See JM this is why I don't tolerate you. You come on a UK board and post this kind of bullcrap. No one was punished, because no one did anything wrong. The camera is not meant to see some of the hijinks that kids get up to in a locker room, I know it's seems abnormal for a non athlete like yourself, but it's not. It's goofy as hell for sure, sometimes the towel smacking and locker room horseplay made me a little uncomfortable back in the high school football days, but that stuff goes on everywhere. Did you notice the smile on his face, did you notice Davis was laughing? This is you being a douchebag, you can act like a little pusillanimous 6th grade candy ass panty waste all you want on this board, but don't be a little bitch when I call you out on it.
Also, guess what JM, it was pretty well known around campus that Wille Cauley-Stein was a drug user, psychedelics along with the bud. You know what though, that's also not abnormal for a college student and he was pretty responsible about it because he never got caught, by the NCAA or his coaches. He didn't flaunt it, it wasn't a distraction to the team, it didn't disrupt his academics, it was something he enjoyed on his own time. Darnell Dodson was dismissed from the team because he couldn't leave the bud alone, the difference is that Dodson was a distraction, he was a negative influence, he didn't keep that part of his life to himself. John Wall purportedly indulged while at UK. We are not saying that our players are perfect, but they are at least trained to be low key about their transgressions, since they are under such a microscope. I know you will perceive that as Coach Cal covering for his players, but you couldn't be more wrong, he holds these young men accountable for their actions.