More often than not, when big recruits announce on ESPNU, it's good news for UK. Would be cool if that's the case again, but ah, I dunno, and I'm not that worried about it either way. If he goes to UK, cool. If not, oh well.
It's understandable why Canadian recruiting services pick Murray to Oregon. Oregon's coach recruits Canada very well, and he's been on Murray for 3 years or so now.
That said, consider these things:
- Oregon has zero scholarships available right now,and Murray has already announced his reclass, which makes me think that he didn't pick Oregon.
- Murray said he's going to do what's best for him long-term, said he wants to be the top pick in the draft
- Being announced on ESPNU, which is usually good for us.
- Doesn't make much sense to reclass for Oregon. He wasn't considering reclassing before UK came into the picture.