Is Kenny Rodgers the greatest white singer ever?

Barbra's Jewish...are they considered white?
Originally posted by funKYcat75:
Elvis was an entertainer. Not a vocalist.
Good for you. Elvis is like John Wayne. One trick pony's, but many people loved the trick.
Originally posted by KyCatFan:
I'm a big fan of Peter Cetera. Very unique sounding voice.
It was actually pretty easy for him seeing as he had extensive estrogen-replacement therapy and all. TMFS.
Since there has been guys named who aren't white, I would cast my vote to Paul McCartney. Al couple more I would mention is Clapton I would mention would be Bruce Springsteen
This guy says all the others mentioned can't hold his jockstrap.


This post was edited on 2/22 3:08 AM by Desperado_1955
Originally posted by JumperJack:
Are Italians white? If so, Sinatra.
,,,When I was 25 it was a very good year...........

If we're going by old school rules of who gets to be white then I guess, oh, Bing Crosby.30 years ago when I was young I never would have thought this stuff was cool.

I am still a classic rocker but I love classic films and crooners and what the dancers like Fred Astair, Gene Kelly and Ginger were doing is amazing when you think about it.

Saw "Singing .In the Rain" about a month ago and Donald O'Conner ran up the wall and did a back flip. I was stunned.
Originally posted by BigBlueFan1963:
I am still a classic rocker but I love classic films and crooners and what the dancers like Fred Astair, Gene Kelly and Ginger were doing is amazing when you think about it.

Saw "Singing .In the Rain" about a month ago and Donald O'Conner ran up the wall and did a back flip. I was stunned.
You probably like Danny F#&KING Kaye too, amirite?

Originally posted by WildcatfaninOhio:
Kenny Rogers is not even close!

Janis Joplin
Robert Plant
Freddie Mercury
Roy Orbison
Paul Rodgers
Van Morrison
Karen Carpenter
Annie Lennox

...and plenty of others that are also far better.
Elvis, Bobby Hatfield, Bill Medley, Jerry Lee, Frankie Valli are a few if you are only talking about males ...could think of a few more if given the time and if you are wanting to include women then the list is endless
Originally posted by MdWIldcat55:
Rolling Stone has it right.
That's a pretty good list - but the inclusion of Dylan makes me a little skeptical. If you list the most important/influential entertainers in the Rock era, you have to include him. But vocal talent? Here's the list as per Rolling Stone:

1. Aretha
2. Ray Charles
3. Elvis
4. Sam Cooke
5. John Lennon
6. Mrvin Gaye
7. Bob Dylan
8. Otis Redding
9. Stevie Wonder
10. James Brown
Lot of people don't know this, but Kenny Is actually Michael McDonalds brother. TS.
A list without Prince, is not a list. Also, he holds the honor of best performance during halftime of the Superbowl, no matter the color. Elvis could sing about anything. Someone ask Elv a question "Elvis, would you like some lemonade ?", he could breakout lyrics at the drop of a hat. "Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink."
Originally posted by catsfanbgky:

Elvis could sing about anything. Someone ask Elv a question "Elvis, would you like some lemonade ?", he could breakout lyrics at the drop of a hat. "Lemonade, that cool refreshing drink."
You plan on stealing any more of Eddie's material without giving him credit?
Hey, I left out the "we gotta win this race", and when he got fat, "excuse me." Yeah, sorry I thought it was a mock the op thread you witty devil. I never expected anyone would have watched Eddie Murphy stand up before. Damn it.