full of hate.
They demand you accept them. They will try to ruin your life and make sure you lose your livelihood if they can if you dare not accept their lifestyle.
They talk of tolerance and acceptance, but they have zero of either if you oppose them.
It’s not enough to accept and love them. You also have to agree with the lifestyle and embrace it. If you don’t, you are considered homophobic.
It's possible that the younger generation was not going to see the last few and they are trying to find the next audience.:pimp:

That's exactly what they're doing: planting seeds for future consumers while marketing the exploitation as social progress. It's a win-win for the studios and it's insane that people can't (or won't) see it for what it is.
Bond was/is a mans man. Today's millennial's are being told that their masculinity is bad. They no longer need to be men but, gender neutral (See Ed, Plat, James,420, and a host of other lefty posters) on this site. Trudeau's butt buddy is in a league of his own as he has to want men (New Canadian law).

Don't worry guys/gays/gals, even though us toxic masculine men are getting older, we are not dead and are still fully functional so, the ladies of your time (unless they are feminist) are in good hands. Your welcome.

I'm in my late 40's and I only date girls in the 24-32 age range. The lack of masculinity in younger guys makes it easy for douchebags like me haha.
I think this movie should center around Bond’s old age and how his eyes are failing him, but his agency doesn’t care because they got tired of him getting all the hot women... so this is their payback.
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I remember when Sum of All Fears came out (around 911 nonetheless)....the main bad guys changed from Palestinians to Aryans and “right wingers” (actual words used in the movie) departed from the book.

Their attempt at social shaping is nothing new but getting worse.

Yeah, and how dare they change the villains in From Russia With Love to some generic international crime organization (SPECTRE) when the book had Soviets as the villains. And in the middle of the cold war, just after the Cuban Missile Crisis! What political correctness.
you people scared you might catch the gay from watching a series that has a gay guy that shows up every two or three episodes

Try stepping out of the hollow
This isn’t directed towards anyone on here specifically, but it reminded me of something I saw on Twitter. Someone was mad that the voice actor for Timon in the new Lion King was a gay guy. I guess they forgot that the original Timon was voiced by one of the gayest people in history (Nathan Lane).

It’s fine with me, but I agree that the representation of gay culture is a little overdone right now as compared to how many gay folks there actually are. I haven’t turned gay because of it, as far as I know.
This isn’t directed towards anyone on here specifically, but it reminded me of something I saw on Twitter. Someone was mad that the voice actor for Timon in the new Lion King was a gay guy. I guess they forgot that the original Timon was voiced by one of the gayest people in history (Nathan Lane).

It’s fine with me, but I agree that the representation of gay culture is a little overdone right now as compared to how many gay folks there actually are. I haven’t turned gay because of it, as far as I know.

Why didn't Beyonce get real Africans to do the music? Seems like Beyonce is racist.
Movie was great btw. Bad ass cars, hot ass women. New 007 not so hot but

the new 007 gives up her codename and insists James Bond gets it back
Netflix has become garbage. Try Amazon and try the series Bosch.

The language is a little too much for me personally, but the show is very well done. It doesn't give you every detail. You have to think a little for yourself. It's in no hurry either. Very good show. No pushing of agendas.
Loved Bosch. Sorry it’s completed.

But it even had a gay main character portrayed as a victim.
Ian Fleming has been spinning in his grave for quite some time. Casting M as a woman is just a drop in that bucket. I'm a bit surprised he hasn't been canceled...if the SJW crowd actually read any of the books he certainly would be. This is from 'Goldfinger'

Bond came to the conclusion that Tilly Masterton was one of those girls whose hormones had got mixed up. He knew the type well and thought they and their male counterparts were a direct consequence of giving votes to women and 'sex equity'. As a result of fifty years of emancipation, feminine qualities were dying out or being transferred to the males. Pansies of both sexes were everywhere, not yet completely homosexual, but confused, not knowing who they were. The result was a herd of unhappy sexual misfits -- barren and full of frustrations; the women wanting to dominate and the men to be nannied. He was sorry for them, but he had no time for them.
Ian Fleming has been spinning in his grave for quite some time. Casting M as a woman is just a drop in that bucket. I'm a bit surprised he hasn't been canceled...if the SJW crowd actually read any of the books he certainly would be. This is from 'Goldfinger'

Bond came to the conclusion that Tilly Masterton was one of those girls whose hormones had got mixed up. He knew the type well and thought they and their male counterparts were a direct consequence of giving votes to women and 'sex equity'. As a result of fifty years of emancipation, feminine qualities were dying out or being transferred to the males. Pansies of both sexes were everywhere, not yet completely homosexual, but confused, not knowing who they were. The result was a herd of unhappy sexual misfits -- barren and full of frustrations; the women wanting to dominate and the men to be nannied. He was sorry for them, but he had no time for them.
At least Kerim Bey is a little more regressive than Bond in From Russia with Love:
I wanted to have my women where my mother would not know. There was a stroke of bad luck. I had a little Bessarabian hell-cat. I had won her in a fight with some gipsies, here in the hills behind Istanbul. They came after me, but I got her on board the boat. I had to knock her unconscious first. She was still trying to kill me when we got back to Trebizond, so I got her to my place and took away all her clothes and kept her chained naked under the table. When I ate, I used to throw scraps to her under the table, like a dog. She had to learn who was master. Before that could happen, my mother did an unheard of thing. She visited my place without warning. She came to tell me that my father wanted to see me immediately. She found the girl. My mother was really angry with me for the first time in my life. Angry? She was beside herself. I was a cruel ne’er-do-well and she was ashamed to call me son. The girl must immediately be taken back to her people. My mother brought her some of her own clothes from the house. The girl put them on, but when the time came, she refused to leave me.’ Darko Kerim laughed hugely. ‘An interesting lesson in female psychology, my dear friend.
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