I'm waiting on Cal's tweak to himself!!


Mar 29, 2009
If he ends up staying here I suggest he stop tweaking the team and tweak himself.

He has tried to adjust every season but nothing ever really changes besides getting top 10 recruits without any results.

1. Need better shooters.. Get's them and nothing changes
2. Need some veterans on the team so we aren't so young
3. Need to hire new coaching staff to adjust to the change in recruiting
4. Need to recruit in the portal with skill and leadership
5. Hire NBA coaches to come in and change the offense. What about defense?

The one thing that hasn't changed is he is stubborn, won't play any zone, barely runs correct sets out of bounds, and shoves square pegs in round holes in regards to substitution
Apparently we need a coach to teach how to defend the high ball screen and hard hedge on shooters. Four straight years of getting killed off the same action. We are pretty easy to coach against.
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