Is there any serious doubt about Murray playing at UK?

Even at the level of the Olympics, an athlete isn't "representing his country". Athletics are entertainments that bozos put on in the hopes of making a buck. Patriotism is there to rope in the suckers.

I'm simply selfish enough to want to see Murray play here.
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Why can't he just enroll and go to the first day of class, explain to his professors his situation and ask them for alternative assignments to work on while he is away?

Or enroll in some online classes (most professors allow/require students to submit work online these days, right?)

There should also be professors who use podcasts, blackboard, Edmodo, etc.

I haven't been in a college class since 2000, but my last one (graduate class) was online.

I teach HS Freshmen and I post assignments online (Edmodo) and let my kids send completed assignments to me through Edmodo or e-mail.

Isn't college suppose to be more flexible than HS?

I can't see why he couldn't enroll in the most flexible classes his first semester. I would think that he would have an academic advisor who knows his situation and can get him in the classes that will work for him in this situation.

I don't see why in this day and age with the technology we have, that you would have to physically be in class for every class meeting.

If he has a laptop, he should be able to communicate with his professors daily.

Canada being incredibly selfish here. Murray should not be make or break for their chances..."let my people go"

Well maybe not selfish if they are trying to get him a waiver, but I would expect Cal said hey if you can do it and it doesn't bother him playing this year for me, go for it. Remember this isn't the USA, this is all new for Canada to be in this situation.
@AdamZagoria: We will hear Jamal Murray's fate later this week but source its 'not looking good b/c of Kentucky's admissions & attendance policy'

@AdamZagoria: To clarify it's 'not looking good' for him to play w/ Canada in Olympic qualifying
@AdamZagoria: We will hear Jamal Murray's fate later this week but source its 'not looking good b/c of Kentucky's admissions & attendance policy'

@AdamZagoria: To clarify it's 'not looking good' for him to play w/ Canada in Olympic qualifying
I'd like to see Murray get on down here and become a part of the UK team. He's got plenty of years left to contribute to Canada basketball. Just a few months to help the Cats.
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Why can't he just enroll and go to the first day of class, explain to his professors his situation and ask them for alternative assignments to work on while he is away?

Or enroll in some online classes (most professors allow/require students to submit work online these days, right?)

There should also be professors who use podcasts, blackboard, Edmodo, etc.

I haven't been in a college class since 2000, but my last one (graduate class) was online.

I teach HS Freshmen and I post assignments online (Edmodo) and let my kids send completed assignments to me through Edmodo or e-mail.

Isn't college suppose to be more flexible than HS?

I can't see why he couldn't enroll in the most flexible classes his first semester. I would think that he would have an academic advisor who knows his situation and can get him in the classes that will work for him in this situation.

I don't see why in this day and age with the technology we have, that you would have to physically be in class for every class meeting.

If he has a laptop, he should be able to communicate with his professors daily.

UK has a pretty pathetic selection of online degrees...for 2015 it is a bit embarrassing. I get what they are trying to do "We are UK...SEC school...we believe brick and mortar is the way to go to get the best education. Online is for shortcut people, for people who want to go to diploma mills, or smaller state schools, etc" In a way, I admire that attitude, but feel it is misplaced and so 20th century. A lot of schools that are just as good or better academically than UK offer good selections of bachelor's and master degrees online, including numerous SEC schools. Alabama has a ton online, MSU has a pretty decent priced MBA, Auburn has some good ones at both levels, etc.

Of course, all of the above is a bit off topic for what Murray needs...which is one semester of 12 hours (4 courses) of general education online courses. I believe UK does offer enough general education type courses online (judging from a quick glance on their site) for Murray to be able to do it that way. I have no idea why all our one and done type players do not just take online courses both semesters if they can find 8 general education courses online. I know a lot of people do not like online courses, but they are much easier and less time consuming than on campus courses for the most part if you are of average intelligence or better (So maybe UK has a point to an extent with that issue in not offering many online degrees) I would think it would be an easier time for our players. That said, UK and the NCAA do not want them taking online courses I'm sure except on rare occasions.
I believe we have all heard from many of the articles written that Jamal Murray's camp has said he will be at Kentucky to play. Jamal's dad has said it over and over that he will be at Kentucky to play and even Jamal has said this too. Also, Coach Cal is really trying to make it happen so that Jamal Murray can play for Canada and Kentucky. Its not like Coach Cal has said from the start that there is no way that Murray will play for Canada. Everyone wants him to be able to play with Canada and then Kentucky if the NCAA says this is OK with him missing some classes. Coach Cal knows the Canadian Coaches well and has been working with them and communicating daily with updates from the NCAA. All parties have said in all camps they will not jeopardize Jamal Murray's chance at playing for UK this year and his Dad has made it clear in every article that I have read is that Jamal Murray will be here at UK from day one!
As others have stated in the other thread, it seems dumb as hell that Murray cannot attend one class the first couple weeks and be caught up. It's not ideal, but with 4 easy (Hey, I assume) general education courses it is doable and not very difficult. I'd rather have Murray at UK the first day of classes, but playing for one's country is a big deal.
Murray just needs to pack his gear and get to UK as quick as possible and stop dragging this out any more than it already has.

