It's time for the UK Athletics Admin to switch from Nike to Under Armour

you mean like the UA all-american football game:

or the UA elite 24 for basketball:
That's why I said it was a football product. I knew about their football game. You must of done some digging, bc I couldn't find anything about a basketball camp with a quick google search so I stand corrected there but it still begs the question where is it good for UK to switch to anybody but Nike from a basketball point. It just doesn't. Under Armour can't match Nike when it comes to their deal with UK. To say UK needs to switch bc of recruiting is esp laughable as long as Cal is here.
That's why I said it was a football product. I knew about their football game. You must of done some digging, bc I couldn't find anything about a basketball camp with a quick google search so I stand corrected there but it still begs the question where is it good for UK to switch to anybody but Nike from a basketball point. It just doesn't. Under Armour can't match Nike when it comes to their deal with UK. To say UK needs to switch bc of recruiting is esp laughable as long as Cal is here.

if you dont know about the elite 24 probably shouldnt be have such a strong position.

did you hear...gary trent and carter are rooming together as they work out with team usa. same thing giles and taytum did. same thing jones/okafor did.
Horrible take. Starter and UA aren't even comparable. UA is #2, they have passed Adidas, Reebok, etc. They are here to stay. They make good products and good gear. But they aren't in Nikes league yet. Go back and read the articles I posted. Nike has grown in popularity among teens the last couple years.

Nike has 60% of the show market. UA has 3!

My take is horrible??

Did you just quote the wrong guy (totally forgivable) or do you really just have no Earthly idea what you're talking about?

Yes, Under Armor shot into 2nd place last year (barely), but focusing all their advertising on US-only apparel while Adidas was making a much more realistic play to gain worldwide market share by focusing their advertising dollar on bigger, less contested markets overseas. All of this gained UA a very respectable 3% of total market share, good enough for second place (1.2 billion sales over #3 Adidas' 1.1 billion), but still a joke next to Nike and still a joke next to Starter's early 1990s numbers. Furthermore, UA has been growing very steadily over the past five years or so, enjoying annual growth of 20-30%. These numbers are not too awfully much worse than Starter's growth numbers of 25-40% annual growth over the five year period I described in my "horrible take."

You show even more clearly that you don't know what you're talking about when you describe Under Armour overtaking Adidas and Reebok separately, as if those were separate accomplishments, as opposed to the true situation which is that Adidas acquired Reebok several years back and has been repositioning the Reebok brand purposefully to keep it from competing with Adidas.

The only thing in your post here that even makes any sense is, "They make good products and good gear," but if you'd read you'd see I already said that in my post you said was a horrible take.

Once again, if you accidentally quoted the wrong guy, no harm no foul. But if you called my take horrible on purpose, I hope you have friends and family who are willing to feed and clothe you, 'coz you won't get very far on those tasks yourself with that quality thinking.
My take is horrible??

Did you just quote the wrong guy (totally forgivable) or do you really just have no Earthly idea what you're talking about?

Yes, Under Armor shot into 2nd place last year (barely), but focusing all their advertising on US-only apparel while Adidas was making a much more realistic play to gain worldwide market share by focusing their advertising dollar on bigger, less contested markets overseas. All of this gained UA a very respectable 3% of total market share, good enough for second place (1.2 billion sales over #3 Adidas' 1.1 billion), but still a joke next to Nike and still a joke next to Starter's early 1990s numbers. Furthermore, UA has been growing very steadily over the past five years or so, enjoying annual growth of 20-30%. These numbers are not too awfully much worse than Starter's growth numbers of 25-40% annual growth over the five year period I described in my "horrible take."

You show even more clearly that you don't know what you're talking about when you describe Under Armour overtaking Adidas and Reebok separately, as if those were separate accomplishments, as opposed to the true situation which is that Adidas acquired Reebok several years back and has been repositioning the Reebok brand purposefully to keep it from competing with Adidas.

The only thing in your post here that even makes any sense is, "They make good products and good gear," but if you'd read you'd see I already said that in my post you said was a horrible take.

Once again, if you accidentally quoted the wrong guy, no harm no foul. But if you called my take horrible on purpose, I hope you have friends and family who are willing to feed and clothe you, 'coz you won't get very far on those tasks yourself with that quality thinking.

Sorry I didn't put the / for Adidas and Reebok instead. I like Under Armour but right now they aren't competing with Nike. UA has grown a lot but it is a lot easier to grow when you are a small company.

And thanks for the concern for my welfare but I seem to be doing ok in the real world on my own. But thanks for showing you are too immature to have someone disagree with you without resulting to juvenile personal attacks.
Sorry I didn't put the / for Adidas and Reebok instead. I like Under Armour but right now they aren't competing with Nike. UA has grown a lot but it is a lot easier to grow when you are a small company.

