Why can't he just enroll and go to the first day of class, explain to his professors his situation and ask them for alternative assignments to work on while he is away?
Or enroll in some online classes (most professors allow/require students to submit work online these days, right?)
There should also be professors who use podcasts, blackboard, Edmodo, etc.
I haven't been in a college class since 2000, but my last one (graduate class) was online.
I teach HS Freshmen and I post assignments online (Edmodo) and let my kids send completed assignments to me through Edmodo or e-mail.
Isn't college suppose to be more flexible than HS?
I can't see why he couldn't enroll in the most flexible classes his first semester. I would think that he would have an academic advisor who knows his situation and can get him in the classes that will work for him in this situation.
I don't see why in this day and age with the technology we have, that you would have to physically be in class for every class meeting.
If he has a laptop, he should be able to communicate with his professors daily.