You just cant miss the 1st 2 weeks of college.

Time to move on.
I mean I get it, he wants to get his country to the Olympics. But they have Wiggins and Bennet, they have enough. And if this event wanted to include college players, it should be at a different time.
Murray just needs to pack his gear and get to UK as quick as possible and stop dragging this out any more than it already has.

You just cant miss the 1st 2 weeks of college.

Time to move on.

I agree. I don't agree with a lot of what goes on in major college athletics, but it would be a complete slap in the face of college to skip 2 weeks right at the start of school to go play basketball. If any non athlete walked up to his/her professors and said they needed to miss 2 of the first couple of weeks of classes as a freshman, I imagine they would get the "yeah right".
Not only that he's young. IT's not like this is his only shot to help get Canada to the Olympics.
For me its not about if he is coming..not worried about that at all, but he just needs to be here now not sept
He'll be on Team Canada the rest of his career and their coach want's him to get the playing time. We get to rent him one season at UK, I don't mind him coming in late, what is the big deal as long as he's here by the deadline with more experience under his belt?
Any reason he can't play for Team Canada and, if he misses the enrollment date at UK, simply enroll for the Spring semester at UK? Seems a bit selfish of some fans on here that think he should ditch his country's team in order to play during the Fall semester for UK.
Unless, Kentucky has a standard policy for late attendance, he will have to choose.

By NCAA rule, a university cannot invent a special policy that does not apply to all students, including student athletes. So unless, he can attend via online courses, for example, he will have to choose between the two.
Any reason he can't play for Team Canada and, if he misses the enrollment date at UK, simply enroll for the Spring semester at UK? Seems a bit selfish of some fans on here that think he should ditch his country's team in order to play during the Fall semester for UK.

Shouldn't fans, by their very nature, exemplify selfishness? We are fans. We're not members of the peace corps.

Ask any UK fan who dares to be completely forthcoming, and he or she will likely admit they'd prefer Murray at UK over his stint with the Canadian team.

I'm not sure where you're coming from.
I'd like to see Murray get on down here and become a part of the UK team. He's got plenty of years left to contribute to Canada basketball. Just a few months to help the Cats.

This is logical; not selfish.
I'm simply selfish enough to want to see Murray play here.

Selfishness implies some sort of deviation from what you should otherwise be doing as a fan.

Wanting Murray here for the fall semester is logical to the constitution of fandom, not some sort of deviation of what should be expected from fans.
I'm the son of a former University Exec VP, so don't preach academics to me. The purpose of College is to prepare kids for life. Murray's future is basketball. He knows it. We know it.

UK/NCAA/Whoever should not be putting him in this position. There ought to be a remedy.
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As others have stated in the other thread, it seems dumb as hell that Murray cannot attend one class the first couple weeks and be caught up. It's not ideal, but with 4 easy (Hey, I assume) general education courses it is doable and not very difficult. I'd rather have Murray at UK the first day of classes, but playing for one's country is a big deal.

You're not playing for your country in these things. These things are just as commercial as NASCAR.
Between his wild recruitment and now this fiba stuff, it's easy to see why people are starting to get frustrated.

I don't think it's selfish for any fan to want a commited player on campus by SEPTEMBER.
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Being off campus for ist 2 weeks is not the best logic.
Not only that he's young. IT's not like this is his only shot to help get Canada to the Olympics.

Actually, it might be. Starting in 2017, FIBA is going to a totally different system for qualifying for the Worlds and Olympics. Qualifying for the Worlds will be through a series of home and home games that will be held largely during the NBA season. E.g., for the next Worlds, which will be in September 2019, qualifying games will be held November 2017, Feb 2018, June 2018, Sept 2018, Nov 2018, and Feb 2019. Five of those six windows conflict with the NBA, so qualifying teams will be comprised of Euro and Latin American club pros rather than NBA guys.

Qualifying for the 2020 Olympics will be based on results from the 2019 World Cup, and an Olympic qualifying tournament to be held in June 2020.

Given that Canada is much more reliant on NBA players than Brazil, Argentina, the DR, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc. (all of which have a lot of decent players in Euro and Latin American leagues that will shut down during these qualifying windows, or will be more willing to let players leave their club teams during the windows than will the NBA), this is actually Canada's best chance to qualify for the Olympics. In the future Canada's chances will come down to guys like Aaron Doornekamp, Andy Rautins, and our other top Euro league guys, and not our NBA guys.