And thanks for the concern for my welfare but I seem to be doing ok in the real world on my own. But thanks for showing you are too immature to have someone disagree with you without resulting to juvenile personal attacks.

Maybe just "too immature" to have someone call my opinion horrible and then not back that up at all without thinking that was a stupid thing to do. I think you just have a problem with reading comprehension. Most of what you've written seems to indicate you agree with me, which is an odd reason to call my take horrible. The only things you wrote that were even in conflict with what I wrote were that UA now is not comparable to Starter then, which is about as wrong as can be since they are in nearly identical positions in their respective eras, with only the minor difference that Starter then was a little stronger than UA now, which further weakens your argument since you clearly tried to claim that UA now is much stronger than starter was then.

I don't think UA is competing with Nike now, and I wrote my original post to show why history doesn't suggest they'll gain on Nike in the future. (Starter is around today but they lost a whole lot of ground after the early 90s, even though they have always made "good products and good gear.") Since it is the OP you really seem to be disagreeing with by and large, why don't you call his post a horrible take? What's your beef with me?
if you dont know about the elite 24 probably shouldnt be have such a strong position.

did you hear...gary trent and carter are rooming together as they work out with team usa. same thing giles and taytum did. same thing jones/okafor did.

Here's my point. If the Under Elite 24 doesn't come up on the first page when you type "Under Armour High School Game" into google then it isn't well known. Their baseball game popped up under their football game. You seem to missing the point. This isn't what's good for Under Armour. It's what's good for UK. For UK basketball, it's sticking with Nike because the money they can offer UK and how the brand Nike is just associated with basketball. Under Armour can't do that right now. If they could, then let's explore it. That's like me trying to date Kate Upton. I got a feeling if I had a 7 figure salary, I would stand a better chance but I don't so there is no need to try.

I don't follow recruiting that closely so I don't see the connection you're trying to make with Trent and Cater. Jones/Okafor went to a Nike school, not Under Armour.
I don't see their impact with top recruits lasting much longer because Nike has Under Armour in it's sights. Scheduling a Nike high school b-ball Bahamas event on the same date as the Under Armour event was a boss move. Also, Under Armour's shoes flat suck. The Curry One's are far and away their most popular shoe and you couldn't find a pair on a store shelf in Louisville if your life depended on it. Major retailers don't take their shoe line seriously because it's an inferior product.
sure there is. there is always a better deal to be made. if UA came to UK and said...we will double what nike pays you guys and you will get first pick of all UA recruits for the next 10 years....there is your justification.

That's quite the hypothetical. Of they did that we'd seriously have some things to consider. The problem is, UA won't be able to beat Nike out for years to come. But I cede the point, of UA becomes the beast Nike is, then sure. But right now and for the foreseeable future, Nike elite is where most want to be, with good reason.
Would rather switch back to LA Gear.
I was thinking British Knights. The blue and black are SWEET!

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Under Armour might make better technical gear, geared towards extreme temperatures and conditions, but that's it. The only sports I'd opt for UA is extreme sports and.. football maybe? The LAST sport would be Basketball. No reason to move away from Nike.
Here's the thing, UA is still relativity new in the shoes and apparel business outside of football and passed Adidas last year for basketball and is only getting bigger. They have the fastest rising star in basketball, and probably the biggest star in golf. They are nothing like Starter and by what Nike has done lately, yes they are worried about UA
I know its saying a lot, but this just might be the dumbest ideas I have ever read on here. Leaving Nike's money would be too ignorant to even consider. You don't leave the best and biggest brand in the game for a lesser brand. Nike always has more elite kids wearing their shoes than any other brand. Maybe you will have a year that more elite kids are wearing another brand, but it will be rare and not happen often. It would take a lot of money to have UK even consider changing shoes. I'm guessing Cal is happy with that Nike logo when it comes to recruiting. With Cal happy, you do nothing to make him any less happy so no, lets not switch brands just for the heck of it.
Here's the thing, UA is still relativity new in the shoes and apparel business outside of football and passed Adidas last year for basketball and is only getting bigger. They have the fastest rising star in basketball, and probably the biggest star in golf. They are nothing like Starter and by what Nike has done lately, yes they are worried about UA

Right on! The future is UA...Kentucky and UA would be a Team for tomorrow and the future.
This entire thread was insane. It'd be like leaving Kate Upton for a girl who looks pretty decent and maybe she'll look really good in a few years. Whatever, Nike is Nike, you don't leave Nike. End of discussion.

