If you prefer college sports to professional sports …

Caveman Catfan

Sep 1, 2002
do you watch more of the professional version of your favorite sports when the college season ends, or do you watch the same and just wait for the next college season?
Where to begin...

I watch a metric shit ton of football. Counting scrimmages, regular season and playoffs, we'll attend between 20-30 high school games in person, and I'll record several that are televised. I'll watch college football anytime it's on TV. I'll catch the late games after we get in on Friday nights, and starting at noon on Saturday I'll watch games until I can't hold my head up anymore, which is usually after midnight. Love the mid-week MACtion games when they start up too, and I'll make every effort to watch at least some of every bowl game, regardless of how meaningless. The NFL? We'll usually come in off the beach in time to at least watch the 2nd half of the 1 PM games, then watch the national telecasts after 4 PM and SNF, MNF, and TNF. If we're at a high school game on Thursday, I'll catch the 2nd half of TNF and may rewind and watch what I've missed if it's a good game. As for which one I watch more of, it'd be college, but only because there are so many more games available to watch, but I love high school, college and NFL football pretty evenly.

Basketball? I couldn't tell you the last time I watched an entire college regular season game that didn't involve UK or ETSU. The college game has become unwatchable for me and badly needs a rules and officiating overhaul. I still love watching the low and mid-majors during championship week and the first two days of the NCAAT are still great with the usual upsets. After that, it boils down to how long UK can go. When UK is done, I'm finished with it. The NBA? I have NBA League Pass and watch a ton of it. They're the best players on the planet and they do some incredible things in fast paste/paced games with minimal interference from officials/coaches who want to be part of the show. Obviously, the NBA gets way more of my viewing attention.

Baseball? I've been a Braves fan since the mid-late 60s. I'll watch them once or twice a week but keep up with the rest of the league mostly through Baseball Tonight and the MLB Network. I like going out to minor league games in person. Nothing like a nice summer evening watching baseball with good, cheap seats, brats or loaded nachos, some peanuts around the 6th or 7th inning and a couple or three beers to go with all of it. College baseball? I'll keep up with UK and ETSU, but otherwise I have no interest in it. So, MLB gets a large nod over college baseball.
I watch a lot of CFB, little of the NFL until college is winding down. Watch very little basketball pro or college. Watch no baseball unless it's in person and that's maybe 2 games a year. Watch tennis whenever I can but rarely watch golf unless it's the back 9 on Su day of a major.

Used to be a fanatic about a lot of different sports but takes too much of my time to keep up nowadays. Frankly, the transfer portal that's transforming CFB rosters into a revolving door is starting to sap my enthusiasm for it. Still love the game but all the drama in the off-season is weakening my fanaticism.
I casually watch the end of the NBA regular season and playoffs after the college season is over, meaning I’ll put a game on in the background but it’s not appointment viewing.

I love both college football and the NFL equally and will watch any game that’s on TV excluding both Pittsburgh/Baltimore games because they are the equivalent of Duke/UNC basketball games to me.

I casually follow the Reds and am not interested in college baseball.
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I watch a lot of CFB, little of the NFL until college is winding down. Watch very little basketball pro or college. Watch no baseball unless it's in person and that's maybe 2 games a year. Watch tennis whenever I can but rarely watch golf unless it's the back 9 on Su day of a major.

Used to be a fanatic about a lot of different sports but takes too much of my time to keep up nowadays. Frankly, the transfer portal that's transforming CFB rosters into a revolving door is starting to sap my enthusiasm for it. Still love the game but all the drama in the off-season is weakening my fanaticism.
Hold on, you post on her, cats and gamecocks fan but watch little basketball? So you watch college fball
And your teams are the Cats and Cocks? That’s rough living man, not that basketball has been anything to write home about lately.
98% college sports only.
Absolutely no NFL. Haven't watched a minute since the kneeling thing.
I will watch a few minutes of the NBA title series if I am flipping channels. Don't set aside time to watch it and certainly don't follow it.
Rarely watch MLB anymore either. But, might give it another shot now that the pitch clock is a thing. The other silly rule changes might ruin it for me though.
Very little golf. No hockey. ZERO soccer.
The rise of politics in professional sports has really been a turn off for me.
I watch a lot of college football. I watch some NFL, but less so than college.

I watch UK basketball and some of the NCAA tournament. I can’t tell you the last time I watched an NBA game. Probably haven’t watched a full one in over 20 years.

