IU player barely brushes by Coach K...

What is that kid thinking touching Coach K like that? Does he not know he is a god and a mere mortal like that Indiana honk should be down in front of him thanking him for the opportunity to play in the house that he built.
I wish this game had been played at IU. K would have had the NCAA ban them from all further athletic competition.
They talked about that at the start of the second half last night very briefly and said they were going to show what happened. To my knowledge they never did and it was never mentioned again. Guess they were told to back off talking about it and no replay of it was shown as it would only show how much of a little wuss K was being about it.
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Rick Bozich talked about it quite a bit on twitter. After the game K said it was probably an accident but you would think the person would at least say excuse me or I'm sorry. I think it would be funny as hell if they took that to the kid and the kid said "Yeah, I didn't hear him say either of those things."
You know what I loved about that IU-Duke game last night was the fact that Vitale couldn't keep Kentucky out of his mouth the ENTIRE game. I bet he dropped "Kentucky" 30 times while calling a Duke game. Love it!! ;)
Probably unintentional, but you never know from a Tom Crean ran team...remember his crazy chase down of that michigan staffer
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Because you guys think Cal wouldn't get his hackles up a bit if an opposing player gave him the shoulder and a shove off as he walked by? Come on now, don't be silly. Given that K, post game, brushed it off, seems like you guys are making this a much bigger deal than HE made it.
Say what you want about Knight, but he taught his kids sportsmanship and defense.
Because you guys think Cal wouldn't get his hackles up a bit if an opposing player gave him the shoulder and a shove off as he walked by?

Oh gimme a break, Duke fan. There was no "shove off." Instead, a player simply accidentally bumped into him lightly. Happens all the time, but others don't overreact like Coach K and his minions did here because well ....god forbid anyone dare make contact with King K.

"Gave him the shoulder and a shove off"? Wow, seems even Duke's message board fans are trained to exaggerate and/or fake contact.
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Because you guys think Cal wouldn't get his hackles up a bit if an opposing player gave him the shoulder and a shove off as he walked by? Come on now, don't be silly. Given that K, post game, brushed it off, seems like you guys are making this a much bigger deal than HE made it.
Ridiculous take. The player didn't even see who he was bumping into. He was just running off the court. If K thinks everyone should jump out of his path, he needs to put his goon squad out in front.
Because you guys think Cal wouldn't get his hackles up a bit if an opposing player gave him the shoulder and a shove off as he walked by? Come on now, don't be silly. Given that K, post game, brushed it off, seems like you guys are making this a much bigger deal than HE made it.
Dude, stopped in his tracks and practically cried in front of everyone. Coach K is a good coach, but as a man, he's a total paussy.
Say what you want about Knight, but he taught his kids sportsmanship and defense.

Yeah..they had to have good sportsmanship to get that arse whooped every day in practice and good defense just to stay alive...
I like it. If flopping is part of the game, K, then so it is a little gamesmanship from the IU kid. I think I might have my team do that to him on purpose, ESPECIALLY if it bothers him.
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"you don't touch the coach" was the tag line for CRP his last 3 years at UK.
and those guys around K were acting like the secret service...I was waiting for one them to push him to the ground and call for backup
Sorry, all of you claiming there was no shove off are wrong. If you go back and watch, you can see the elbow and arm of Bielfeldt extended out after the contact. Here is a screenshot:

At this point the IU players arm is extended outward in a chicken-wing (nobody walks with their arms all jacked to the side) and K has been turned sideways by the contact. There was a bit of a shove there, and certainly no turn of the head and "Whoops, sorry coach" or anything. I cannot recall seeing that very often, and I think a head coach certainly has the right to get a bit miffed at that, especially when the coach is in his 60s and a youngster walks into him. Given that K said later it was likely an accident, I think it was handled fine. I know I certainly wouldn't have walked into a coach like that, and if I did it accidently I would turn and apologize, especially if I was a foot taller and 40 years younger.

But who knows, maybe I was just raised differently than some of you.
this duke team has a round of 32 exit written all over it. hopefully it'll push the rat into retirement. i say two or three years left...
Wow...that is comical...

I mean the Secret Service could learn a thing or two from the K squad...

with out hesitation they all form up and surround him...

the assistant at the front of the formation, flapping his jaws, and looking like he's ready for a brawl...needs to chill...

in all's pretty embarrassing to react like that...

I could understand some irritation if the kid knocked K down but players and coaches bump into each other all the time...kid looked in a hurry to get to the locker room and wasn't really paying attention...barely bumped him...

I mean K looked like the Queen if somebody ran up and stole her purse...he wanted that guy arrested and interrogated...