The schools that Murray have talked about is Kentucky, Oregon, and UCONN. The poster on here for UCONN has said about their need for pg and if he looks at their roster they just picked up Top Transfer Sterling Gibbs, and they have Purvis back, and they have 5-star recruit Jaylen Adams. UCONN is just as loaded as UK at the guard position. They have Gibbs that has most experience, and Purvis and now Jaylen Adams so I am not too worried about UCONN. Then Oregon just picked up Ennis and he came to Oregon because being a Senior he wanted to be the PG and that is why he went to Oregon. Oregon was recruiting Murray for 2016 season and before the breakout in Nike All-star game is was in the 2016 class. So, that is why Oregon went and got Ennis from Villanova and they have a 4-star recruit coming in this year. They also have a few guards from last year and I believe Ennis was the 13th scholly and as of today are out of schollies. I am sure they would try and make room but right now they are at 13 schollies. If Murray is making his decision in June that is sooner that I thought he would make his decision and won't have alot of time to visit schools. I have this feeling its been Kentucky(if he reclassifies to 2015) and Oregon(if he stays in 2016) and if he is deciding in June then I say he is reclassifying and heading to UK. He wouldn't have to announce in June if he was staying with Oregon for the 2016 Recruiting class. I beleive he knows everything he talked about on winning, getting into NCAA Tourney and possible Final Four and Championship, and the big one becoming the top draft selection in 2016 NBA draft. This all falls with Coach Cal and Kentucky!