I watch little/no college baseball but I watch a lot of MLB (3-4 games a week).
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Nows kind of the time I pick up the NBA. But I will admit the NBA is getting a little better for the regular season, and I think the MLB is making tremendous moves to garner attention too... but it's still too difficult to tune in for regular season play.. especially when my teams blow.
There isn't a whole lot of difference between major college and pro these days with big NIL deals. That being said, I watch a lot of both pro and college football. I watch very little college basketball which I used to never miss. One and done ruined it for me. I do watch some pro basketball mostly because I am in a fantasy league. No baseball.
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There isn't a whole lot of difference between major college and pro these days with big NIL deals. That being said, I watch a lot of both pro and college football. I watch very little college basketball which I used to never miss. One and done ruined it for me. I do watch some pro basketball mostly because I am in a fantasy league. No baseball.
I’m mostly a college guy but this is super false. If you watch pro football or bball it’s on another level.
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I've never minded that college basketball isn't as "good" of a product as the NBA. I enjoy how automatic the NBA is, while also enjoying how frenetic the college game is.
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Nows kind of the time I pick up the NBA. But I will admit the NBA is getting a little better for the regular season, and I think the MLB is making tremendous moves to garner attention too... but it's still too difficult to tune in for regular season play.. especially when my teams blow.
I mostly just used to watch the NBA playoffs and keep up with UK guys in the box scores. Then back when the Warriors were first starting to get good, one of my coworkers asked me if I was going to watch the Spurs v Warriors. I told him I didn't watch much NBA outside of the playoffs, and he said that if I didn't have anything else to do, to watch the first quarter and let him know what I thought. So I watched the first quarter, the second quarter, the third and fourth quarter with the game ending (IIRC) on a long Steph Curry three at the buzzer. It was head spinning basketball and I've been hooked ever since. The amount of talent around the league is ridiculous and even during a long season, it keeps me tuning in and combined with the poor officiating and quality of play in the college game, it gets the vast majority of my basketball watching.
I’m mostly a college guy but this is super false. If you watch pro football or bball it’s on another level.
I meant the attitudes/actions of the players not the skill level. College athletes are much more mercenary than in the past. They become free agents multiple times a year when the transfer portals open and then can chase bigger NIL guarantees. I am not saying that I blame them; only that the college game has changed due to money.
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I usually watch... basketball (this is falling off and being replaced by the NBA more each year...actually noticed a big change this year from week to week...the level of play is just bad compared to the NBA and college of the not so distant past, and the officiating is, IMO, the worst in all of sports, pro or college)

...NBA (a LOT more NBA now that i've got League Pass the last 2 years) football

...some NFL (if i'm not doing anything)

...PGA (because one of my buddies is a big golf fan, i play a lot more golf than i ever have and notice myself watching it a bit more as a result)

I used to watch the tennis majors and bigger tournaments, but i find now that Federer is gone, i don't do that regularly anymore. Other than that, i'll watch UK sports (was actually watching some gymnastics last night), but that's usually limited to women's softball and volleyball.

I watch almost zero baseball of any kind and, for the most part, haven't (outside of Griffey's run for 500) since 1993.
Sports are a weird thing. It's the only form of entertainment in which a large subsection of fans enjoy a lesser product more than the greater product. Can you imagine if people wanted to listen to a singer from America's Got Talent more than Adelle, or preferred going to their local play with Doc Brown in the lead role over seeing Jack Nicholson's latest movie? That's the college sports vs. pro sports debate in a nutshell. I can still find ways to enjoy both, but I never understood the "just college" fan.
Sports are a weird thing. It's the only form of entertainment in which a large subsection of fans enjoy a lesser product more than the greater product. Can you imagine if people wanted to listen to a singer from America's Got Talent more than Adelle, or preferred going to their local play with Doc Brown in the lead role over seeing Jack Nicholson's latest movie? That's the college sports vs. pro sports debate in a nutshell. I can still find ways to enjoy both, but I never understood the "just college" fan.
My kids have very limited interest in college sports because the players/teams simply aren’t as good as the pros. Hard to argue to be honest.
My kids have very limited interest in college sports because the players/teams simply aren’t as good as the pros. Hard to argue to be honest.

My nephew couldn’t care less about college sports. He’s all in on the pros. Which is weird because my brother is like me and only cares about college sports, and his wife is a die hard UGA fan.

My niece on the other hand loves college sports.
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When college football and UK basketball are through, it’s all tennis and golf. Very tough to bet on WTA though. Most other sports have injury lists they’re required to put out. So why wouldn’t WTA officials be required to put out PMS reports for female players? I don’t want to put my hard earned money on a lady who’s going through her time of the month. Totally unfair.
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Sports are a weird thing. It's the only form of entertainment in which a large subsection of fans enjoy a lesser product more than the greater product. Can you imagine if people wanted to listen to a singer from America's Got Talent more than Adelle, or preferred going to their local play with Doc Brown in the lead role over seeing Jack Nicholson's latest movie? That's the college sports vs. pro sports debate in a nutshell. I can still find ways to enjoy both, but I never understood the "just college" fan.
One of the most entertaining basketball games I have seen was a middle school game that had a few future small college players. Not sure talent makes for better when it comes to the entertainment value of a some sports. The end of NBA games is ridiculous. The league wants to make games never out of reach. It sucks, IMO.