Every single UA school would bolt for Nike if Nike gave them the same consideration.
Here's the thing, UA is still relativity new in the shoes and apparel business outside of football and passed Adidas last year for basketball and is only getting bigger. They have the fastest rising star in basketball, and probably the biggest star in golf. They are nothing like Starter and by what Nike has done lately, yes they are worried about UA
AD is the fastest rising star in the game.
Nah that would be Curry and pretty easily I must say
Men lie, women lie, numbers don't lie. AD signed largest contract in NBA history. Nike about to give him a signature shoe, and he will be the face of USA basketball for the foreseeable future (Jerry Colangelo and Coach K's words, not mine).
Uh yea. Easily. In one year Curry went from All star game reserve to leading vote getter, NBA MVP, broke the regular season and playoff 3pt recor, won a title and had the most jerseys sold. He also has his own signature shoe and is the face of UA. So yes I would say easily the fastest rising star in the NBA
Men lie, women lie, numbers don't lie. AD signed largest contract in NBA history. Nike about to give him a signature shoe, and he will be the face of USA basketball for the foreseeable future (Jerry Colangelo and Coach K's words, not mine).
Funny how you mention just his new salary for numbers. You know who was the third highest paid player in the NBA last year? Gilbert Arenas. So ya using just his new contract is a terrible way to say numbers don't lie
I guarantee if you poll every GM in the league and ask them who they would start their franchise with right now, 99% of them say Anthony Davis. He is the fastest rising superstar in the NBA. If Steph didn't have Riley, he wouldn't be that cool TBH, but that's like, my opinion of course.

You used jersey sales as one of your indicators of the fastest rising superstars. Dellavadova is 14th in jersey sales in the NBA. He wouldn't start for UK this year. Doesn't mean he is a rising superstar because he sells a lot of jerseys.

You have your personal opinion, as do I. I doubt we will change each other's opinion.
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Uh yea. Easily. In one year Curry went from All star game reserve to leading vote getter, NBA MVP, broke the regular season and playoff 3pt recor, won a title and had the most jerseys sold. He also has his own signature shoe and is the face of UA. So yes I would say easily the fastest rising star in the NBA
Face of Under Armour isn't saying much when their second biggest basketball name is Brandon Jennings, Kemba Walker, or Mudiay.
Saying UK should leave Nike for Under Armour is like saying a Kentucky fan should stop cheering for Kentucky and cheer for Louisville instead.
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Option C. Full of it.

He is full of it. UK just signed another deal with Nike that extends the deal until 2025 - second longest one except for the new Michigan deal which runs through 2027. Funny thing is on the Michigan deal UA and Adidas offered more than Nike but Nike got the deal - what does that tell you?

An SEC school recently polled their athletes what brand they wanted to wear(school is not in Nike), and out of 416 athletes 2 picked UA, 4 soccer players said Adidas, and the other 400+ said Nike. OP needs to go hug Jordan Speith and call it a day. Great golfer but his buzz is nowhere near what the NFL, NBA, or college athletes garner. He does very well in a very small of scope of golfers - Tiger transcended all sports.
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Uh yea. Easily. In one year Curry went from All star game reserve to leading vote getter, NBA MVP, broke the regular season and playoff 3pt recor, won a title and had the most jerseys sold. He also has his own signature shoe and is the face of UA. So yes I would say easily the fastest rising star in the NBA
More than AD?

To put it in Marvel Universe terms, that's some Beyonder Level self deception right there.

And I'd like to see you try to put some numbers or sources behind your contention that UA now is stronger than Starter ~25 years ago. They're weaker in the real world. I know you're not going to admit you're wrong, I'm just kind of interested to see where you take that argument in the face of all the facts.
Not gonna happen - at least not until 2025 at the earliest. Not to mention most of the top programs are signed for the next 8-10 years. Under Armour is having to pay 2-2.5 times market price for schools, and lost the bidding for the NBA, NFL, Michigan, Miami, Arizona State... They don't have near the ability to pay for programs, and the ones they have are not very strong - Utah, Texas Tech, Maryland, Northwestern, Notre Dame... Only big ones in the south are Auburn and South Carolina, and one of those schools has 97% of their athletes in a poll stating they would rather wear Nike. Either a very bad troll attempt or a horrible post.
UA is coming more from an equipment angle than either Nike or Adidas. I also really enjoy their apparel. It is on par and even exceeds Nikes apparel in some aspects.
The only thing keeping Adidas ahead of UA for now is their strangle hold on futbol.
UA is a company thats rising and rising fast. They have Jordan Speith and Steph Curry locked up for a good while, not sure exactly how long. I do however know Jordan has to wear UA from head to toe until his contract expires. Jordan will be the face of american golf for the forseeable future.
Steph might be the most marketable player in the NBA. Something about his small stature, story, family, and all world skill set makes the public drool.
Could be completely wrong, but I do see UA making a move on Nike. Dont think they will overtake Nike, but they will put a lot of pressure on them.
Which is good for all of us because iron sharpens iron.
Just read in an article how quickly UA is growing for with hard numbers. It has 23 straight sales quarters of at least 20 percent net growth and its second quarter earnings showed a 40 percent growth in footwear alone. UA is here to stay