Oooh dey got Robert Johnson didn't you know? Dey have a point guard! He gon' be good. I remember in 2014 when UK lost in the Final, I was at a group orientation for a new job the day after the painful loss. This lady comes in to speak, first thing she says, "who here is a UK fan?" I knew I was about to get laughed at and I was one of maybe three people in the room of 50+ that raised their hand. and she says, "HAHAHA You guys lost! I'm an Indiana fan and I watched that game just to see you guys lose." I freaking lost it, literally fell out of my chair laughing at this woman.
This lady is supposedly some big wig corporate lady for this national casino chain, and tries to go on like, "In all seriousness, I'm the blahblahblah at this company." I'm still in stitches laughing at this point, regained my breath and interrupted this apparently somewhat important person.
"Wait hold on a second ma'am, you said your an Indiana fan? How far did you all make it in the tournament this year?"
I don't even think she understood that I was mocking her but she says, "Indiana didn't make into the Tournament this year."
"Ok cool, I just wanted to hear you say that, you can finish your story now."