I strongly disagree. If this wasn't for Canada, why would Wiggins and other NBA stars risk injury and shorten their off-season recovery time?You're not playing for your country in these things. These things are just as commercial as NASCAR.
I strongly disagree. If this wasn't for Canada, why would Wiggins and other NBA stars risk injury and shorten their off-season recovery time?You're not playing for your country in these things. These things are just as commercial as NASCAR.
Ready for a Jamal Murray update? Because I’ve got one. According to Toronto Raptors’ beat writer Josh Lewenberg, Murray is NOT expected to play for Canada in the FIBA Americas tournament and will have to report to UK by the university’s “drop-dead date” in order to retain his eligibility.
Not only that he's young. IT's not like this is his only shot to help get Canada to the Olympics.
Shouldn't fans, by their very nature, exemplify selfishness? We are fans. We're not members of the peace corps.
Ask any UK fan who dares to be completely forthcoming, and he or she will likely admit they'd prefer Murray at UK over his stint with the Canadian team.
I'm not sure where you're coming from.
He wasn't good enough to make the team.
Signed Louisville Fans
This is consistent with the tidbit I posted last week from my friend who had lunch with Canadian Coach Triano. The Canadians hoped he could do both, but Kentucky was always his first priority and they were in close contact with Calipari to make sure nothing got screwed up. To repeat the other thing Triano said: Murray is a better basketball player than Andrew Wiggins -- and Wiggins is going to be terrific.
This is already becoming a great news day for the off season. Everything comes in 3's, right, so what's the next big positive news item going to be?
By the way, does anybody else see a similarity between Murray's game and another foreign player who came to the attention of US scouts during international play: Dante Exum.
This comparison occurred to me the other day, so I went back and watched Exum in some of the FIBA tournaments when he was about Murray's age. Not a perfect comparison. Murray seems more complete to me, while Exum might have been a bit more athletic ( but not as much so as I thought after I reviewed both of them in games.) Both have the ability to get to the rim, and also to hit from beyond the arc. Murray looks like a better passer to me, and more committed on defense.
This is consistent with the tidbit I posted last week from my friend who had lunch with Canadian Coach Triano. The Canadians hoped he could do both, but Kentucky was always his first priority and they were in close contact with Calipari to make sure nothing got screwed up. To repeat the other thing Triano said: Murray is a better basketball player than Andrew Wiggins -- and Wiggins is going to be terrific.
Just feel that allegiance to one's country is more important than allegiance to a university or its basketball program. A view that clearly is not shared by a number of posters on this board.
I love he already made a decision, announced said decision.....Coming to UK and not playing for team Canada....and its still somehow an argument!! Love the rafters!!