Its tough wrapping my brain around the new normal.

DrH. Lecter

Apr 5, 2007
I enjoy reading the "how far will this team go" threads. Getting the expert opinions based on the current roster while adding in a few more. Its fun to dream. But I am not sure anymore what to base the dream on.

One comment struck me..."without any superstars currently..." what exactly is a superstar now? What does that even mean? Under the prior regime, FEBUK, that was easy. We just pull out the recruiting rankings an of course several of our guys would be there. From that list of 17yo's we would say 40-0 or E8 or whatever. Now I see that comment.... "without any superstars currently..." I have to scratch my head.

Is that superstar a 17yo kid who will be gone after a year? Or is that Reed or Rob....who are gone? How many superstars are not headed to the NBA draft. Who has a superstar and why is he staying in college?

That is not the new normal. The new normal is the "superstar" potentially in the portal. Who has the most 24yo dudes who are portaling UP to a better gig. They just dont have the name recognition because they are guys without a big name but have a big game.

So I have no idea how to answer a question, how far will we go next year because this is unchartered water. It relies on an actual Ball Coach. Someone who can BUILD a long term roster, older, that plays for the name on the front. Everything Cal FAILED to do. Coach P will get a much better level player from this new normal. I trust him. I am willing to give him 2 years with a promise not to bitch too much. As for 24-25 season....40-0.
What you read are opinions from non experts. Negative comments of any kind arenot good for program which brings out few true UK fans. The internet age is perfect for fake fans, fans that want Coach Pope to fail. It would have been the same no matter who became the coach or if Cal had stayed. Untill the BBN understands this most so called inside stories are just click bait.
To my knowledge what Pope just did has never been done before. He essentially built an entire roster from scratch with good, solid, experienced players. All of these guys know how to play the game at a high level. There won't be any major disappointments. The issue is, none of them have ever played a game together, as a team. They are also learning an entirely new system. I think the success of the team will come down to Pope's coaching. Can he teach them in one year, can he get them to bond, trust each other and trust him. If he can, I think this team could make a final four barring injuries. If he can't, it could get ugly. It's one hell of a tall order. But if anyone is up for the challenge it's him.
I know this won't translate perfectly because of playing time, competition, etc. But the combined points per game of the seven we have who played in college last year was 76 points. How often has that ever been true for a roster entering the season?
Yeah, it's gonna be an adjustment for sure, but I think we're all ready for the new normal, whatever that ends up being. I think we have a good idea what to expect from Mark Pope. He's going to work his butt off and outwork everyone. We've already seen this in his short time as our coach. He's not gonna get every big name that comes along. But he's got a bunch of guys already who are ballers. They may not be big names or high on the draft board right now, but these guys can play. I will NOT miss guys coming in 18 years old with one eye on the NBA draft and leaving after 1 season, whether to the NBA or portal, just to make room for the next set of recruits. I know we'll have some portal players as one and done guys because they're seniors or grad transfers, but that's a different deal. As for what to expect of the team next season, nobody knows for sure, but I do feel pretty good. I feel very good knowing we've got a coach who will scout, plan, and teach guys to execute, and can also coach in games and adjust. And I'm thrilled to have a coach who truly loves BBN and embraces all that means. We may not be a great team this season, but we could be better than some think. I guess we'll see. I'm excited to find out.
This is a brand new team. We won't know anything until we play some real competition ooc.

Even then we stand to improve a lot by March. I know we have heard that a lot lately and it didn't happen but next season should be valid.
I enjoy reading the "how far will this team go" threads. Getting the expert opinions based on the current roster while adding in a few more. Its fun to dream. But I am not sure anymore what to base the dream on.

One comment struck me..."without any superstars currently..." what exactly is a superstar now? What does that even mean? Under the prior regime, FEBUK, that was easy. We just pull out the recruiting rankings an of course several of our guys would be there. From that list of 17yo's we would say 40-0 or E8 or whatever. Now I see that comment.... "without any superstars currently..." I have to scratch my head.

Is that superstar a 17yo kid who will be gone after a year? Or is that Reed or Rob....who are gone? How many superstars are not headed to the NBA draft. Who has a superstar and why is he staying in college?

That is not the new normal. The new normal is the "superstar" potentially in the portal. Who has the most 24yo dudes who are portaling UP to a better gig. They just dont have the name recognition because they are guys without a big name but have a big game.

So I have no idea how to answer a question, how far will we go next year because this is unchartered water. It relies on an actual Ball Coach. Someone who can BUILD a long term roster, older, that plays for the name on the front. Everything Cal FAILED to do. Coach P will get a much better level player from this new normal. I trust him. I am willing to give him 2 years with a promise not to bitch too much. As for 24-25 season....40-0.
I'm sure the staff appreciates all our concerns.
Another huge factor is all these guys we signed are going to be playing with a chip on their shoulder. It’s not about NBA for most of these guys. For most of them this is their last stand. I think to beat them the other team better bring a huge lunch pail with them, because I don’t think Mark Pope will let them be out worked.
We’ve seen first hand that having the most nba talent in college basketball doesn’t mean a thing anymore. Kids are different. The game is different
A well-put together, well-coached team of veterans, though they may be "no-names", can beat a team of freshmen 5 *'s who are not so well-coached.
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