I also enjoy the college football game over the NFL. The variety of offenses make watching other teams more enjoyable. Other than playoff time, I cannot watch more than a quarter of most NFL games. Usually just watch a play or two. I watch multiple college games every Saturday.

Better overall talent does not mean better entertainment to me.
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Avid fan/attendee/viewer of:
NCAA Football
NCAA Hoops

The NBA died in the late 90's. The "better product" label that you see floating around about the current NBA is a farce. If shooting half of your shots from 3P at that level equates to a better product, then I am missing out. Throw in the culture, the politics, load management, etc....and that product has a lot of work to do.
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I mostly just used to watch the NBA playoffs and keep up with UK guys in the box scores. Then back when the Warriors were first starting to get good, one of my coworkers asked me if I was going to watch the Spurs v Warriors. I told him I didn't watch much NBA outside of the playoffs, and he said that if I didn't have anything else to do, to watch the first quarter and let him know what I thought. So I watched the first quarter, the second quarter, the third and fourth quarter with the game ending (IIRC) on a long Steph Curry three at the buzzer. It was head spinning basketball and I've been hooked ever since. The amount of talent around the league is ridiculous and even during a long season, it keeps me tuning in and combined with the poor officiating and quality of play in the college game, it gets the vast majority of my basketball watching.

College hoops is a disaster comparatively. If I wasn't a UK fan I would watch zero college hoops games every year. The NBA is so good right now. I have no dog in the playoff fight and have watched most of every playoff game so far. The quickness, size, athleticism is a sight to behold.
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Avid fan/attendee/viewer of:
NCAA Football
NCAA Hoops

The NBA died in the late 90's. The "better product" label that you see floating around about the current NBA is a farce. If shooting half of your shots from 3P at that level equates to a better product, then I am missing out. Throw in the culture, the politics, load management, etc....and that product has a lot of work to do.

75% of the guys who played in the 90s wouldn't make a G league roster today. If you enjoy grinding, awful offense, terrible shooting, and people getting clotheslined on drives to the hoop, 90s NBA is for you.
Aren't they pretty much the same thing now? The only difference is when they are in college they don't want to play and when they get to the pro's the want to play all the time. 🤷‍♂️
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Sports are a weird thing. It's the only form of entertainment in which a large subsection of fans enjoy a lesser product more than the greater product. Can you imagine if people wanted to listen to a singer from America's Got Talent more than Adelle, or preferred going to their local play with Doc Brown in the lead role over seeing Jack Nicholson's latest movie? That's the college sports vs. pro sports debate in a nutshell. I can still find ways to enjoy both, but I never understood the "just college" fan.
To be fair a lot of us only have so much time, I can't watch a bunch of football games on Saturday then turn around and spend all Sunday watching the NFL. Just got better things to do.
To be fair a lot of us only have so much time, I can't watch a bunch of football games on Saturday then turn around and spend all Sunday watching the NFL. Just got better things to do.
Back in the early days of Sunday Ticket, years ago, I had DTV and had it for about three years. I don’t bet. I just liked sports. I realized that I wanted to watch a lot of college football, because I enjoy it more. My wife attempts to like UK football for me. She enjoys going to the stadium, but not watching on TV so much. So, rather than just being plopped in front of the tube for the whole weekend, I picked Saturdays. And, recording the games makes it easier to watch and still get things done. I gave up my season tix this year. So, my weekends will not be as dominated.
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Back in the early days of Sunday Ticket, years ago, I had DTV and had it for about three years. I don’t bet. I just liked sports. I realized that I wanted to watch a lot of college football, because I enjoy it more. My wife attempts to like UK football for me. She enjoys going to the stadium, but not watching on TV so much. So, rather than just being plopped in front of the tube for the whole weekend, I picked Saturdays. And, recording the games makes it easier to watch and still get things done. I gave up my season tix this year. So, my weekends will not be as dominated.
I would watch maybe 1/3 of the sports I do watch if it weren't for DVR, almost every golf tournament and Reds game I tape and run through it at double time, I still have season tix to UK football and baseball, and I enjoy the live events, but hard for me to sit and watch a sports event on TV for 3 hours or more. Would rather read, play golf, talk to wife with a glass of wine in hand, or about 100 other things.
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Most college football and basketball teams have knelt at one time or another, so what are you going to do now? Sounds like you have some decisions to make.
I don't know of any college programs who have "Black Lives Matter" printed across their courts/fields and on their uniforms.
Looks like you've bought into the lie that is BLM and their idea of "social justice". Sounds like you might be a bit short on common sense.